Josh (10-26-08)

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Oct 26, 2008

“Dying to Self”              Josh 5:10-15

As Israel crossed the Jordan River                                                 we too  ..  came to understand that we     symbolically have crossed the river too                                   we are living our new inheritance  /  blessings                     so therefore scripture warns us  ..  like them                                         don’t look back & desire  ..  Egypt  ..  or                                                             your old life style  we are to die to that                    


Rather  ..  let God satisfy you                                                         with His inheritance  /  blessing [1]

just as Paul states   in   Eph 1:3  

blessed be the God & Father of our Lord J.C.  who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing                      in the heavenly places in Christ

( that is our inheritance today as believers )

& now we shall see Joshua come face to face with   the captain of the host of the Lord”

Read            Josh 5:10-15            Pray

Joshua had read  ..  in the Book of the Law                                 what Moses had said to the Lord                                             


Ex 33:15


if Your Presence does not go with us                                           do not bring us up from here

So Joshua held on to the promise                                                  that God would be with him                                                   just as He was with Moses   ( Josh 1:5 )

no man will be able to stand before you                                        all the days of your life                                                                          just as I have been with Moses .. I will be with you                          I will not fail you or forsake you


now .. He reaffirmed that promise to Joshua                                              ( & like Moses )  ..  Joshua will refuse to move                                               until he was sure the Lord was with him

Imagine the great encouragement                       when Joshua realized that he was not alone                                     & found out that man with his sword drawn v13-15   “was the captain of the host of the Lord”

I appreciate the courage of Joshua                                     as he confronted this stranger   v13                                          wanting to know whose side he was on

You see  ..  with Joshua                                                              there was no compromise                                                   you were either for the Lord or against Him          

Joshua 24:15

if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord choose for yourselves today whom you will serve whether the gods which your fathers served                    which were beyond the River, or the gods                                 of the Amorites in whose land you are living                          but as for me & my house .. we will serve the Lord

When Joshua discovered the visitor                                       was the Lord  ..  he fell at His feet in worship                                                & waited for His orders   v14

for Joshua knew what was written in John 15:5

“… for apart from Me you can do nothing”

Of course   “theCaptain of the Lord of hosts”                       is the title for God in the O.T. [2]

& this records  ..  one of the pre-incarnate appearances of the Lord J.C.

want to see a couple more  ..  for instance )

·        To Abraham                                                   

           the Lord came as a traveler                                                       

           to share a meal & a blessing

            ( Gen 18:1–33 )

·        To Jacob  ..  He came as a wrestler                                           

           to bring him to a place of submission                                    

           ( Gen 32:24–32 )

·        To Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego

           they met Him  their faith companion”                                                 

           in the furnace of fire                                                                   

           ( Dan 3:19-25 )

& Joshua met Him here   ( v13-15 )

as the Captain of the Lord’s armies  /  hosts                                                                     & the reason was to reassure Joshua   …                                                             He was the Captain  /  Leader  ..  not Joshua

& that He’d see Joshua thru the battles

You see  ..  the Lord makes it clear to us all                                            

that the battle is not ours  ..  but it is His

2 Chron 20:15


& he said .. listen all Judah & the inhabitants                        of Jerusalem & King Jehoshaphat .. thus says                        the Lord to you .. do not fear or be dismayed                                                           because of this great multitude                                                  for the battle is not yours .. but God’s

v13-15   is the call & commission of Joshua                      it is the same call that came to Moses                                                      on the plains of Midian  ..  at the burning bush   ( Ex 3:5 ) [3]  when God said to Moses

do not come near here                                    remove your sandals from your feet                                            for the place on which you are standing                                  is holy ground

The Lord’s first order to Joshua revealed     that he was standing on holy ground

Watch this now  ..  altho Joshua was standing                                                         “in heathen territory”                                                                  yet because God was with him   …                                          he was standing  ..  “on holy ground”  [4]

The lesson is clear  ..  if we are obeying                                  the Will of God  ..  no matter where we stand                                      IF He leads us  /  we will be  “on holy ground”

The main lesson   of   Joshua 5   is this                                               we must be a spiritually prepared people                                                if we are going to do the Lord’s work                                   & glorify His Name  …                                                           instead of rushing into the battle                                       we must take time to be holy  /  circumcised                                             that is  ..  to stand with Him in obedience  [5]

Watch this now  ..  previously we found                             the people of Israel                                                        on the bank of the Jordan  ..  & not moving                                 as the Lord is preparing them for battle                                 & for  ..  their spiritual lives  …                                       to live under His covenant  /  His blessing                                   ( but first be circumcised  set apart )

Gilgal becomes a key in the lives of the Jews                             & symbolically  ..  a key for us as well                                          as it becomes  ..  a place of testing  death   

There are lessons to be learned there                              which are not easily learned  /  understood

You see  ..  before there was                                                  a day of Pentecost  before the day of revival                             there was  /  the Cross at Calvary  death

Therefore  ..  before there can be blessings                                        that comes forth from the throne of God                                                                  there has to be  ..  death to ourselves

Jesus clearly said   in   John 12:24

truly, truly I say to you                                                                  unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth & dies  it remains alone .. but if it dies  /  but if it dies                                                         ( what )  it bears much fruit

Before our will can be accomplished                                                  His Will  ..  has to be fulfilled  ..  ( & where )                                                in & thru our own lives

Listen  ..  I know some will say                                       is it worth the trials  ..  is it worth the cost                                          that I have to go thru                                                                       to pay such a great price                                                     as death to myself                                                     (  is there not an easier way  )

I can hear some ask   …

·      can I not just muddle thru my faith                                               

      without paying such a great price                                                     

·       do I have to be so real with God                                                

·       do I have to go that far  /  death to myself

·       can I not play both ends of my life  /  faith



Want the truth to that question  ..  yes you can                                                 it is very possible to live  ..  “a Christian life”                                   without becoming  ..  “so hard core”

I have seen so many .. “so called Christians” that I can’t count them any more                                                                there are  ..  “myriads of so called Christians”                                    walking around today  ..  living                                                       “a second class existence with Christ”

In fact  ..  in my opinion  )                                                    this is partially why the church                               (  & Christians .. if you want to call them that  )                                  are so incapable of marching against                                      the forces of evil                                                                 that exist within our society today                                 

We have all the blessings of God                                              at our disposal  ..  & yet we are begging bread                                              like we are paupers

I ask you  ..  is   Eph 1:3   true or not                                                are we truly                                                                          “blessed with every spiritual blessing”  /  or not

The only answer I can figure out                                              as I serve the Lord  ..  & you  ..  is this   …                                         

There are far too many of us                                                   “so called Christians  carnal believers”                                                         who are waling around like                                                     “2nd class citizens”

Who are afraid   “to die to ourselves”                                        & have found out  ..  that we don’t have to                                           & so we are  ..  simply existing                                                     as   “carnal Christians”                                                       not living   “the blessed Christian life”   …                                             

And who suffers when you & I live like this                                             (  I’ll tell you who  )                                                                             you  /  church  /  your family  /  your work                           our nation  /  & everyone else                                       we come in contact with

This is why the church today  /  & believers                           are so incapable of matching                                           the challenge of this desperate time   …                                          goodness  ..  we should be pouring out                                                              all the heavenly resources                                                       that are at our disposal   …                                               but we can’t  ..  because                                                                     we don’t have them ourselves

You want to know something                                                      only people who are filled with                                                  the Spirit of God  ..  who are on fire                                     with His passion & might  …                                 who are living a Holy Spirit filled life                                      who have died to themselves                                            could ever match the challenge of this age                                          & satan  ..  who is behind this all

Who do you suppose wishes to kill off                          as many children as he can                                            before they are born                                                                 


Who do you suppose would wish                           to destroy God’s call upon marriages   businesses  /  your integrity  /  your character                       our churches  /  etc    

???   Is it us as Christians                                                                        or is it the evil one who is at work                                                                      within those of us who claim                                  to walk with Christ  ..                                                                    but who decide to take the easy way out                          so we won’t have to die to ourselves                                              & still keep our toes in waters of secularism   so to speak


( let me ask you a question )

you going to vote  ..  or do you think                                       that your vote can’t make a difference                                   


You going to give to the church                                                    in spite of tough times  ..  or do you think                                 that your giving won’t be missed                                      & you need it more than God anyways


Are you willing to die to yourself                                   & see the hand of God work within your life                           & within the life of your church                                           & family & Nation                                 

Joshua 24:15

if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord choose for yourselves today whom you will serve whether the gods which your fathers served                      which were beyond the River .. or the gods                                                               of the Amorites in whose land you are living                                  but as for me & my house .. we will serve the Lord


Eph 1:3

Ex 33:15

Josh 24:15

John 15:5

Gen 18:1-33

Gen 32:24-32

Dan 3:19-25

2 Chron 20:15

Ex 3:5

John 12:24


[1]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1993). Be strong (Jos 5:10). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

[2]Auld, A. G. (2001, c1984). Joshua, Judges, and Ruth. The Daily study Bible series (35). Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press.

[3]McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (2:13). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

[4]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1993). Be strong (Jos 5:13). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

[5]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1993). Be strong (Jos 5:13). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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