Preparation 2021
Sermon Tone Analysis
The preparation for children.
Having absolutely nothing, but knowing that we would need so much.
As we are in the Advent season, heading towards Christmas morning, to receive the blessing of the birth of Christ, we look to the preparation in our own hearts.
Preparation is an important step to focus on the meaning of Christmas.
A Divine Declaration
A Divine Declaration
(v. 67)
Elizabeth and Zechariah. The promise to this older couple about a child that would be born, a forerunner.
Yet, Zechariah doubted and he was silenced, unable to speak until the child was born.
On his eighth day, he was taken to be circumcised and named. “John.” Not a family name. Zechariah!
Only once he wrote that name was he able to talk.
66 and all who heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, “What then will this child be?” For the hand of the Lord was with him.
This child must be important!
This led to Zechariah giving a divine declaration, a Spirit-led, prophetic word.
Zechariah’s disobedience had led to a disruption of communication.
For us, when we are not walking in obedience, there is a disruption in communication.
When we are living in disobedience we are less likely to spend time in Scripture, less time in prayer, less time in godly conversation, less time meditating on the Scriptures.
When we are chasing after the things of the world, we are living in disobedience. And then we wonder why we aren’t hearing the voice of God.
May we prepare our hearts through following Jesus.
Calling my parents on their cell phones, especially as they are driving through the rolling plains of Western Oklahoma. When they get too far away from a cell tower and the connection cuts out…and then kicks back in fifteen seconds later. Missed part of the conversation! And you can come back in at some points having missed crucial information. Going from getting a casserole recipe and then words, “So, anyway, their funeral is tomorrow.” Wait…what?
Disobedience is like dropping down into one of those low spots where the signal is non-existent.
Through our following the words of Jesus, we can more clearly hear the voice of Jesus.
A Divine Deliverance
A Divine Deliverance
vv. 68-75
What has God done in the past? Zechariah begins sharing how God has faithfully delivered His people.
God is blessed, to be worshipped, because He has “visited.” This could be a good thing or a bad thing.
Zechariah does not leave his audience to wonder…visited to redeem His people!
Similar to what God did for the children of Israel in Egypt. He visited them and redeemed them, gave them value by removing them from slavery!
Jumping forward, raised up a horn of salvation. Horn = strength. A Strong Savior! From where, the house of David. A descendant of the royal line. The genealogy of Jesus at the end of chapter 3. 3:23; 31. A descendant of David!
This was to fulfill what the prophets had been saying centuries before!
V. 71 tells us who we will be saved from. Our enemies and those who hate us.
When did Israel have enemies? They were only a concern when Israel had walked away from God. He protected them as they were faithful, but he would allow an outside force to come in as a form of discipline. They were never threatened when they were faithfully following God.
Salvation then was accompanied with repentance.
God didn’t have to do this, He could have allowed them to self-destruct as so many other nations had done and would do. Instead He showed them mercy . He loved them too much to let them continue in destructive behaviors.
He gave them instruction on how to live, as contained in the Law that came with the Covenant. vv. 73-75.
May we prepare our hearts through God’s rescuing us from sin.
Carol and Ian, a couple in their 70s, had rented a house in Marin County, CA for a Valentine’s getaway. On the afternoon of the 14th, the couple decided to go for a hike in the picturesque mountains of north of San Francisco. However, as night fell, they became disoriented and could not find their way home. After a few days of not hearing from them, family and friends became concerned. When their rental was searched, they found their cell phones and other belongings still there. A search was initiated involving around 400 volunteers canvasing the terrain. Finally, eight days later, a dog picked up a scent and a pair of volunteers located the couple. They were so remote that a rescue helicopter had to be brought in to lift them out.
Carol and Ian were completely dependent upon outsiders to come to them and rescue them from their situation.
This is what God did for us! He went out to us, into the mess that we had created, and He picked us up out of it and brought us to spiritual safety.
A Divine Deliverer
A Divine Deliverer
vv. 76-79
A switch in who is being addressed. Talking about God to talking to the baby John.
Now, really getting to the heart of the question from v. 66, “What then will this child be?”
A prophet! A spokesperson for God. After 400 years of prophetic silence.
But, then, to go before “the Lord.” This child will serve as a forerunner to the Deliverer!
The message of John is described: Salvation, Forgiveness by God’s tender mercy.
The Deliverer will be coming to provide salvation! Salvation not from physical enemies but from our very own sin.
It is described as a sunrise.
There’s something that happens when the sun rises.
Many a morning on a deer stand. Freezing as it is coldest in the few minutes before the sun comes up.
But, when that sun hits you, there is an immediate warming that happens!
When we think about the darkness that sin causes, it is an unending night. We can no more bring forgiveness on our own than we can make the earth spin faster to cause the dawn.
Jesus comes to bring light, to bring salvation.
Jesus came to save you.
This past week our house was transformed. Pumpkins and leaves and turkeys have been stowed back in the attic.
Greenery and lights and ornaments on the tree have made their appearance.
A few hours to prepare our house for the Christmas season.
Maybe for you, as you think about Christmas and the celebration of the birth of the Savior, your heart needs to be prepared.
Maybe today, some time should be spent considering the birth of Jesus, a reminder that He is why we have this holiday.
This will help us to strip away all the other things and to focus on what is most important.
But, maybe you are here today and God has been preparing your heart
He’s been making you aware of your own sin. Aware of His love. Aware of the sacrifice of Jesus.
God prepares our hearts to receive salvation.
Maybe today God is calling you to be saved. It is time to respond!