Joshua-schedule rev7-13
Yorba Linda Friends Church
Men of the Bible (MOB)
The Book of Joshua
Study Schedule (Revised 7/13/99)
June 1999 1 Introduction
8 Deuteronomy 34:1-12 - Moses passes command
15 Joshua 1:1-18 - Joshua’s Commission
22 2:1-14 - Rahab’s faith
29 2:15-24 - Sealing the agreement
July 6 3:1-17 -Crossing the Jordan
13 4:1-5:1- Memorial to the crossing
20 5:2-15 - Circumcision & God’s call to holiness
27 6:1-27 - The Battle of Jericho
August 3 7:1-9 - Defeat at Ai and Joshua’s despair
10 7:10-25 - The Lord’s consecration
17 8:1-35 The battle at Ai
24 9:1-15 - The Gibeonite’s deceit
31 9:16-27 - The Gibeonite’s destiny
September 7 10:1-11 - Defending Gibeon
14 10:12-27 - Victory at Gibeon
21 10:28-43 - Defeat of the Southern Kingdoms
28 11:1-15 - Coalition of the Northern Kingdoms
October 5 11:16-23 - Defeat of the Northern Kingdoms
12 Chapters 12 to 22 - Defeated kings and the
distribution of the land amongst the tribes
19 22:1-9 - Joshua challenge to the eastern tribes
26 22:10-20 - The alter
November 2 22:21-34 - The crisis, the resolution
9 23:1-16 - Joshua’s admonitions
16 24:1:13 - Review of Joshua’s reign
23 24:14-24 - Choose whom you will serve
30 24:25-33 - Conclusion and Joshua’s death