Paul: A Model for Ministry

Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Paul had spent around three years in Ephesus preaching the gospel and discipling the people - especially the elders who will now be in charge of guarding and shepherding the flock God has built. Now that Paul is leaving, He commends them to God, and reminds them of his example for them to follow.

Paul had spent around three years in Ephesus preaching the gospel and discipling the people - especially the elders who will now be in charge of guarding and shepherding the flock God has built. Not expecting to see them again, He commends them to God, and reminds them of his example for them to follow.
Read Acts 20:16-38
This is instructive for every minister of the Gospel, and indeed for every Christian. Through his example, Paul demonstrates the priorities of ministry and gives a model for us all to follow, especially elders who are called to serve the church. (Current and future)
1 Corinthians 11:1 NASB95
Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
Looking at Paul’s example, I hope that we can all grow in our love and devotion to the Lord, that we too might be faithful servants of the Lord Jesus Christ in our particular calling.
Six aspects of Gospel ministry:


(v.18) - “was with/lived among you the whole time”
Paul was immediately and persistently available to the people as a minister of God’s Word.
Every elder/overseer/shepherd is called to be available to the precious sheep of God’s flock.
He lived among them.
He wasn’t off in some expensive hotel room where they could visit by appointment.
He was walking alongside them, eating with them, both depending on them and providing for their needs. He lived where they lived, ate what they ate, and walked where they walked. He was with them.
What they experienced was what he experienced and Paul was able to bring God’s Word to bear as well as live out an example along the way.
Challenges: Divided attention and responsibilities.
Work - for those elders who have a vocation outside the church, they must spend many hours each week earning their living.
Family - those elders who have a wife, and/or children are further required to spend time and effort in caring for their family.
Read 1 Corinthians 7:32-35
He must be available mentally and emotionally.
God knew this and has, in His wisdom and care provided for a plurality of elders for His churches.
Pray that God would do so here at GCC-Dixon.
Pray for me, that I would be more available in service and that I’d remove unnecessary distractions
Continue to care for each other spiritually, as we are called to do.

Humble service

(v.19) - even amid sorrows and trials
To be a minister is to be a servant.

1398. δουλεύω dŏulĕuō, dool-yoo´-o; from 1401; to be a slave to (lit. or fig., invol. or vol.):—be in bondage, (do) serve (-ice).

Paul knew that he belonged, body and soul to God.
Ephesians 2:10 NASB95
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
1 Corinthians 6:19–20 (NASB95)
Or do you not know that... you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
In serving God through serving others, there is no room for self-centeredness. An elder must be humble as he ministers to the people of God.
This means they are not looking out for their own interests.
Philippians 2:4 NASB95
do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Gospel ministry is not a way for personal gain: influence, riches, or to climb the social ladder.
Ministry is a stewardship, whereby a man is called to take what is not His own, and use it to nourish himself and those who God has called into his care. (Not his word, not his agenda, not his people, not his resources - it all belongs to God)
It requires humility and a willingness to sacrifice to serve God and help those in their care. (More about his later)
But, we are sinful and selfish at times. We too need forgiveness. Pray for me, for Pastors and for each other that God would raise up many humble servants in this place.

Bold proclamation

(v.20) - didn’t hold back anything, took every opportunity whether public or private
These are all aspects of Gospel ministry, which really centers on the teaching and preaching of God’s Word in general and the gospel in particular. This is the primary what and the other aspects relate to the how.
Gospel Preaching
God’s Grace - “Testify[ing] solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God” (v.24)
The primary message of the NT is one of unmerited favor - Grace
That God Himself, though rightly situated to judge every single person to the fullest extent of His wrath, has chosen to save many at a great cost to Himself. God shows favor, out of His own love, to those who believe and are saved. He doesn’t have to. It isn’t earned. Even the spiritual awareness and ability to trust in Christ come from the Work and Word of God alone. We don’t get what we deserve but instead, because of God’s love and Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, we are saved.
Romans 5:8 NASB95
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Those who are called to shepherd God’s people must have a firm grip on the reality of God’s amazing, transforming, and saving Grace.
Personal Response - both Jews and Greeks - Repent to God, and faith/trust in Christ Jesus (v.21)
Because we are made in God’s image, we are personally culpable/responsible to respond to what we hear and experience. There is right and wrong, holy and profane. There is truth and lies - and when we hear the truth, we are responsible to act on it.
Ex. Driving down the road and discover the bridge is out. It is on a dangerous curve and with little visibility. We have decisions to make. First, to stop our vehicle before we drive over the edge. What else will we do? Notify others, that they too may escape the danger ahead!
Preachers of the Gospel must follow Paul’s example in calling everyone - Jews (religious people who have the right vocabulary and understand the many of the right things) and Greeks (those who do not have the basic fundamental understanding of the world that we do) to turn around and go the other way!
Repentance towards God - You must turn. This way leads to danger. You are under God’s wrath because of your sin and to continue in the way your are going is to drive off the cliff of judgement!
Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ - There is another way. There is only one other way. It was made by God because of His love. He sent His Son as a substitute for us, that through His sacrificial death our sins may be forgiven, and through his life we may be saved. Place your trust in Him! Believe this is true and enter into a relationship with Father and Son by faith!
Romans 5:9–10 NASB95
Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.
Acts 16:31 (NASB95)
They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved...”
Gospel preaching demands a response. It gives us the truth (indicative), and what to do about it (imperative).
Kingdom - “preaching the kingdom” (v.25)
The Bible tells the story of God’s rule and reign through His people. He is the king. We - those who are called by grace to salvation - are His domain. One day He will redeem the land (this world) but is, for now, working through the message of the cross, the instructions of His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit to build up a people and prepare them for that day.
He builds His Kingdom (Matthew 16:18) - but we get to be part of the building project.
Do you, brother or sister, realize the enormity of the work we are called to? Do we take it serious? Whatever part you play, whatever your role, it is critically important because God’s Kingdom is important. There is nothing greater.
Gospel preachers know that the work they are involved in is bigger than them, and even bigger than their local congregation or city. It is about God and His Kingdom. We are part of something big! And urgent! (The king is coming!, the Kingdom is at hand!)
God’s Purposes - “the whole purpose/counsel of God” (v.26-27)
We all have parts of the Word of God that we enjoy more than others. However, Gospel Preachers do not get to pick and choose what they will say. To do so is to be a poor steward of truth.
Paul sees holding back any portion of the truth as akin to being responsible for someone’s death.
Ex. If the bridge is out, you don’t simply say, “You might want to slow down!” or “Have you considered buying a better car!” There’s no room for beating around the bush or leaving out parts of the truth.
Sometimes Pastors may be tempted to downplay certain truths or over-emphasize others.
Particular unsavory teachings like
Judgement to come, God’s wrath, etc.
Moral issues that conflict with our culture - sexual sin, issues of gender.
God’s sovereignty in life and salvation (election, predestination, depravity of man, etc.)
Over-emphasis on secondary issues
financial giving, (or under-emphasis), political involvement, traditions, particular end times scenarios, etc.
Paul didn’t hold anything back that would help them. He didn’t cover up the truth, nor overemphasize aspects that were less helpful. He labored to reveal all of God’s Word and so should we. How do/will we do this?
Sunday preaching - (Expository): Teach the whole Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Occasional topics but attempting to work through God’s Word and not just our own favorite topics.
Engage where scripture engages, deal with plain teachings and don’t skip those we don’t like
Wednesday small group studies (study from each section rotating around - Law, History, Prophets, Wisdom, Gospel, Epistle, etc.)
We need the whole truth. Over time, we try to engage the whole of the message of scripture.
Admonishment - “did not cease to admonish each one with tears” (v.31)

3560. νουθετέω nŏuthĕtĕō, noo-thet-eh´-o; from the same as 3559; to put in mind, i.e. (by impl.) to caution or reprove gently:—admonish, warn

A critical aspect of gospel ministry is to warn the people of God.
When hearts grow cold, or sin crouches at the door, or there is some spiritual danger we must be willing to admonish!
How did he do it? Constantly. In love. (v.31) There was no doubt that he cared and that his desire was to help them. They may not listen, but he did what he did with genuine care and concern for their good.
This takes putting yourself out there. It takes boldness. It requires trust built by his constant care and teaching over the time they were there. It also takes the authority of God’s Word.
He is under it. So are they. So are we. So we admonish - we warn.
How? He didn’t hold anything back. He took every opportunity - ministered the Word in public to a crowd, and in private to individuals and families.

Sacrificial devotion

(v.24) - utterly devoted to God and his calling
God’s Kingdom and his calling were more important than his life.
His aim was to finish his course faithfully. He had a singular focus and was willing to give all for that goal.
He loved them, wanted to be with them and continue caring for them, but like Our Lord - considered not His will but God’s as supreme.
We know all that Paul would go through for Jesus and His church. We know all that Our Lord Himself endured for His Father and the church.
Here’s the question that confronts us this morning: Do you know what you are willing to go through for Jesus and His church?
Do we have a singular focus, or at least an over-arching one?
Excellence demands exclusivity, borderline obsession (Ex. Michael Jordan). Where does our devotion to God rank in the priorities of our daily lives? Work and family are important, but is God and our devotion to Him the over-arching thing that drives us, or is it something we tack on where we have space?
Spirit called elders are to be willing to give up some things (time, money, agenda, hobbies, etc.) that they may better serve God and His people.

Diligent care

(v.33-35) - example of contentment, hard work, and generosity to those in need. Paul relished giving far more than getting.
He was content, not chasing after riches to satisfy.
Read Philippians 4:11-13
He worked hard, not to get money or stuff but to help others
He provided for himself so that he would not burden others - We should not expect others to do for us what we are not willing to do for ourselves!
Ephesians 4:28 NASB95
He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need.
He was diligent - hard working - for the purpose of helping those who were weak, unable or less able to help themselves.
Romans 15:1 NASB95
Now we who are strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves.
This is not to say that every Pastor, or elder is to be bi-vocational. After all, in situations where the church can provide for the Pastor/Elder(s) and their families then that frees them up for greater service to the church. What Paul did was set an example for being willing to labor in order to help those in need.
Friend, for what do you labor? What do you spend your time, talents and treasure on? How does God, and His Kingdom factor in? The weak?
May we be more and more like the Apostle in working hard and for the right reasons.

Interceding Prayer

(v.36, 32) - He prayed constantly for the church, entrusting them to the One who called him and them. (See also Col 1:3,9,13, Eph 3:14-19, Phil 1:9-11)
Paul was leaving. He would be gone and unable to see them, counsel them and help them through the difficulties to come. He left them with his example and committed them to God’s care. He was not helpless. They were in good hands - God’s hands. Paul could and would talk to God.
Colossians 1:3 NASB95
We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,
Colossians 1:9 NASB95
For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
(See also Eph 3:14-19, Phil 1:9-11)
A primary work for all those who serve Christ, and especially those in leadership as ministers of the Word - is to pray. His mission. His church. His calling on our lives. We must do it to the best of our ability and by His power.
What can we do when we are not there? What can we do when (for whatever reason) we can no longer speak to a situation, or intervene, or help? WE CAN PRAY.
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