IFN Has Science Disproved Miracles?

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w/ Scatter Glowball

Has Science Disproved Miracles?

John Stonestreet

A miracle is a supernatural intervention in the natural order of things. In other words, a miracle is something that is not only unlikely to happen, it is not supposed to happen according to natural law. There are over 250 miracles reported in the Bible. To many people, this discredits the Bible, for they think believing in miracles is like believing in the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. We live in an age of science, they say. Reasonable people just don’t believe in miracles anymore. Is this correct? Is it foolish to believe in miracles?

There are two main arguments against miracles. The first says miracles cannot occur because such things are literally impossible; the second says miracles have not occurred. Let’s look at each of these arguments more closely.

Miracles Cannot Occur. Some argue that miracles cannot occur because it is impossible to violate the laws of nature. Miracles, by definition, are events that violate these laws; therefore they cannot occur. There are two problems with this argument. First, the laws of nature only describe what is normal and repeated in nature. They do not dictate what has to happen in the world. Thus, the laws of nature do not dictate that miracles cannot happen. In fact, because the laws of nature tell us what is normal, it is possible for us to recognize miracles if they occur. Second, those who assume that the laws of nature can never be violated assume that nothing exists outside of nature that is capable of acting outside of these laws. This is an assumption, not a conclusion from evidence. Christians recognize that God exists outside the natural laws. Further, God is the author of the natural laws and cannot be constrained by them. Thus he can act outside of them (perform miracles) if he wishes.

Others suggest miracles are impossible because everything can be understood by science. Therefore, it is wrong to suggest that science cannot explain something (like miracles). However, science cannot explain everything. In fact, the statement, “Science can explain everything,” cannot itself be proven correct by science. This is another assumption, not a fact proven by evidence.

Miracles Have Not Occurred. This argument says that even if miracles are technically possible, it is best to assume they’ve never actually occurred since we don’t have firm scientific evidence for their reality. This is another example of making an assumption that cannot be supported by evidence. In order for the statement “miracles have not occurred” to be proven true, every miracle claim in history would need to be scientifically examined with great care. This cannot happen since past events cannot be repeated for scientists to examine today. However, well-documented miracle reports like the resurrection of Jesus Christ have been examined closely by historians and seem to defy all naturalistic explanations. Scientists look for the truth about the natural world. There are features of nature and historical events (such as Jesus’s resurrection and the Big Bang) that cannot be explained by natural means alone. If natural causes cannot adequately explain an event, this leaves open the possibility of a miraculous explanation.

What Miracles happen in the Bible?
Many people seek to discredit the Bible because it contains miracles. And they claim, Science has disproved miracles.
Is science the enemy?
No it can give us confidence.
But can it explain everythibg?
The skeptic has to explain that God does not exist and that everything that is and everything that happens can be explained by purely rationional scientific means.
The actual open minded and fair observer would follow the evidence wherever it truly leads
Science has shown that when people die they do stay dead
Science by nature is a descriptive project. It can tell us what typically happens, but it cannot predict what will happen in the future.
Science can’t tell us that a miracle cannot happen it can only tell us how the world has operated in the past when it is left on its own.
The claim of the resurrection and miracles is not that Jesus rose naturally or that there was some strange chemical restart of his body. It is a supernatural claim.
If God does not exist then there is no possibility of miracles happening. But if he does exist, then there is certainly the ability of a God like that to make the supernatural happen.
DNA has information and information points to a mind, an intelligence that must have arranged and ordered that inromation in a logical, orderly, useful fashion.
The more we probe the depths of the universe the more we see a transcendent order to all things and the more we find that the only the that can five a reason why things are tghe way they are is intelligence.
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