Preparing for Spiritual Renewal

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We are going to start our focus on spiritual renewal looking at the life and teaching of John the Baptist in Luke 3:1 - 17.
Since I’m a child of the 90s, I really need to do this a certain way...
*Rap Jesus Freak lyrics*
I can’t believe this is going to live forever on the internet.
Let’s read this Scripture together and dig into God’s Word.
Read Luke 3:1 - 17 and pray.

Background and Setting

The Gospel of Luke:
Took great care to give an accurate, historical account of the life of Jesus (shown in the detailed setting):
Cf. Luke 1:1-4.
The timeline puts our story somewhere in the year 26 - 29 A.D.
Luke was also concerned with showing how Jesus came to save ALL people (Jews and Gentiles alike).
The person of John the Baptist:
“Son of Zechariah” (v. 2) *Recap story of his conception and birth*
“the word of God came to John” = last of the prophets.
Cf. Luke 1:17; “the spirit of Elijah.
Spoke with prophetic authority about repentance, turning back to God, and future judgement (prophetic traits).
He was last because Jesus Christ is the Word of God.
John was also a bit crazy
Wore camel skins, ate bugs, taught directly against the religious leaders of his day...

Be Prepared

The role of John the Baptist in the story of Scripture is crystal clear: To prepare the way for Jesus Christ.
All 4 gospels quote Isaiah 40 as prophecy being fulfilled by John, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord” (v. 4)
Imagery in Isaiah = creating a straight highway for a king
This preparation is done by preparing the hearts of the people for the coming of the king
This preparation that challenged and called into question the religious norms of the day.
“You brood of vipers!”
*Have fun with fake SBF welcome*
Specifically calling out religious leaders (Cf. Mat. 3:7)
Challenged the idea of who were truly the people of God
Not enough to rely on being a child or Abraham (old covenant)
Baptism - Used as a ritual to initiate new believers into Judaism; served as a purifying mechanism.
John says ALL people (including Jews) must be washed clean.
Forgiveness of sins - Should be done by sacrifice at the Temple; now claimed to be done in the Jordan River
There is one coming (preparing the way) who will sort out the wheat from the chaff...
John the Baptist prepared the people for the first coming of Christ, while we need to prepare for His second coming.
Scripture calls for a life lived in readiness for Jesus to return, to judge, and to call His people to Himself.
Who are truly the people of God?
As we embark on a time of spiritual renewal, our hearts need to be prepared the same way that those listening to John’s words needed to be prepared.

We Prepare by Repenting of Our Sins

John called all who would listen to repentance of sins (v. 3)
Repentance = 180 degree turn away from sin and toward God.
Cf. Proverbs 28:13
The most dangerous thing we can do is try to hide our sin from God and from others.
Confession is the act that drags what is in the dark into the light.
This MUST be practiced with one another, not JUST between you and God.
Cf. James 5:16
*Use Conquer group as a great example; not confessional booth*
What do you need to confess? Who do you need to confess it to?
Once confessed, we need to forsake our sin (turn completely away from it)
Otherwise, “like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly” (Prov. 26:11)
This is so hard. It is only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit.
*Refer again to Conquer; focus on re-training the brain*
How do you need God’s help to re-train your way of thinking when it comes to habitual sin?
True repentance is shown in the fruit of a life lived differently.
“Bear fruits worthy of repentance” (v. 8)
When we confess and forsake our sin, our lives NEED to look different than before; be WORTHY of repentance.
“What shall we do?” (v. 10); What does this look like?
Be generous; don’t cheat others; don’t use extortion, etc.
All great examples of the fruit of a repentant life.
Is John preaching a different type of works based religion? Didn’t he just condemn the Pharisees for such a thing?
It only makes sense when we look ahead to Christ.

We Prepare by Abiding in Christ

Because of his powerful preaching, people wondered if John was the Christ (Messiah)
Messianic expectations were high under the strain of Roman rule.
Re-read v. 16 - 17
Jesus is coming to:
Baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Holy Spirit = true on day of Pentecost (cf. Acts 1:4 - 5)
Fire = Could mean the tongues of flame on that day; likely refers to judgement or testing.
Jesus is coming to sort out those who belong to Him.
Winnowing fork = Tool used to throw grain up in the air to sort the wheat from the chaff.
Wheat goes into “his” barn (bears fruit; belongs to Him)
Chaff will be burned with unquenchable fire (apart from God)
All of this is proven true in the teaching of Jesus is John 15:
Cf. John 15:5 - 6
Who are the true people of God? Who are those who bear fruit? How do we prepare for spiritual renewal and the second coming? All by abiding in Christ.
Not about legalism or religion; about relationship
Not about trying harder; about relying on the power of Christ.
The remainder of this (long) series will unpack more and more what it means to abide in Christ. This is where spiritual renewal awakens and thrives.


Today is the first day of advent, which means “coming” in Latin
We remember the first coming of Christ at His birth
Yet we also anticipate - and prepare for - the second coming of Christ at any moment.
Today also marks the beginning of journey following Jesus (through the gospel of Luke) into spiritual renewal.
In order for us to prepare, we must repent (confess and forsake) and abide in Christ.
Take it Home:
What sin do you need to confess? Who can you confess to?
How can you “retrain” your brain and truly forsake habitual sin?
Read Scripture every day this week to abide more deeply in Christ.
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