Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Galatians 5:22-23
Meekness is a word that we rarely hear in society today.
The media does not highlight stories of meekness.
There is not “Top Ten Meekest People of the Year” award given by any magazine.
Perhaps this is because meekness is often associated with a lack of personality or strength.
Meekness, however, is not weakness.
In fact the opposite is true because uncommon strength is needed to be meek.
I have read that when the translators of our English Bible came to the Greek word praotes (meekness), they had a difficult tie agreeing on a word that adequately conveyed its meaning.
At first they considered the word weakness, but they knew that is far from accurately capturing the meaning of the word.
The true meaning relates to the practice of adding saliva to help get a firm grip on something.
In the days before batting gloves, baseball players would sometimes spit on their hands to get a batter grip on the bat.
The idea is “to add a lubricant in order to reduce friction.”
What connection does that have with Christian character?
In practice, meekness means “the ability for God’s people to negotiate among others without causing friction.”
Another definition of meekness is “a submissive and teachable spirit toward God that reveals itself in genuine consideration toward others.”
Meekness is willingness to yield, but it is never spineless.
Meekness requires that we stoop down to meet the emotional needs of others.
God uses broken things.
It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength.
It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume.
It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.
–Vance Havner
The burden lies with each of us to get along with everyone.
It doesn’t matter if we feel they are broken and beyond repair, we are to realize that nothing is beyond God’s repair.
Our job is to add that lubrication, meekness to the relationship.
Our purpose is not to judge or condemn, it is to restore him to his former standing in fellowship with Christ.
The tool for th is is the spirit of meekness.
Jesus Himself was meek.
How do you treat the people who provide service to you?
Waitresses, salesperson, etc.
The Origin of Meekness
Not from my Adamic nature!
A. Meekness is Produced by the Holy Spirit
The meek will learn of God.
You will not learn this from humanism, or from this world, you will only learn it from God!
In this self-willed day, meekness is something that must be imparted by the Holy Spirit.
Two wives were doing their laundry at a Laundromat.
They were both mending their husbands’ pants.
One wife said, “My husband is so miserable.
Nothing goes right at work, and he can’t find anything good on television.
Our home is a place of despair.
When we go to church, the song leader is terrible and the Pastor is an idiot.”
The other wife said “My husband is so excited.
He can’t wait to go to church.
He loves the sermons.
We laugh all the time and enjoy our family.”
It got very quiet in the laundry room as the women continued sewing the pants.
Suddenly, they realized the first wife was patching the seat of the pants, and the other was patching the knees.
2. The meek will be supplied by God.
The axe cannot boast of the trees it has cut down.
It could do nothing but for the woodsman.
He made it, he sharpened it, he used it.
The moment he throws it aside, it becomes only old iron.
O that I may never lose sight of this.
Samuel Brengle
B. Meekness Is Praised by Jesus
A missionary in Jamaica was once questioning some little boys on the meaning of Matthew 5:5 and asked, “who are the meek?”
A boy answered, “Those who give soft answers to rough questions.”
We shall do well to remember this child’s definition.
To trust Christ as Saviour requires meekness.
One day those who have trusted Him will reign with Him.
The Origin of Meekness
The Operation of Meekness
The operation, or service, of a Christian manifests itself in gentle spirit.
A. Properly Responds in Difficulty
We cannot control the actions of others, but we can control our response to them by the power of the Spirit.
Gentleness diffuses a bad temper.
Meekness is the strength to back away from a fight you could win.
B. Properly Responds in Marriage
A man once said, “I married Miss Right.
I just didn’t know her first name was Always.”
Meekness is the ability to disagree agreeably.
First-grader Melanie had announced that she was engaged to marry the young gentleman next door, but the engagement was broken abruptly.
“Why aren’t you going to marry Danny?” asked Melanie’s mother, with a twinkle in her eye.
“Well,” she replied loftily, “he just isn’t ready for marriage yet.
And besides that, he scribbled in my coloring book.”
C. Properly Responds in Witnessing
Christians cannot win spiritual battles in the flesh.
Our spirit in ministry must not be argumentative.
Story of Henry Ford stopping to help a man with a broken down Ford.
The Origin of Meekness
The Operation of Meekness
The Opportunity of Meekness
A. To Reveal Christ in You
B. To Reflect the Word of God in You
1. Meekness causes us to receive the Word
A meek person is teachable.
However, a person who cannot admit any mistakes in life will end up a lonely person.
2. Meekness causes us to live the Word
C. To Receive the Reward from God
God esteems meekness.
Jesus is the ultimate example of meekness.
When He endured the torment of Calvary, He still had all the power of His earthly ministry.
He was still capable of raising the dead, healing the blind, and mending the hurting.
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