Series 1 PETER: Hope & Holiness in a Hostile World | Week Eight
This week we end our series on 1 Peter with a bang. This is because, as a community, we have the enormous privilege of celebrating two profession of faith’s and two eldership installations – both things that also coincide well with what the Apostle Peter wants to teach us in his closing words. This week we will be exploring humility within the church community, and what ought to motivate us to pursue this Godly trait – that is, the amazing hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his coming Glory. Peter also gets practical, teaching us what this humility means for elders who oversee God’s flock, and for both the younger and the community at large who also are to act with humility. Lastly, we will be learning why humility is such an urgent call for the Christian in the first place, especially when we live in a culture that, arguably, could be said to have “quite a mixed relationship” with the genuine pursuit of humility.