Caring Friends

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Caring Friends

Mark 2:1-11

Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

This is a great text for today out of the Gospel of Mark! I love this text because of the compassion of the friends for the paralyzed man and seeing the mercy and grace of Jesus to not only help this man but also heal him physically and spiritually. This story is a great picture of our relationship as Christians to the world. We are to help people, physically and spiritually, to ultimately see Jesus.

The world has all kinds of ways to provide care. We have doctors and counselors, books and TV shows, but we as Christians have much more. We have the love of God that rules in our hearts and minds that allows us to provide the ultimate care, the care of Jesus to the world. “Distinctively Christian Care” is what Stephen Ministry uses as the term for what we can offer.

Let me take a moment to talk about Stephen Ministry. Stephen Ministry is a ministry trains individuals to provide quality one on one care to people who are in need because of life’s difficulties. If some one is facing a terminal illness or disability, if someone has just lost a loved one or a job, if someone has moved or has become homebound; these are the situations that a Stephen Minister can come in and provide long-term care through listening and being present for the person as they deal with the conflict. It is a great ministry that not only provides care but also backs it up with good training.

In Stephen Ministry we are trained with a concept that I think is vital for us today to learn as we think about the unique tools God has give us to care for the world. That idea is – We are caregivers God is the cure giver. Ultimately the change that occurs in others, the ability to overcome crisis, true healing only comes from God. Ponder this idea; it can really help you as you think about caring for others. Often we don’t care for others because we are afraid that we don’t have the answers or can solve somebody’s dilemma. God lifts that burden from us and tells us “Just care for others and leave the cure giving to Me.” A burden is lifted and a responsibility is give. We care God cures.

So, what are the unique tools we have as Christians to help the world? Here are three important ones I would like to highlight, God’s comforting Word, Prayer, and Forgiveness.

God’s Word is a vital tool to our care for others. True comfort only comes from God and that comfort is heard through His Word. Often at a funeral we read the 23rd Psalm. Why? Because thinking of God as our Shepherd and knowing that He guided us through the valleys is comforting to us as we grieve. God’s Word is filled with comfort how God loves us and cares for us and wants the best for us. We can share these words with a world that has neglected or forgotten them.

How can we share God’s Word effectively? Our text gives us a clue. Begin with the physical need. The friends used whatever means possible to get this man to Jesus. The carried him, lifted him to the roof and let him down in front of Jesus. The paralyzed man must have trusted his friends because he knew they could take care of his physical needs. And when the time was right, they led him to Jesus. As you care for people pray that God will give you the opportunity to share His Word at the right time – and God will answer that prayer. There are all kinds of physical care we can give to others but the greatest gift we can give is our time. I have a friend here from Stephen Ministry, a little stuffed dog. He is wearing a shirt that says, “Stephen Ministers are

loyal.” A Stephen Minister is trained that their very presence on a regular basis is of great value. The same can be said of all Christians. People know you care when you are present in their lives.

The second tool is prayer. We have a God who promises to listen to us and answer our prayers according to His good and gracious will. Why not turn to God in prayer. If we believe that we are caregivers and God is the cure giver then why not turn over our concerns, troubles, and conflicts to God in prayer. It is a powerful tool. Often I have opportunity to visit people in the hospital or who are sick. There is not much they can do but accept their situation. But we can pray. After a prayer I often sense a feeling of relief and comfort in the person I have prayed for. I have had only one person not want a prayer in the many times I have asked. People want to know that they can release their burdens on God and prayer is a great tool God has give to us to do just that. But maybe you can’t pray with that person or are not available to pray in person. You can still pray for them in private. God hears all our prayer. Prayer directs us to the One who can help us. We can offer prayer to the world as a way to care for others.

The third tool is forgiveness. Other religions may claim to have a sacred word or prayer. But only the Bible tells us where true healing comes from – the forgiveness offered through Jesus Christ. The power of forgiveness to cure and heal is tremendous. Sin has broken our holy and wholly relationship with God. And that sin destroys us; it is the cause of all our troubles. God is the cure giver in that He cared for us so much that He sent His Son to live and die for us and rise again so that we can be restored and forgiven. I think one of the greatest “ailments” in our world is guilt driven by our realizing that we can’t do what we should and that we fail often. We can offer God’s cure for that guilt and brokenness – forgiveness through Jesus. It is a powerful tool but it is our message to the world – God has forgiven you!

We have the unique tools of God’s Word, Prayer and Forgiveness that we can offer to a world that is broken and hurting. God has called us to care for those around us – and we know who is hurting and in need of help. He promises us that He will work through us to provide His cure. Maybe we have the ability to care for people who need lots of care, like the paralyzed man, use God’s strength to provide care. But maybe we have other skills. Maybe some of you have a way with words; you can comfort people by sharing God’s Word. Maybe some of you are good listeners. You can provide that listening ear that can channel a person’s concerns to God and allow God to provide healing. Maybe some of you are good with your hands and can serve in many ways, God can use to provide care and be a witness to God’s healing through you loving acts. God can use you to care for the world.

2 Corinthians 1 states, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, ESV) [1] We who have received care, and continue to, can then provide care and comfort to others because God ahs been there for us. Ponder this verse for a while, I think it has profound meaning for us as we care for others.

Finally, back to our Stephen Ministry. Do you know of someone who needs one on one care? You can provide care by referring them to our Stephen Ministry program. Our program only works when you are the eyes and ears of Jesus and see people who are hurting and can bring them to get the care they need. We have trained our Stephen Ministers, you will see them Commissioned on April 13th, but until they have someone to care for, they won’t be fulfilling their calling. And until you bring someone who is hurting you will not be caring for him or her as well. I don’t mean to say this to bring about guilt, but to let you know that we are all called to share the love of God, which means love our neighbors and take care of them. If you know someone who is hurting or maybe you are yourself, and you believe a Stephen Minister can help contact the church office or see one of our brochures that takes about referring someone to get help. The best care you can bring is the love of Jesus.

Stephen Ministry is a powerful way we can care for others but all our ministries, Youth Groups, Childhood Ministries, ChristCare Groups, LWML, etc…. can provide care for each other as we shine God’s love and bring people to see Jesus. What a privilege we have! My prayer is that we are a congregation that finds ways to provide quality care that is distinctively Christian as we come in contact with the hurting people of our world. The best care you can bring is the love of Jesus. Be a caring Christian friend and allow God to work His cure in the world. Amen


[1] The Holy Bible : English standard version. 2001 (electronic ed.). Wheaton: Good News Publishers.

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