Come boldly with enduring faith in God's final promise that the Promised Conquering King is the Perfect High Priest who offered the ultimate sacrifice, so don't turn back!
We must receive with enduring faith the Holy Spirit’s promise of entering God’s rest in Psalm 95, just as Jesus has done.
Sabbath rest
Bible project video
Enduring faith
3:6 Hold fast our confidence/hope
3:12 unbelieving heart
3:14 share in Christ if we hold our original confidence firm to the end
3:19 Did not enter because of unbelief
The promise
4:1 The promise of Psalm 95 still stands
4:2 Good news/message/faith
4:3 enter the promised land of rest by believing
4:4 God rested to reign over and enjoy His finished work of creation/Jesus rested to reign over/enjoy His finished work of new creation
Jesus is God’s Word/Wisdom, the creator of the universe, who rescued/bought back His universe/land for His people and is the firstborn of the New Creation who will one day make all things new