First day back at HPC. What God is doing in their lives and vision for return to HPC.
Matt 28:19-20. Who am I right now as a reflection of what God has been doing in my life?
God has been teaching me that Jesus is at the center of everything. (Christ the center memory verses 2Cor 5:17; Gal 2:20)
Humility is essential. Pride will neutralize any attempt at other-centered ministry. The more humility I have, the greater the opening for God’s Spirit to work
Grace is transformative. God’s Grace is bigger than I can understand. It is continual, unconditional, and should motivate an amazed life response.
We need each other Heb 10:24-25. I have gifts from God that He intends for me to share with others.
We are all on a journey. There are no people or families without issues and dysfunction. We need the encouragement of each other as Christian family.
1Cor 15:10 God’s Grace had a foundational effect on Paul’s life. If I see my life purpose as a call to show God’s Grace to others my motivation will be more consistent.
The church that is worthy of the name is a band of people that has broken the spell of false gods and deceptive distractions.