Hell's Angels
We're glad that you were here. And we do need to pray as Miss Farrow mention for that family. But also all young people everywhere, all the school with the public school systems. They're just a mess. Let's just say it the way it is. It's it is. It's just a mess. You can look at it. And what's going on now? You can see why things are happening the way that they are. Where at we are in the last days, the last days maybe a hundred a thousand years from now. I don't know before the Lord comes back, but still, you can see the trend that we are on. So what can we do? We can pray and we can ask Lord the Lord to intervene because that's what it's going to take. And if we want to change some things, then there's a lot of people in leadership positions, School boards, Civil Authorities, Governors and all. There's a lot of people that need the gospel is what it is. That would correct it. All right there, but it is, is John, mention is It's almost well. It is. It's demonic. And we do fight against principalities and powers in high places. And that's what we're going to talk about today. Actually. We are still in our series God's Messengers angels and we're going to talk about today last week. If you remember, we talked about Satan. And how he was an angel, and how he fell from heaven. Well today, the title. This sermon is Hell's Angels. It's not the motorcycle group. That's not them. We're not talking about, but we're going to talk about demons today in our in our message. So what I want to do right now is I want to put up on the board. Our definition that we use for angels and here it is, here. We are several weeks ago. I put this definition up Says angels are intelligent moral and Spiritual Beings created by God who worship Him and carry out his will and purposes in heaven and on Earth. There's a multitude of angels. They were all created at the same time. And so they they are intelligent there more their spiritual. Although, at times. They can take the form of a human so that we may be able to see them and Converse with them but they are Spiritual Beings. Well, I've also made a definition for the day of demon. So let's put that up. Here is the definition of our fallen angels. So that tells us that their Angels also. But their fallen angels who have rebelled against God and continue to propagate evil in the world today, they they're not innumerable but there's a bunch and a lot of them just like if you want to say good Angels there's a lot matter, fact there so many it seems like that. Satan is everywhere all the time, but we know that Satan does not like God, he's not omnipotent. He's not all-powerful. He's not omniscient. He's not all no way and he's not on the present. He's Not present everywhere all the time. If he's in Hong Kong, he can't be in the United States, but it seems, as if he is everywhere, that's because he has his Entourage. He has his demons. Now. I don't know how many of you remember.
Watching the movie. I think it was back in the 70s, The Exorcist. I remember watching that and now that time I was just young a teenager and I loved horror films and I just loved while. I watch all the Friday, the 13th and Halloween, all those, I don't know. I just love horror films, but that one there, that was something different about that. If you remember the story of the little girl who was possessed. Yes, and and she started, you know doing you know, she had these physical and mental disorders, something that the medical professionals could not explain. And then you remember, you sear in the bedroom sitting up in bed, and she was just her obscenities, her head spun around She just had this green flame or vomit all the time on, on her images grotesque and, and it just flowed from her mouth. And I remember thinking, at the time with it. It was kind of scary that this is really crazy. But if you think about it now, it's probably not far from the truth. Probably of how things really are when someone is possessed. Now, we're going to talk about demon possession today. Let me tell you what we're going to do. I have five points. I have two sermons to put into one sermon today. So here's what I want you to do. I want you to strap on you. If you belt I'm going to go fast. We're going to look at lots of scriptures today, and I'm we're going to get through this, but I want to do this in one week and I want to talk about demons today. What what are they like, where did they come from? What do they do? Demon possession and then at the end, I'm going to give you five ways. What are some things that we can do if we are being oppressed? By demon. Now, when I say we, I mean Christian people. I don't think Christian people can be possessed by demon, but we can be oppressed by demon. So what are some things that we can do? So we're going to start and the Bible tells us in Matthew 12:20 for Satan is called the ruler of demon. So that means that demons are Satan's servants. They are committed to his plan to thwart the plan of God. Now while their son today, who deny the reality of demons there, some who would deny the reality of Satan, the Bible gives us a Bunda evidence. That they are demons in this world and the gospels are just choked full of the fact that Christ believe in the reality of demons. Not only that he demonstrated many times his power over demons. So we need to understand that. So, if there's one scripture that I would like to put up and show you, they know we don't look at Lots because this is a topical study. It is 1st Timothy 4 verse 1. Look at what this says, now, the spirit uppercase s, Holy Spirit. Now the Holy Spirit, expressly says that, in latter times, that's the days that we live in. Some will depart from the faith, giving heed to this evening spirits and doctrines of demons. So what do demons do? Well, one thing we see right here. They deceive. And also they have their own Doctrine. And a lot of times that doctor and has put forth from preachers. Who would stand up In a Pulpit and teach something other than what the gospel, is deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. So let's talk about it Point. Number one. What are demons? Like? What are they like? Well, the Bible calls them is, this is one word to Bible uses for them. Unclean spirits. Now, I want to give you several scriptures and we know that demons are real because Christ said something to his disciples. Look at Mark 67. He called the 12. To himself. This is Jesus speaking and began to send them out, two by two, and gave them power over. What? Unclean spirits? He gave them power, over demons, power for what the cast them out. He gave them power. So that tells us there with demons are real. Why would Christ give his disciples power? Now? Let me tell you something else about these unclean spirits. They are rational beings demons. Can think they can reason. Now, I have heard people say a lot and I just want to debunked this. People have said well. Every time something, someone has an addiction, they'll say, I've heard a person say was so, and so has the demon of alcoholism or so. And so has the demon of some type of sexual perversion. No, demons are rational being there, not diseases there, not something an alcoholic. We don't have an alcoholic demon when we don't have. If somebody spends all their money and can't, you know, runs up a credit card. They can't control himself. No, there's not a MasterCard demon. There's not a Visa demon. It's not like that demons are rational being. They can think they have attributes of personality. You mean well, what do you mean by that? Look at James? 2:19 James 2:19. You believe that there is one God and other, where James is Saint. Do you believe that there's one God? What he says you do? Well. Look what he said, even the demons believe and tremble, even the demons know that there's one. Got the demons know who Jesus Christ is that he is the Son of God, they know that. And they believe that they believe it just because you believe it, factually doesn't mean they're saying know, they're evil, but they know exactly what the endgame is demons do. So, they're rational, but not only that, Make it speak. Remember in The Exorcist. That little girl in bet she can speak and she can speak different languages. She can speak like the priest is mother. She had his voice. She can speak like a man. I mean, it just changed. All the demons can speak matter. Fact, Jesus, met one who could speak. Look at Matthew 8. 28 through 31. Look at this. When he comes to the other side, the country of the gurgles seen their neck him to demon-possessed man coming out of the tunes exceedingly fears. So that no one could pass that way. They would come out of the tombs and they wouldn't let people go down the road or anything like that.
My watch and suddenly they cried out saying this is the demon the demon-possessed man. What have we to do with you? Jesus? Look what they calling. You Son of God. They knew exactly who we want. What do we have to do with you so I can have. You come here to torment us before the time? Now, what does that mean? Before? What time before he cast all demons and the devil in the lake of fire at the second coming. They already knew that he said, I have you come here to torment us before the time on a look at the next verse. Now, good way off on them. That was a herd of many swine feeding. So the demons big him, say it. If you cast us out permit us to go away until the herd of swine. That's exactly what they did in the pigs. Hog, melon run over the embankment out and down in the, in the ocean or whatever. Look, they knew that Jesus was powerful, that he was the son of God. And they say, if you cast us out, put us over here. You see, they had no power over Christ. Christ has all power over demons. But this is what demons are like, they're rational, they can speak, they can reason they're not, they're not some disease or anything like that, simply because they're called an unclean spirit. So, Where did they must come from number one? What are they like number to where the demons come from? Well, there are several ideas on the origin of demons. Some people fall in those days, that it was just kind of a superstitious designation as I said before for certain ailments and diseases. But there's no truth in that, they was a heathen, Greek View, that regards demons. They were the they were the spirits if you will or The Souls of The Departed evil people. So if anyone was evil and they died, then their soul would come back as a demon or something like that. But know where does the Bible speak of that? Let me tell you what demons are. They are Fallen Angels. Demons are angels, but they are fallen angels and Satan himself is an angel. He's called the ruler of demons. Look at it, and Matthew 1224. Now when the Pharisees heard it, they said this fella. Speaking of Jesus does not cast out demons. Except by Beelzebub. Say the ruler of demons. They accuse Jesus of casting out demons through, Satan himself and it says here he was the ruler of the Demons. So what we need to understand is this Satan, when he was in heaven, when he was cast out, we read about that in the zeeq and Isaiah last week. He took a third of the angels with him, which means a third of the angels that God created rebelled against God and followed Satan instead of cry. Now, we see this, talk and Revelation, 12 for that. Look at it here. Speaking of sight in his tail, drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the Earth. You say, you have a nice time, I stars, but you have to understand in the Book of Revelation, when it talks about stars is talking about angels. His tail. Drew a third of the angels of heaven, through them to the earth and the dragon, stood before the woman, who is ready to give birth. Now. This is Satan standing before the woman is Israel, and she was giving ready to give birth to the Messiah. To devour her child, as soon as it was born in that what Satan wanted to do soon as Christ was born. He wanted to get rid of him. He wanted to get rid, but a third of the stars of heaven and he threw down with a third of the Angels, followed Satan. So, this is the origin of demon. So we what are they like? What other rational, they can reason they can even speak. Where do they come from? Where they came from Heaven, a third of them, followed Satan? They are angels that are falling. Well, let's talk about this. What do demons do? What do they do? That's the third point and I've listed some things here. Number one. They promote Satan's purposes in general demons act kinda as Satan's the missionaries if you will to promote his purpose on Earth and to throw it God's purpose on Earth. They opposed the plan of God. And so having chosen to rebelled against God, and side with Satan demons, continue to oppose the purposes of God in this world, but the show that God is Sovereign over everything, even demons and Satan. Number to they promote God's purpose. You say, what? What do you mean by that? Because there's been occasions in the Bible, where God would you demons for his purpose? He's, he sent an evil spirit in the Old Testament to stir up the people of shechem. So that they would go against abimelech. He used it. Evil spirit. The Bible says, in the Old Testament to punish saw with a mental disturbance. Remember when saw was trying to kill David, he sent a deceiving Spirit to control the profits and to give a have the wrong advice. He sent a demon to do that, any use one to a pile, so that he would not become overly proud with a thorn in the flesh. You see, because they are creatures. They are accountable to God and thus, they can be used by God in whichever way he wants to use. So even God will use evil in his Plan of Salvation in his plan. In the lives of his people never had a you ever had a boss that you just couldn't stand. You just couldn't work with you thought, that's most evil person. But sometimes God will use people like that to make sure that we can grow and become more like Christ. And that we may develop patience and perseverance in our life. He will use the bad people to do that. So what do they do? When they promote Satan's purpose? But they also promote God's purposes, but they also do this. They promote idolatry. You say. Well, what do you mean by that? Well, number one, they teach a worthless savior. Let me just put it like that. John warn his readers. He said, test the spirits to see where they come from. A major test of your Orthodoxy. If you will, is the affirmation and the reality that Jesus Christ came to this earth in the flesh. If someone Teaches that he did not then Jesus could not have died and become Our Savior. So that's one of the ways that you can tell what somebody but demons will teach of worthless savior. They will also teach a Works salvation. This seems to be the point. Look at it here in 1st Timothy 4:3 through 4. Look at this. Forbidden to marry and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with Thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. They were some teaching in the church. So I know you can't get married. If you are a preacher, you all not to get married. You can't serve God and get married to and look, you can't eat this food. You can't do this and you can't go here ever known anybody like that. All they want to do is just give you a rule. I can roll regulation after regulation. You can't dance, you can't play cards. You can't do this. You can't go here. You can't go to the theater to your lady. Have to wear a dress. This link. You have to wear your hair like this. Just one after the other. Free, and that's nothing but a work salvation, that's not the gospel. But this is exactly what demons will do. They teach a work salvation. They'll put a man in the Pulpit to teach that and they'll teach a worthless savior that now he really didn't come to this earth and die. Nobody is going to believe that. That's just that's just something you know that to make people feel good. No friend. That is the truth. That is the truth. And we need to test to see where the spirits come from. And then number for we go back to number four. And that is they pervert and they afflict people. You say. What do you mean by that? Well, demons are able to inflict physical diseases on people blindness. The Bible says mutinous, they're able to cause mental disorders in the Bible. They can even be involved in bringing death to people. Now, of course not all physical mental problems result from demonic activity. And so this is what I want you to know. Also today just because you're suffering or just because you lose your job, or maybe you get sick or cancer or something like that. We can't blame it on the cancer demon all the time. Every time we do something, we can't blame it on the devil. Who was it? That used to say? The devil made me do it or something. Flip Wilson was Flip Wilson, the devil made me do it. No, we can't blame everything on me. That Jane tells us that the reason we send. He said it's because of your own desires. We have to be careful that we don't blame the devil or Satan and demons for every single thing, but they can, they can oppress us and they can influence us. The Bible says that and they afflict us. And I'll tell you something else they're doing and this goes back to what Miss Farrell said earlier.
They can pervert us and not only us but the truth, they're called unclean spirits and it shows whatever they do. They want to prefer pervert. What is clean Noble? And right, they want to provoke people and turn them from living and doing what God would have them to do. They will pervert a system of Doctrine. Like I said, men in the Pulpit, a lifestyle that may seem good to certain human beings friends. I can't tell you how many people that I know. That say that they are Christian men and women.
But yet, they're pro-choice. They believe a woman has a right.
But yet they say yes, I know Christ and and that that may be true but that is a perverted system right there that is perverted. That seems right. It that's what everybody wants to do. Think about the transgender and the and the same-sex marriage that seems right to people, we have to allow people to do what they want to do. If that's what they want. They're not hurting me. That is a perverted system. That let me tell you what the Bible says about this type of thinking, this type of worldview, this type of wisdom. We see it in James, 3:13 through 16. Listen to what the Bible says, who is wise and understanding among you let him show by Good Conduct, that his works are done in the meeting us of wisdom. But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not descend from above, but his Earthly sensual and demonic. Now he's come up, Banner bitterness. And in Venus. He says, this is demonic for where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion. And every single, every evil thing are there James calls this demonic friends when we see what's going on in our nation today. When we see just the sexual perversion, when we see the, the corruption in government in places like that, that's not wisdom from above. That's wisdom that sensual and the Bible says the money. So that's what that's what demons do. Well, let me hustle up and we'll finish. Let me briefly talked about this number for What is demon possession? What is demon possession? Well, I can set up here and try to explain it. But let me give you a definition of it from Charles. Ryrie, who was a wonderful Bible teacher. This is what he said, a demon residing in a person exerting direct controlling influence over that person with certain derangement of mind and or body demon possession is to be distinguished from demon influence, or demon activity, in relation to a person, the work of the demon in the latter is from the outside in demon possession. The work is from the inside. So it's from the inside, and in the Bible, people who were demon possessed and we read about some of those, many more. They were affected physically in different ways. They were mute or deaf and mute. They had convulsions. They were very Fierce. They some of them had a supernatural strength. They would throw themselves into fire into water. They foamed at the mouth. The Bible says, they gnash their teeth and they had this abnormal strength. That's what demon possession is. Not in. That's not a prescient. Now, let's ask this can a Christian be demon possessed. Well, for many years ago, many many Bible teachers, would say, we'll know, you can't. But there's a growing number of Christian leaders who are saying that Christians can be demon possessed. Well, I believe the Bible is clear on this issue. That Christians cannot be demon possessed. The Bible says that the spirit of God and dwells there permanently. The Bible says, Paul said in First Corinthians. He said, do not know that you are not your own, you were bought with a price and that the spirit of God dwells in, you always is what he said. Look at 1st. John 4, verse 4. Look what it says. You are of God little children and have overcome them because he who is in, you is greater than he who is within the world. So if God is in you through the Holy Spirit, which he is, he's not going to allow Satan to also being you. And he's not going to cohabitate because he greater is he who is within you than he who is within the world, he is stronger than any demonic being including Satan himself. Another reason why I don't think a Christian can be demon possessed. Well, there's not a single instance of a Christian being demon possessed in the Bible. There's plenty of instances, but not a Christian, Christians are troubled by the devil. We are tempted by the devil, but we've never way. I've never seen a place where one must possess some people say it like this Christians can be obsessed with the devil. They can be oppressed by the devil but never possessed by the devil and when the New Testament instructs a belief concerning Satan and his attacks, it never instructs a Christian to have the devil cast out. You'll never find that in the Bible where the Bible says, look if you're Dan, if you feel like the devil's, got you new possessed, go call your preacher and go call the priest and get him to cast out. The Bible, never says that will, what does the bible tell us to do? The instruction, is To Be watchful to resist the devil, and the put on the whole armor of God and stand against the devil. That's how we are to defeat him. And according to the Bible. We've been delivered. Satan's domain. So it's important to understand. However, that demons can still influence us and they can oppress us, but they will not possess us if you are Christian. And what's the end? What's the endgame? What's the, the end of all demons? Where where do they go? Well, there without hope, God has extended his Mercy to rebellious men and women but he has not made provision for a rebellious Angels. The blood of Christ was shed for the world of lost men and lost women. Not for Angels Christ, didn't come to convert Fallen Angels. He came to destroy their empire. Look at Matthew 25 + 41. This is Jesus speaking of the day, when people stand before him and judgment and wants it, then he'll also say to those on the left hand, apart from me. You cursed into the Everlasting fire, prepared, for who the devil and who else is angels. I just think about this for a second. He's talking about hell. Hale was never prepared for human beings. Hale was only prepared for Satan and his angels. Never prepared. So, if any human Goes to Hell, they'll go to a place that was never prepared for them. It was prepared for the devil Satan and his angels, Wellness close this out quickly. Here about demonic, oppression. Let me give you five things here that we can do. Number one. Just remember who Satan? This remember he is not God's opposite. He's not on the same level with God. He's formidable. Yes, he is, but he's no match for God. We are to acknowledge his power. We can do that. But we are never to fear his person. Satan is not omnipotent. He's not omniscient, and he's not on the present. He can't be everywhere at the same time. Just remember who he is. And remember whose you are. Just remember that number two.
Number 2 is don't be ignorant of his devices. Look what 2nd Corinthians, 2:11 says less. Satan should take advantage of us for, we are not ignorant of his devices. What that tells us is, we need to understand his schemes his strategies because he is an excellent manipulator and friend. If he can't destroy your life. Through going out here for some sexual perversion or alcohol or drugs. He may try to destroy your life through depression discouragement and things like that. He will attack us there. So don't be ignorant of his devices and what he wants to do. Number three. Don't be preoccupied. With demons.
It's easy. Sometimes when you look at a study of Satan and demons and we get all caught up in it. And that's all we want to do. Remember. It's easy to get caught up in angels. I've known people before who got caught up just so caught up in studying angels that they started worshiping and talkin and praying to their own Angel friends. We can't do that. Look here's the way I look at it. The Bible speaks of Satan and demons will we ought to speak of it to? But we are not to go overboard with, don't get preoccupied with it. Just give it the same amount of attention that the Bible gives it. That's what we can do, but it's easy to go out here and run and buy books from secular authors and talk about demons and all like that. And we start reading that we get caught up in and all we want to do is talk about Satan and demons and study that no, don't don't get preoccupied with it. When you come across it studying, number four, number four. We need to resist the devil. The Bible says, in James resist the devil and he will flee from you. And we need to run from any connection that we could have with the occult. Remember, I've already said that demons are strongly associated with idolatry. And with immorality in the Bible says we are to run from these since. So don't get caught up in a seance is Ouija boards.
Occult music in and lyrics. Don't get caught up in astrology. Don't go to a palm reader and and horoscopes Martha asked me the other day. She said, what's your horoscope? She said, I don't even know what mine is. I said my Pisces. See, I knew, I don't read horoscopes. But from past year. I remember I was a positive. People get caught up all in that and read that. And I'll tell you something else, people get caught up in Christian people chain letters. I see on Facebook all the time. You say, say, Amen or you guys going to bless you financially. If you'll send this to 10 or 12 people what happens? If you only send it to 8? Is that the reason I didn't get rich? I didn't send it to 12 friend. That's nothing but chain, letters, festive. That's almost like witchcraft. Every time I see that on Facebook. I just created. When a Christian says me that send this to 10 people on God's going to bless. You will wonder if he don't What if he don't blast me, what if I have a flat tire and I'm late for work. What's going to happen? Then I'm going to be angry at God is what I'm going to look cuz I'm going to blame him look and you didn't bless me. You see how that work. Don't ever get caught up in things like that. You see your mind is Satan's Target and he will try to play mind games with you. That's why Romans 12:2 says, is the scripture here and do not be conformed. Do not be shaped to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. When you think on those things that are good, just pure and gentle and lovely. Like Paul says, to do, that's what we need to fill our minds with. And then, finally, what else can we do commit? The spiritual warfare. John said, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities Powers against the rulers of Darkness of this age spiritual hosts and wickedness, in high places. That's what we fight against. In the Bible tells us that is we draw near to the end of time. That this will escalate. But why? Why is it going? Why does it seem like that? The Satan and his demons are working overtime. Why does it seem like this? Where would you get worse and worse? Why is he doing so much? Well Revelation 12:12. Last verse tells it all therefore Rejoice O heavens and you who dwell in them. Go to the inhabitants of the earth and the Sea. For the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he has a white short top. The reason is getting worse and worse is because the devil understands he has a short time. That's the reason friends. We need to stand ready. We need to be ready to face Satan and these demons. And what are they like whether just rational knowledgeable beans, where do they come from thrown out of Heaven to promote Satan's purpose to promote idolatry in Morality pervert and a flick people. Remember who Satan is don't be ignorant of his devices. Don't be over preoccupied with them, resist the devil. He'll flee from you and be committed the spiritual warfare. Amen. Let's pray. Father. We thank you and praise you. Love you today, Lord for your word, Lord. We thank you for this message. Lord. We need to understand what we fight against. We need to understand the spiritual powers in this world, or we don't want to become enamored with it. We don't want to give it more than what it is. The lore. We need to recognize Satan and demons for what they are. And for what they're trying to do help us not to be ignorant of his devices lower, but help us to remember who he is. And also help us to remember that in us, living in us as Christian that greater is he who is within us than he who is within the world. Father, again? We thank you. If there's anyone here today that is being a pressed or influence by demonic activity. I pray Lord that they would drop down on their knees that they would ask you two to work in their life. And that the Holy Spirit Lord would convict them Lord that they would be able to see what's going on and Lord that they would be able to live a life. That's pleasing to you. We can do it because we have your power.