Wedding sermonett for Dwayne Antonio Johnson & Shanika Jadine Clarke

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LaRondelle Sermons (Wedding Sermon)
When two people want to recognize the Creator in their marriage vows, they call on Him as the Third Partner in their marriage. They approach God’s Presence to make a public covenant not only with each other, but with God Himself as their Third Partner. The wedding covenant is therefore a sacred one. It means much more than a fragile human contract between two people! In a true wedding we have to do with the Creator of all life who is faithful to His word, and who expects faithfulness in return.
The origin of marriage
It is fitting therefore to reflect a moment on marriage as it was planned by the Creator from the start. The book of Genesis describes how God formed both man and woman “in His own image.” It says: “male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27). This implies that both are endowed with the same dignity and worth in His eyes.He also gave both the same commission of trust and accountability: to take care of the Garden of Eden and “to rule over the works of His hands” (Gen 1:26; Ps 8:6)). Together men and women are placed in charge of all life in the world.We can learn more about marriage when we consider how it all began.Genesis tells that after God had made Adam, He said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him’ ” (Gen 2:18, NIV). The NRSV translates the last phrase much clearer with: “I will make him a helper as his partner.” God discerned that man needs a suitable helper as his partner in life.This partnership does not suggest any subordination or hierarchy but rather friends who stand at each other’s side to complement each other. Solomon mentions just one benefit: “Two are better than one, … for if one falls down, his friend can help him up” (Eccl. 4:9, 10). This kind of “helping” goes far beyond the goal of procreating children. It points to a commitment to stay together, to a mutual support in a loving and lasting companionship. In this respect it is meaningful how God made the first female from one of Adam’s ribs. Matthew Henry offers some depth of understanding:• Not made out of his head to top him, not out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved (in WBC 1:69).The Lord God not only made the woman, He also introduced her to Adam as his wife. God thus created marriage as a creation ordinance.When Adam saw her, he became so excited he could only sing for joy! The first words spoken by him are words of poetry. In ecstasy he called her “woman,” happy to find in her a perfect soul mate, one of his own bone and flesh (Gen 2:23). Now his joy was complete!Genesis adds a note of importance: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh” (2:24, NIV). The NRSV translates better: “Therefore a man … clings to his wife.” This phrase suggests that both passion and permanence should characterize marriage. God intends a wedding to be a covenant making between a man and a woman before God that will reflect God’s own faithfulness to humankind!• God thus created marriage not simply for procreation purposes but to form committed companions who will support each other at all times, who will work together as equal partners, who bring fulfillment to each other as long as life will last, and who will be a blessing also to others.In this way God wants to create His own happiness into humankind and to carry the happiness of Paradise into the future. Marriage is thus both a gift and a calling from the same Creator. It must be cultivated carefully, which takes effort, determination, and the grace of forgiveness.• It is good to remember that God is graciously tolerant with us and believes that we are worth His sacrifice and efforts to bring us in an everlasting bond with Him!
I will briefly share some guidelines that help to cultivate a maturing and lasting marriage.
1)Keep an open communication!
Communication is essential for any successful partnership. But it is indispensable for a maturing marriage relationship. Even when you see or feel things differently, the line of communication must stay open to prevent alienation. Do not give each other the silent treatment, because it is counterproductive.Spouses need to reserve time to be together on a daily basis; some time to spend together in talk, in eating, and in play, but also in cultural enjoyment and development.Speak softly to each other from heart to heart, that is what soul mates do. Pray not only in the loneliness of your heart to God, but pray also together.Read the Bible also together; sing together in the worship services. Times of communicating together should not be left to chance, but must be reserved and cultivated as a good habit so you can grow in a closer intimacy and mutual appreciation.
2) Express appreciation of your spouse
Love treats the other spouse as one of great value and dignity. Such respectful love is shown by attentively listening to the other, and by expressing sincere appreciation for the help and contributions of the spouse.Reassure each other daily of your mutual love. That will never be boring but is rather refreshing for the soul and brings the reward of re-commitment to each other. Say something nice to each other every day!
3) Respect the “holy circle” around your marriage
Keep private things within the holy circle of your marriage. Some matters of trust should remain between the spouses to safeguard the trust relationship. That belongs to faithfulness to each other, and is part of your covenant faithfulness.• God compares Himself with a husband who is jealously guarding His marriage relationship with His chosen people. Therefore He requests from His covenant people: “You shall have no other gods before me!”
4) Share common interests
Share your new experiences or discoveries with each other, so you can enrich the other spouse and grow together in wisdom, or carry the burdens together. Learn what is important to the other spouse, so you can help each other better. Marriages don’t just happen. They need careful cultivation through sharing all your pursuits of happiness.
5) Willingness to agree with each other
No one can think exactly alike to another. There will always be different viewpoints of the same matter. But in all differences of opinion, let the agreement to love and respect each other always prevail! Love is the will to be together!To be compatible for a lifetime, both need to learn to agree more than to disagree. What the prophet Amos asked of Israel long ago also counts for a maturing marriage: “Do two walk together unless they agreed to do so?” (Am 3:3).In a higher sense, this process takes place when we walk with God and yield our hearts to Him day by day. When we come closer to our Heavenly Father, we also come closer to each other. Such a close fellowship is the essence of a happy marriage.
May our divine Lord and Redeemer bless you with His eternal love and grace!WHAT DO WE KNOW
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