The Book of Psalms Introduction
Background Information
Outline of Book
Lyric Poetry
Praises of Thanksgiving
Purpose of Book
Yahweh is the King and He rules over all therefore strive for faithful obedience to the teachings waiting for the Messianic King
The Torah
The King is Coming
Books 1–3 raise the question, how do we live in the absence of the messianic king? Books 4–5 answer that question in two ways: faith and obedience.
Here is the challenge for those who take the New Testament seriously: try singing those Psalms Christologically, thinking of Jesus as their ultimate fulfillment. See how they sound, what they do, where they take you.
Closing Quote
The story of God’s people is headed toward a glorious future, in which all kinds of people will come to know the Lord and join his people. It is part of the dignity of God’s people that, in God’s mysterious wisdom, their personal faithfulness contributes to the story getting to its goal. The Messiah, the ultimate heir of David, will lead his people in the great task of bringing light to the Gentiles.