Joshua 10:12-27
Victory at Gibeon
1. Last week we discussed how the Lord provided hailstones to help the Israelites. In verses 10:12-14 we see even a greater miracle.
a) Describe this miracle as it is told in the Bible.
b) Modern science gives us a more accurate understanding of the relationship and relative movement of the sun, the moon and the earth. How would you describe this event.
c) This event would certainly rival the parting of the Red Sea or the stopping of the flood waters of the Jordan River. In verse 14, we learn that this miracle had a special twist. Numerous verses throughout this book affirm the Lord’s support of Joshua. How does this affirmation compare to the others, and why it was necessary here.
2. In the first several verses of this chapter, we saw a coalition of five kings banding together to attack Gibeon. Discuss the change of heart of these kings told in Joshua 10:16, and compare this to Joshua 2:11, 5:1, and 7:5.
3. In Joshua 10:22-27 we see much symbolism in the demise to the five kings.
a) Describe the measures Joshua took regarding these kings and why.
b) Placing your foot on the necks of your enemies seems harsh and barbaric. Read Psalm 110:1 and 1 Corinthians 15:25-27 and explain the meaning of this gesture.
c) Four times in the first chapter of this book (1:6,7,9,18) the Lord encouraged Joshua to be “strong and courageous.” In 10:25 we see Joshua similarly encouraging his military leaders. How do these verses speak of Joshua’s maturing in his faith and in his leadership ability?