Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Just being intentional about things that you listen to the people that you associate with, in the ways that you allow them to influence you for better.
If you are not intentional about being different, being better than you were yesterday, you will not be.
And the danger of not changing, isn't we end up almost glorifying or defying our faults and saying there's nothing we can do about these faults.
There's nothing we can do about the way they are.
It is just the way that we are and we end up putting those things above the power of God because the truth is, is that the Lord will break every chain in the boy, the Lord will and can bring us up.
Beyond every challenge that we are facing, he can he can and it really does help to believe that he can because when you start believing then you start confessing and then you start trying to do eggs towards becoming the person that God is making you to be a beyond what you thought was possible.
Growth is in your, in My DNA growth isn't our destiny.
We have to be people who want to grow and it's more than just growth.
I love this verse in Matthew chapter 5 verses 14 through 16 is a well-known verse and it kind of has to do is we're talking about today as you were the light of the world like a city on a Hilltop that cannot be hit.
You guys can do this one.
No one lights a lamp that puts it under a basket.
Instead a lamp is placed on a stand where it gives light to every one of the house in the same way.
Let your good deeds shine out for all to see that everyone will praise your heavenly.
Father was beautiful about this verse Is that it's not Jesus, who is the light?
It's you.
And I And that light only happens when we start this relationship with the Lord and it, but it's, this this conversion where instead of being people who need, hope we end up being people who display and start passing out.
Hope revealing hope showing hope.
And that, that hopefulness, that, that perspective of God being bigger than our circumstances is something that we desperately need in our world desperately needs.
The change that God wants to make to make that happen as in you.
And that's what's cool about the work that God wants God doesn't materialize.
I was praying this morning.
Would you just just directly show somebody yourself to the day would make it a change and got like no I'm sending you and that's how God does hope he does the change in the work and you so that people can see what God is doing in you and that points back to him and soak it lead us to this place of saying OK.
Google then then help me to be the person that shines light gives hope and send it points back to you.
Help me to be that person.
The last couple weeks have been talking about routes and talking about where you put your roots.
And what that means is, is it where you getting influenced from?
Where are you getting encouraged from?
Where you getting Challenge from?
In? Are in your life.
And if you are not intentional.
Where you put that, many of you spend a bunch of time on social media review, spent a bunch of time watching a news.
You spent a bunch of time, hanging out with people that are probably not leading you toward good things.
Then your perspective is probably going to be not, not helpful, not hopeful not not God word.
Last week.
We talked about their three things that we can put our Roots.
The number one is the love of God.
That God loves you.
He loves you ridiculously.
He loves you beyond what you have done when you sees you, he sees the image of God and so he's not put off by you are my my history.
He loves you put your route in the love of God.
Number to you put your route in the power of God believing that God can take you through and growing you anything that he says is possible.
He can do those things in you and so God's calling us to look at our perspective, based on who he is and what he can do and not who we are and what we can do.
And thirdly, we put our route in the anointing of God.
There's people around us that are growing people around us that are encouraging.
I pray that you have people in your circle that you like, man.
I love what God is doing in them.
I want some of that I see other family.
Is there when I see how their their piece is, they're going through a lot whole lot, but they don't seem to be frazzled.
And I like how they're their attitude is, right.
I want to see.
I want you to do what working means.
It's like them, you spend time with them, you build, because of what God is doing in them and you let them speak in your life where you put your roots matters, where you put your Rich matter.
And today we're going to talk about is it once got starts growing you.
What do you do then?
Philippians chapter 1 verses 4 through 6. Girls like this, I think you whenever I pray I make my request for all of you with joy.
And here's here's a good.
As if you were, you have been my partners and spreading the good news about Christ.
The time you've heard of until now and I am certain that God who began a good work within, you will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day.
When Christ Jesus returns.
Aluminum screed VR6 again, I'm certain that God who began a good work in.
You will continue his work until it's finally finished on the day.
When Christ Jesus returns.
Thank you, this worse.
This verse means a couple of things to me.
Number one.
Do God is just kind of like paraphrases, God is working on you.
He's working on you.
He's working on you as reading this week.
Actually, today.
I'm going to my Bible read through and I'm in the Book of Daniel right now.
And it was interesting that there was this person.
Daniel, that says that many will be purified.
Cleansed and refined by these trials.
In other words.
The things were going through has the potential to purify has cleanse us and refiners.
In other words.
Grow us until my point is is that when God is doing a good work in you, he's there to help you grow.
He's there to help you grow, but you can't grow unless, you know, a couple of things.
Number one.
God knows where you're at right now.
You know what, you're dealing with right now.
He's not broken about that.
He's not put off about that.
He knows where you're at, right now, the doubts that you have, the struggles that you have the fears that you have the anxieties that you have the limitations, you.
Think you have.
God knows.
He's not surprised.
And he's still pursuing you.
You still pursuing you got knows where you're at.
So we don't need to put on a fake fake face with that.
God knows we're at another thing that God knows God knows where you're going.
He knows what he's trying to do when you and it's important for you to know that to that, When God says to use it for you and I to do something.
When God tells you that you should move in this direction or see this thing or do this or stop doing this.
He's not doing it randomly.
He's doing it with a plan in mind do this because when you do this, you're taking one step towards this really good gold that he's taking you toward.
He's taking this so you and I experience Freedom or you and I experienced.
Hope more.
He's got a plan number 3. God does not grow us independently from our cooperation.
Would it be great if we could be like, okay God, do it.
Doesn't work like that.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9