11.28.21 Our Purpose: A New yet Old Commandment
Harborcreek Community Church, 11.28.21
Our Purpose: “An Old Yet New Commandment”
I John 2:7-14
The greatest evidence of Christian love is an ever-increasing desire to go spiritually deeper and live it out personally.
The Apostle whom Jesus loved gives us a lesson on “love.”
Consider LOVE- the Old, the New and the Evidence:
I. The Old- 2:7
A. It was a commandment from the beginning- Deuteronomy 6:4, 5
B. It was a commitment that accompanied salvation - Jesus stated this requirement to a lawyer.
(Luke 10)
II. The New- 2:8
A. Not a precept but a person- “So the newness is not in the command to love, but in the perfect manifestation of love in the person of Christ.” (J. MacArthur)
B. Not a ‘have to’ but a ‘want to’-obedience paves the way for love and the greater we love the deeper the desire to more obedience. (II Corinthians 5:17 and 1 John 4:19)
III. The Evidence-
A. The connection between love and light
B. The connection between hate and darkness
C. The connection between knowing, growing and overcoming
John gives us a progression of characteristics that produce growth:
1) Know- “your sins are forgiven"
2) Know- “Him who is from the beginning”
3) Know- “you have overcome the evil one.”
Take Away for Today-
Jesus greatest message ever given was not in speech but in action.
John 13:15
“For I have given you an example, that you also
should do just as I have done to you.”
Faith Sheet:
1. How can God be loving if He commands obedience from His people?
2. Is it possible to rightly love others without a true love for God? How does John shed light on this question?
3. How is John’s command to love one another both old and new? How does this give weight to John’s argument?
4. What are some examples of love that you see throughout the Scriptures? How is Jesus the perfect example of love for one another?
5. Why is hatred for a brother contrary to love for God? What does such hatred expose about our hearts?
6. How can you live out love for others in such a way that reveals your knowledge of and love for God?