Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
All right.
Good morning.
And open your Bibles to Isaiah, chapter 40.
Brandy looking at verses 6 through 8th.
That is Isaiah chapter.
40 verses 6 through 8, we're continuing our series titled, who we are and the name of this or rather.
The aim of this short series is to be an encouragement and reminder of who we are, why this congregation exists and what we are to Proclaim and live and the subject we come to this morning is that of the word of God and I, or the instrument of the word, we are a church that is radically committed to using Gods.
Ordained means his chosen instruments to do the work that he calls us to do.
Let me say it again.
Here's the theme of this sermon.
We are church, that is radically committed to using Gods.
Ordained means his chosen instruments to do the work that he calls us to do.
You know, they're there are many congregations that have many different ideas about what the church should do.
Many congregations, do many different things.
In the name of church growth remaining relevant in the 21st century.
Attracting people making church services more captivating and having an authentic worship experience.
Even read that on Church website, cringey stuff.
Many many churches have have.
They do many things in the name of keeping children interested and engaged in the face.
Assisting spiritual growth of Christians and getting people to quote make a decision for Christ.
I think they will try to create as I just sat an authentic worship experience by using loud repetitive music and a light show and a Darkly lit room because that's how you engage people that used to be this church.
By the way.
I'm not necessarily pointing fingers in a mean-spirited way ride, this hits us too.
But I'm going to try to have some kind of emotional manipulation atmospheric experience.
They'll have skits and plays during the worship service because they believe that, that will communicate the truth.
More effectively than a sermon, they'll, they'll refuse to preach Doctrine.
And will instead have preachers sit at a table and tell stories that will just really hit home with people and make them more relevant.
Don't refuse to take communion regularly because it's too churchy and Whalley and eight new visitors, don't do silly sermon series.
Like at the movies, instead of preaching through portions of scripture because preaching through books of the Bible is boring.
Do have youth groups that are essentially little parties each week with a Bible verse read at the end because that's how you engage the children.
Write a note on their Pulpit area.
You've seen this.
I'm sure turn the pulpit area into a basketball court or a horse ring or a stage show or some other gimmick, that's meant to visitors and get them to come back, right?
Or doing Outreach.
That is mainly just making friends and merely doing good works.
Instead of preaching the gospel to unbelievers because they believe if you offend Sinners that they will certainly never come to your church.
There are all kinds of ideas for what the church should be doing and how we should be doing things.
That's my point that I'm getting out of here.
There are books magazines, websites and classes that you can check out that will give you all kinds of gimmicks and ideas for what you should do to grow your church and and and it's Ministries and keep people engaged.
I get emails for it all the time.
Right, it did.
There is just a multimillion-dollar market for this kind of stuff, and professing Evangelical Christians buy into it without ever questioning, its validity, according to God.
But the real question is, are those things biblical?
Or to put it another way, are those things and buy things.
I mean, those techniques those events all that stuff.
Are those memes?
Are those means what God has ordained at his church.
Should use.
Or we can put it this way or question, should be this.
What has God given to his people?
That we are to use to do what he has commanded us to do.
He's commanded us at his church, to make disciples to lead people to Christ for salvation to help one another to grow into spiritual maturity.
He has called us to instruct our children in the faith and help one another to persevere to the end.
That's a tall order to that and and more.
But what instruments has God given to his church to do all of this work?
What has God promised to bless?
What has he given us to use?
The answer is this.
Turn on the front, end the word and the sacraments.
That's what God has given to us.
By the way, sacraments is just a fancy word for baptism and the Lord's.
Supper the word in the sacraments.
Those are God's appointed means for his church.
Those are the things or again theological language.
These are the instruments that God has given to his people, by which we are to do all that he has commanded us to do.
He is giving us his word water, Bread and Wine and he's giving us those things with his Almighty blessing that they will accomplish, or rather.
He will accomplish his work through them.
Let's go one step further right now.
Have time to explain this.
If you want to challenge this.
I'll talk to you after the service is over.
This sacraments baptism in the Lord's.
Supper are really just the word of God made visible to our senses.
That's what the sacraments are.
That's why you must receive them by faith because they are invisible word.
Keeping that in mind.
Then we can refine our answer even further.
What means has God given us.
He's giving us his word.
He's given us the word of God.
That is his appointed means that the church is to use to accomplish the work of God.
And that's what I aim to show you this morning from the word of God itself.
So again, the church is to use the word of God to do the work of God.
And it is the word alone that God has blessed and promised that he will use to accomplish all of his purposes in the church, and I'm going old school this morning.
I'm going to use for headings.
If you've ever read a Puritan sermon, that's how I'm doing it this morning.
I'm going to show you this truth using for headings this morning.
One the permanence of the word.
Heading number to the power of the word.
Heading number 3, the sufficiency of the word.
Heading number for God's promise concerning his word.
So that's where we're going this morning.
And as with the last few weeks, I will be looking at many different portions of scripture to see these things for going to be jumping off from Isaiah chapter 40 verses 6 through 8th.
That said if you wouldn't are able please stand with me now for the reading of the inspired inerrant and infallible word of God.
Isaiah chapter 40 verses 6 through 8.
A voice says cry.
And I said, what shall I Cry?
All flesh is grass and all its beauty is like the flower of the field, the grass withers.
The flower Fades, when the breath of the Lord blows on it.
< .5
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