I Can't Keep It To My Self!

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Isaiah 63:7-14

Isaiah 63:7–14 (NLT)
Praise for Deliverance
7 I will tell of the Lord’s unfailing love.
I will praise the Lord for all he has done.
I will rejoice in his great goodness to Israel,
which he has granted according to his mercy and love.
8 He said, “They are my very own people.
Surely they will not betray me again.”
And he became their Savior.
9 In all their suffering he also suffered,
and he personally rescued them.
In his love and mercy he redeemed them.
He lifted them up and carried them
through all the years.
10 But they rebelled against him
and grieved his Holy Spirit.
So he became their enemy
and fought against them.
11 Then they remembered those days of old
when Moses led his people out of Egypt.
They cried out, “Where is the one who brought Israel through the sea,
with Moses as their shepherd?
Where is the one who sent his Holy Spirit
to be among his people?
12 Where is the one whose power was displayed
when Moses lifted up his hand—
the one who divided the sea before them,
making himself famous forever?
13 Where is the one who led them through the bottom of the sea?
They were like fine stallions
racing through the desert, never stumbling.
14 As with cattle going down into a peaceful valley,
the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest.
You led your people, Lord,
and gained a magnificent reputation.”
When something good happens to you you can’t wait to tell as many people as possible . When we were first in love, we told everyone. First married had to tell everyone about our love. Because it wasn’t no man or woman like this one. Those who have children is the same. Each time you gave birth you had to tell of the story of the significance of their birth. You may have told the story of how you made it through a college exam that no one thought you would get out of not even God. Perhaps you achieved that something in life that you could not figure out how it was going to happen i.e, purchasing your first home, new car, going on a lifetime vacation, paying off a debt, or even moving into retirement.
Maybe the doctor came and diagnosed you with an unfavorable report. But, you are here today that God is a healer. You may have been caught in a bad relationship that you question not only if you would get out of it with your mind in tact but also alive. God is good to us in so many ways and sometimes we forget what our responses should be on the regular. We keep good news to ourselves and pass the bad stuff on. When it should be the opposite. Each day God opens our eyes and grants us another opportunity, new mercies, new possibilities, new to live that’s our cue that we are to praise Him. Praise him in not only what He’s done but what He’s going to do. We have to get up believing what he says will happen. The local newspaper and news broadcasts tells us what’s happened and usually its more bad than good . But, the Word of God tells us what’s going to happen.
In the face of my enemies he tells us in Ps. 27; Though a host encamp all around me they stumbled and failed.
In the face of those who tell you what you cannot do something- Ph. 4:13 “ For I can do everything through Jesus Christ who gives me the strength”
Everything that God does is good. It’s reasons and rationale is far greater than ours. We don’t have to understand it all but it’s still good.
I do not fully understand why we as a black people have had to suffer under the brutality of the middle passage, slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, White Citizen Council, lynchings, Racial Riots, bombings of churches and homes, businesses, segregation of resources for schools and neighborhoods, the mis-education of our people, economic suppression and oppression of black people. I do not understand why to be black or brown in this country is to be looked upon as if you’re less than in the site of God. Why we have had to have amendments added to the US Constitution allowing us the same rights as those of our white brothers and sisters. But, down in my heart I still believe God is in charge and He’s going to work it out for the good of them that love the Lord.
We have a story and that story is being given to us by God from the moments we touched the Caribbean Islands, Bahamas, Brazil, Haiti, and Jamestown. We have something to tell. Our faith did not shrink because we felt God had forsaken us but our story keeps on getting stronger because of what and how is working through us day by day.

The author of this book was Isaiah the son of Amoz (Isa. 1:1). The name “Isaiah” means “Yahweh is salvation.” Though more is known about Isaiah than most of the other writing prophets, the information on him is still scanty. Probably Isaiah resided in Jerusalem and had access to the royal court. According to tradition he was a cousin of King Uzziah but no firm evidence exists to support this. He did have personal contact with at least two of Judah’s kings who were David’s descendants (7:3; 38:1; 39:3).

Isaiah was married (8:3). He had two sons, Shear-Jashub (7:3) and Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz (8:3). Some have supposed from Isaiah’s commissioning (chap. 6) that he was a priest, but no evidence in the book supports this.

The year of Isaiah’s death is unknown but it was probably after Hezekiah’s death in 686 B.C. (and therefore probably in Manasseh’s sole reign, 686–642) because Isaiah wrote a biography of King Hezekiah (2 Chron. 32:32). Isaiah’s death would have occurred after Sennacherib’s death (Isa. 37:38), which was in 681 B.C. Since the prophet’s ministry began sometime in Uzziah’s reign (790–739 B.C.) Isaiah ministered for at least 58 years (from at least 739, when Uzziah died [6:1], to 681, when Sennacherib died).

According to tradition dating from the second century A.D., Isaiah was martyred by King Manasseh. Justin Martyr (ca. A.D. 100–165) wrote that Isaiah was sawed asunder with a saw (cf. Heb. 11:37).

Isaiah. The Hebrew prophet of the 8th cent. bc He exercised influence at the court of the kings of Judah, and took a prominent part esp. in foreign politics. Called to the prophetic office in the year of King Uzziah’s death (c. 740; Is. 6:1), he continued his prophetic work till the Assyrian invasion of Judah in 701 bc Tradition relates his death by martyrdom in the reign of Manasseh (c. 690–c. 640).
In his teaching Isaiah followed *Amos and *Hosea in asserting the supremacy of *Yahweh, the God of Israel, and in emphasizing His moral demands on His worshippers. He laid special stress on the Divine holiness (ch. 6), giving to this conception a strong ethical content.

The prophet is here, in the name of the church, taking a review, and making a thankful recognition, of God’s dealings with his church all along, ever since he founded it, before he comes, in the latter end of this chapter and in the next, as a watchman upon the walls, earnestly to pray to God for his compassion towards her in her present deplorable state; and it was usual for God’s people, in their prayers, thus to look back.

I. Here is a general acknowledgment of God’s goodness to them all along, v. 7. It was said, in general, of God’s prophets and people (ch. 62:6) that they made mention of the Lord; now here we are told what it is in God that they do especially delight to make mention of, and that is his goodness, which the prophet here so makes mention of as if he thought he could never say enough of it. He mentions the kindness of God (which never appeared so evident, so eminent, as in his love to mankind in sending his Son to save us, Tit. 3:4), his loving-kindness, kindness that shows itself in every thing that is endearing; nay, so plenteous are the springs, and so various the streams, of divine mercy, that he speaks of it in the plural number—his loving-kindnesses; for, if we would count the fruits of his loving-kindness, they are more in number than the sand. With his loving-kindnesses he mentions his praises, that is, the thankful acknowledgments which the saints make of his loving-kindness, and the angels too. It must be mentioned, to God’s honour, what a tribute of praise is paid to him by all his creatures in consideration of his loving-kindness. See how copiously he speaks, 1. Of the goodness that is from God, the gifts of his loving-kindness—all that the Lord has bestowed on us in particular, relating to life and godliness, in our personal and family capacity. Let every man speak for himself, speak as he has found, and he must own that he has had a great deal bestowed upon him by the divine bounty. But we must also mention the favours bestowed upon his church, his great goodness towards the house of Israel, which he has bestowed on them. Note, We must bless God for the mercies enjoyed by others as well as for those enjoyed by ourselves, and reckon that bestowed on ourselves which is bestowed on the house of Israel. 2. Of the goodness that is in God. God does good because he is good; what he bestowed upon us must be traced up to the original; it is according to his mercies (not according to our merits) and according to the multitude of his loving-kindnesses, which can never be spent. Thus we should magnify God’s goodness, and speak honourably of it, not only when we plead it (as David, Ps. 51:1), but when we praise it.

II. Here is particular notice taken of the steps of God’s mercy to Israel ever since it was formed into a nation.

God in His own way and time delivered Israel out of their perilous situations and in fact brought them to a place of rest, a place of protection, providence and provision. This is the same way He’s doing for us in our day in time. He wants us to turn into a combustion of flames and spread the good news of what He’s done for us and is doing for us right now. They did not always follow the commands of God whether through his Prophets, Prophetess, Priests, Angelic visits, laws, Rabbis. He constantly had to chastise them. They beame hard headed and filled with complaints.
When they were in captivity in Egypt and Moses met with Pharoah about what God told him to do Pharoah became irate and decreed them to make Bricks with out straw.... Complaining people...
When they were finally leaving Egypt and got to the Red Sea. Pharaoh's army was closing in close behind and the Red Sea in front. Moses heard the complaints where there no graves in Egypt. As if God didn’t have a way out plan.
God always has a way out plan. He may not come like you want him to but He always has a away out.

One day the widow of a member of the group of prophets came to Elisha and cried out, “My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the LORD. But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves.”

2 “What can I do to help you?” Elisha asked. “Tell me, what do you have in the house?”

“Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil,” she replied.

3 And Elisha said, “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors. 4 Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.”

5 So she did as she was told. Her sons kept bringing jars to her, and she filled one after another. 6 Soon every container was full to the brim!

“Bring me another jar,” she said to one of her sons.

“There aren’t any more!” he told her. And then the olive oil stopped flowing.

7 When she told the man of God what had happened, he said to her, “Now sell the olive oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on what is left over.”

God always has a way out plan!!!!!
I can’t keep it to myself!
RQ: What do we see here in this text? Why was it that the prophet could not keep what God had done to himself?
I.He had to tell of the Lord’s Unfailing love.
Isaiah writes The question, Who is this coming out of Edom? perhaps means the same with that which Joshua put to the same person when he appeared to him with his sword drawn (Jos. 5:13): Art thou for us or for our adversaries? Or, rather, the same with that which Israel put in a way of adoration (Ex. 15:11): Who is a God like unto thee? 2. The other question it, “Wherefore art thou red in thy apparel? What hard service hast thou been engaged in, that thou carriest with thee these marks of toil and danger?” Is it possible that one who has such majesty and terror in his countenance should be employed in the mean and servile work of treading the wine-press? Surely it is not. That which is really the glory of the Redeemer seems, primâ facie—at first, a disparagement to him, as it would be to a mighty prince to do the work of the wine-dressers and husbandmen; for he took upon him the form of a servant, and carried with him the marks of servitude.
He tells who he is: I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. He is the Saviour. God was Israel’s Saviour out of the hand of their oppressors; the Lord Jesus is ours; his name, Jesus, signifies a Saviour, for he saves his people from their sins. In the salvation wrought he will have us to take notice, (1.) Of the truth of his promise, which is therein performed: He speaks in righteousness, and will therefore make good every word that he has spoken with which he will have us to compare what he does, that, setting the word and the work the one over against the other, what he does may ratify what he has said and what he has said may justify what he does. (2.) Of the efficacy of his power, which is therein exerted: He is mighty to save, able to bring about the promised redemption, whatever difficulties and oppositions may lie in the way of it.
God through his love sent Jesus who did not leave you where life left you. Life left us in despair but Jesus saved us by His blood shed on Calvary and gave us a destiny.
Life left us dissapointed by but Jesus appointed us to a brand new lease on life, he made us into Christian men and woman out of us. Called us from a life of sin to salvation.
Life may have wrecked some of us and left us low - lower than the foot print of an ant. But, Jesus lifted us.. from the suffering and sinful shame.
I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply stained within seeking to rise no more but the master of the sea, heard my despairing cry. From the waters he lifted me now safe am I.
Love lifted me, Love lifted me when nothing else could help love lifted me.
That’s what he does he lifts us when were down, Lifts us when we are in misery, Lifts us when we’re sick, lifts us when we are discouraged, lifts us when we’ve been abused, hurt, attacked, misunderstood, falsely accused. When you’re friends turn their backs on. When your’re family has plotted against you/ He lifts us!
RQ: What do we see here in this text? Why was it that the prophet told the people they could not keep what God had done to themselves?
I. Tell of the Lord’s Unfailing love.
II. Tell of the Lord’s Great Goodness.
The prophet Isaiah tells of the Lord Great good ness because God (YWYEH) He gains the victory purely by his own strength: I have trodden the wine-press alone, v. 3. When God delivered his people and destroyed their enemies, if he made use of instruments, he did not need them. But among his people, for whom the salvation was to be wrought, no assistance offered itself; they were weak and helpless, and had no ability to do any thing for their own relief; they were desponding and listless, and had no heart to do any thing; they were not disposed to give the least stroke or struggle for liberty, neither the captives themselves nor any of their friends for them (v. 5): “I looked, and there was none to help, as one would have expected, nothing of a bold active spirit appeared among them; nay, there was not only none to lead, but, which was more strange, there was none to uphold, none that would come in as a second, therefore my arm brought about the salvation; not by created might or power. God can help when all other helpers fail; nay, that is his time to help, and therefore for that very reason he will put forth his own power so much the more gloriously.
This is most fully applicable to Christ’s victories over our spiritual enemies, which he obtained by a single combat. He trod the wine-press of his Father’s wrath alone, and triumphed over principalities and powers in himself, Col. 2:15. Of the people there was none with him; for, when he entered the lists with the powers of darkness, all his disciples forsook him and fled. There was none to help, none that could, none that durst; and he might well wonder that among the children of men, whose concern it was, there was not only none to uphold, but that there were so many to oppose and hinder it if they could.
Without God we have no true power. Sure we have our own strength but it is no match for spiritual things that are constantly attacking. With what we are seeing in this wicked cruel world in which we live. Many of us thought that when we as a peolple have lived through the senseless assassinations of JFK, RFK, MLK, Medgar Evers ,Malcom X not to even scratch the surface . But then to turn around and witness the senseless killings of
Sam DuBose, Cincy) an unarmed black motorist, during a 2015 traffic stop.
Rashard Brooks 27 Atl. In a weaponless altercation
Geroge Floyd 46 Minnesota
Breona Taylor 27 Louisville
Atatiauna 28 Miami
Michael Brown 18 St. Louis
We have some power as a people and Satan as some power. But God has all power. He’s got power to stamp out forces that would try and destroy us if they could. We saw on January 6, 2021 what will live in history forever as did the War of 1812 when the British attacked US Capitol. The acts of White Supremacy, racist hate groups and the like is and shall forever be a reminder that we are still hated by those who smile in our face when they are one on one but when they get together they resurrect their hatred beliefs against anyone who doesn’t look, think , believe in a debased, dejected, debauchery, demonic mind set. They put their trust in the biggest demon and con man in Post Modern history, Donald Trump. He should never be thought of as a president because all of his actions and behavior spoke loudly that he wasn’t.
We see that Mr. Joseph R Biden was running seeking the nomination for POTUS. He has only one problem. He’s down in the polls in all the needed Super Tuesdays. Mr. Biden Called a black man by the name of James Clyburn a Congressman from the state of South Carolina. Congressman Clyburn took the call and went back to the streets and cleared his voice as if God gave him a megaphone for all of Black South Carolinias to hear. He said let’s put him in and Black Carolinians showed up and came to the rescue. The rest is history. Biden whens the nomination, selects the first black and asian female(HBCU) graduate as his running mate and wins the election. He made a promise to the Black people of this country. I won’t get you. You helped me when I needed it most and I will return the deed. I got a feeling that Black woman next to him in that white house will not let him forget it.
We are God’s people and his great goodness is all around us. Just think what the Lord has done for you .
I can’t keep it to my self. Someone knows him to be a doctor in the sick room. Somebody knows him to be a lawyer in a court room. Someone knows he will put food on your table. Someone know’s what it means to be down to your last dime and he steps in right on time. Someone knows that Jesus cares for you like none other. Someone knows that He’s still making a way out of noway. Somebody knows that trouble doesn’t last always. That if it wasn’t for the goodness of the Lord. What prayer would you be praying today. What sermon would you be preaching to day. What joy you would not have today. What strength you wouldn’t have today.
Tell of His Goodness- Because you just can’t keep it to yourself
RQ: What do we see here in this text? Why was it that the prophet told the people they could not keep what God had done to themselves?
I. Tell of the Lord’s Unfailing love.
II. Tell of the Lord’s Great Goodness.
III. Tell of the Lord’s Praise.
We must always tell others of the Praises of our God and what He has done. He delivered Israel out of their dilemma.
Told them to not forget them. He leads them in what to do. Because He Can’t keep it to himself. Isaiah undeniably tells them that I will praise the Lord for all He’s done. Why because it’s too much to keep on the inside.
That’s why when you all alone you find yourself breaking into a shout of praise. It starts early in the morning. He woke you up and you were in your right mind. Praise. You started telling God thank you for life , health and strength, Praise. You went throughout where you live and no one kicked the door in over night. Praise, You went to the refrigerator and had food to eat, Praise. You saw love ones and they were alive and well ,Praise. You went to your closet and saw you have more clothes to choose from and shoes to wear without repeating for weeks at a time, Praise. You had to go tot work or run an errand and got into a warm car, Praise. You had a job to go to or to the computer to check and see that they sent your monthly funds, Praise! You went all through the day without accident or harm -Praise,
Later on in the evening you take a self inventory and look back over your life just to see how good God’s been to you, and you start Praising him all over.
Praise Him, Praise Him Praise Him in the morning Praise him in the noonday. Praise Him Praise Him Praise when the sun goes down.
RQ: What do we see here in this text? Why was it that the prophet told the people they could not keep what God had done to themselves?
I. Tell of the Lord’s Unfailing love.
II. Tell of the Lord’s Great Goodness.
III. Tell of the Lord’s Praise.
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