Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
“It’s a jungle out there” is a common expression to describe our would.
Violence, crude conversion, radical bigotry, and disrespect for people often characterize our society.
Sometimes these practices may characterize a man who calls himself a Christian.
He may appear to be pious at church on Sunday, but his words and actions indicate a different character during the rest of the week.
It is easy yo fall into the routine of practicing “religion” without evidencing the reality of godliness in our lives.
James tell us that a man should live out godliness daily.
That our walk and talk should match.
These verse are not talking about working for salvation, but rather because of the work of your faith in Christ should be evident in your actions.
We have been talking about Job in our studies.
Job was a man who practiced activities in is life that helped him live as an upright and godly man.
His life provides a great example of a real man who did not confine his religion to ritual or ceremony but integrated it into his entire life.
By demonstrating meekness in his response to enemies hospitality toward strangers, authenticity in conduct, and respect for others, Job reflected the desires of God.
Job was a remarkable example of godly control and graciousness toward others who had been unkind and insensitive toward him.
What does it take to press your hot button?
some men have hot tempers.
They snap at their critics or enemies and even at their wives, or children.
Job refused to respond in that manner- though he did defend his actions
It is a lot easier for us men to be kind to people who are kind to us.
But when others are not kind our defense go up.
Am I the only one?
I am not usually the hot head explodes at very little thing.
But what I used to be bad at is, I would bottle up the things that upset me.
The problem is eventually that bottle gets full, then I would explode on the wrong person.
My brother in middle school taught me a big lesson about how to respond to your enemies.
He was a big boy, often times other kids would want to fight him just to see if they could take him.
I know a crazy thought to me.
But I remember that year their was one kid who all year told my brother he wanted to fight him.
No reason, other than to see if he could win in a fight against him.
My brother would always just say I’m not going to right and walk away.
Finally the kid had enough of my brother telling him no.
While walking out of class the kid punched him right in the nose.
But my brothers response not only ended the fight but surprised everyone.
instead of fighting back, he just sat down on the floor.
I that’s what He did but I would have been all over that kid.
Jesus in Matthew teaches us how to respond to our enemies and I believe my brother handled it well.
Meekness is not weakness however, it requires great strength at times.
Real mean are only Self-controlled; they also act kindly toward those who wrong them.
Job extend kindness toward the stranger.
It is easy for men to get protective especially in our day.
I am no different, the people that approach you as you are pulling up to a store or coming out asking for money have really got to me lately.
My family and I pulled into Big Lots not long ago and a guy started to approach the car, but before he got a chance to even get close to the car I leaped out to meet him several paces from the car.
before he could even get the words out I was already telling him I did not have cash.
In the moment I was only trying to keep the man away from my family.
Later I was convicted however, that I didn’t take a moment to talk to him about the Lord, I wasn’t hospitable or even kind to the man.
Getting together with friends is a wonderful experience, but hospitality is more than this.
Beside opening his home to family and close acquaintances, Job also entertained man strangers.
I’m not saying we all need to open our homes to strangers, but we can show the love or Christ to those we come in contact with.
The original word for hospitality means love of strangers.
Job freely gave friends an strangers a place to lodge and food to eat.
What are our attitudes, actions, and words toward people who differ from us?
How might we extend kindness to people?
More importantly how will we show the love of Christ to them?
Questions regarding the character of our top leadership in the United States periodically confront us.
The nightly news and morning papers feature stories that cause to think about what happened to such things as integrity, honesty, faithfulness, morality, and trustworthiness.
Public opinion today shows that a significant percentage of the public appears to think that a government official’s personal moral decisions are not important.
If a man has the requisite skills and a good track record in job performance, then character issues do not seem to matter.
Many are judging a elected leader’s private life by a different standard than his public life.
This view has existed since the fall of man in Genesis 3.
However, God offers no optional standard for private behavior.
He poses one code of conduct regardless of circumstances.
In God’s eyes, none of life’s pressures justify a man’s straying from His standards.
Adam in the garden tried to hid his sin, but he could not.
our sins always find a way out.
Real men, who follow God are men of integrity.
They are men who’s private life match his public life.
What inconsistencies do you detect between your private behavior and your public image?
Job achieved a high level of business success.
Some men attain that status by taking advantage of people.
I have heard a man described as “willing to step on babies and widows” if necessary to achieve his goals.
Job acted otherwise; he held others in high regard.
It seems today that respect has gone out the window.
Something I love about our pastor is that he models a respectful man.
Something we don’t see much anymore is a man stand when a woman enters the room.
But when a lady comes on the platform pastor almost always stands up out of respect.
What would our church look like if all of you lived a life of Godly respect?
would our families be like if we had men model that kind of respect in our homes?
How might you show respect to those around you?
Are you beginning to see the scope of godliness?
a godly character does not come as a prepackaged formula with limited implications.
God desires that His character extends through your attitudes and actions to everyone, including enemies, strangers, employees, and customers.
Our world need to see godliness on display.
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