The Power of Words

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Good morning and thank you for joining us this morning. Coming to you from Orlando, FL where we are just taking a little break.
I’ve been working, along side our contractor at the church building getting it ready to return to in person worship and our grand opening celebration on Sat. Dec 18, from 12:00 noon - 3:00 p.m. If you live in the Douglasville, GA area please meet us at 3500 Hwy 5 to celebrate the goodness of the Lord with us.
By whatever platform you may be viewing this message, please go to YouTube and subscribe to our YouTube Channel — you’ll find us at Love Christian Center, Douglasville.
It’s good to be with you on this first Sunday of the last month of the year. Yes we’ve made it to Dec and I am so honored to share the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus, yesterday was my birthday and I praise God for every day he’s given me. I certainly don’t take it for granted because there are many who did not made it to 60 on this side, and here I stand. God is so good to me.
There is a word from the Lord so let us get to it.
Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.
This is your call to worship. Let us pray.
Turn with in your Bibles to Prov 18:21

Prov 18:21 KJV - Death and life are in the power of the tongue: And they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

NLT - The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.

The title of today’s message is, “The Power of Words”.
Have you ever run into someone, perhaps you know someone, or you are the someone who loves to talk. You know, those people who have so many words. Years ago, there was a song that said, talking loud and saying nothing.
I’m an editor and just a couple of the things I do in my editing is, one, look for redundancy. Is the writer continually repeating something that has already been said. And, two, is the writer being verbose or wordy. In other words, are they using 25 words to say what could be said in 10?
Sometimes your message can get diluted because you’re using too many words. In our microwave society, you can lose your viewer or listener if your words don’t capture their attention in a matter of seconds. So if you want your message to be received, you must choose your words wisely. The power of words.
We see the power of words throughout the Scriptures.
In the first book and first chapter of the Bible, the book of Genesis, we see the words “And God said” eight times, and with each of those declarations, major things were created, until everything was created including man and woman. When God spoke about creating man and woman, he spoke to the Son and the Holy Ghost and said let us make man in our image then he created man from the dust of the ground and created woman from the rib of the man to walk beside him. The power of words.
Man and woman lived in a paradise for a while, and then in the third chapter of Genesis there were some words spoken that had a catastrophic affect and would change the world as Adam and Eve knew it. Satan spoke words of deception, he lied and even though his words were lies the result or the consequence was the fall of man.
As a result of Satan’s words
guilt entered the world
shame entered the world
pain entered the world
sin entered the world
death, entered the world
All because of a lie. Words have power, even when those words are a lie.
We learn in the first chapter of John that Jesus Christ was the Word and the Word dwelt or lived among us. That word had all power given to him by the father, so when Jesus spoke,
people were healed
people were delivered
people were raised from the dead
storms ceased
demons feared and trembled
and so much more
The power of words.
Your tongue, that thing James calls an unruly member, that thing that allows you to speak words, words that can bring life and words that can bring death.
Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right. What are you telling yourself. Even your thoughts consist of words, so just because they remain unspoken…words still have power.
Our country is in turmoil over the unspoken words of police who fear certain people based solely on the color of their skin. And while they may not speak the words initially, their actions and the words they speak after they have needlessly taken a life, seem to be a mantra for their reckless actions, those words being, “I was in fear for my life”.
Those who stormed the capitol on Jan 6, did so because of words, because of a lie. That lie changed the lives of many families forever and the full cost of that lie is still yet to be determined. Those words literally caused death.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived said, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”.
Now you may be saying I’ve never killed anyone with my words. But let me ask you this, have you ever placed a limitation on someone for any reason? Have you told them they couldn’t do something because they were
too short or too tall - you just spoke death
too fat or too skinny - you just spoke death
not smart enough - you just spoke death
because they were a girl - you just spoke death
because they didn’t look a certain way? - you just spoke death
Have you ever verbally rejected a person because they didn’t meet your expectation, because they weren’t up to your standard - you just spoke death.
Have you ever shunned a person because of their background, never stopping to discover why they were, where they were - you just spoke death.
Even your words have power.
Companies spend billions of dollars on ad campaigns to get you to spend your money on their products. They’re telling you how you should look, what you should wear, what you should eat, how you should feel and even what you should do. The power of words.
Parents, when you tell a child they can’t do something you have just spoken death over their lives. You are the biggest influencer in their life, or at least you should be. Yet the internet, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and whatever other platform is out there is what is influencing them.
Teens are taking their own lives because of internet trolls who say things behind the cover of anonymity. Things they would never say in person, and our children believe it…unless, your words are stronger. The power of words.
Let’s bring it to the church, after all even though we are not gathered in person, we’re still the church. The church is the people not the building. Amen? You may be saying oh no preacher, words of death are not spoken in the church. Wellll
For every person who has ever been made to feel inferior at the church, who has heard the words
Your dress is too short, too tight, or too low cut - death. But the person saying it never stopped to consider it’s all they had to wear
You need to put on a suit - But the person saying it never stopped to consider they don’t own one
You smell - But the person saying it never stopped to consider they’re homeless and they need help
You’re late, go to the overflow - But the person saying it never stopped to consider they just ran out of the house because their partner was abusing them and they need protection
You can’t cook, so you can’t be a part of the hospitality ministry - But the person saying it never stopped to consider they love to clean and would be willing to just wash the dishes
You can’t preach because you’re a woman - But the person saying it never stopped to consider God called her to preach
You can’t pastor because you’re a woman - But the person saying it never stopped to consider God said that is what she is to do
You can’t come into the pulpit, you have to speak from the floor because you’re a woman - But the person saying it never read the Scripture where God said, “… in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. 27 As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
How many have people have ever felt rejected because of something you said? You just spoke death in the life of that individual.
Rejected by the very people, in the very place you’re supposed to be able to go for comfort, for consideration, for encouragement, for acceptance, for help…for love. Instead, you receive death by words. The power of words.
The very place where the Bible says come as you are, meaning come with your messed up attitude, ideologies, biases, prejudices and life; lay all that on the altar, confess your sins, give your heart to Jesus, ask him to come into your life and watch him change you for the better, watch him change you forever. Watch him take the rags of your life and turn them into riches. Watch him bless you above all you could ask or imagine. The power of words.
Now what we should be speaking is life.
When is the last time you told your little girl she’s beautiful, or your little boy he’s handsome? That’s life.
When is the last time you gave them a hug? That’s life.
When is the last time you told your spouse you love them, or showed them affection? That’s life.
When is the last time you blessed a stranger on the street? That’s life.
When is the last time you helped someone? That’s life.
When is the last time you did something or gave, expecting nothing in return? That’s life.
When is the last time you demonstrated love in a nonsexual way? That’s life.
We speak with our words, we speak with our thoughts, we speak with our actions. Are you speaking death or are you speaking life? Are you speaking evil or are you speaking good?
What you’re speaking is important because the next thing Solomon says is, “…those who love it will eat it’s fruits” or “those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” What that means is there are consequences for the words you speak.
The Scripture explains itself, if we look back at Prov 18:19 we see this, “A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city: And their contentions are like the bars of a castle.
When you offend with your words, when you hurt someone with your words it’s very difficult to mend that relationship. How many families have been destroyed over careless words spoken in the heat of the moment. How many friendships have ended over words spoken in anger? Consequences
The thing about words is once they’re spoken, there is no taking them back. Yes, you can apologize and if what you said hurt someone, you should apologize, but the damage has already been done; the offense has already been committed, there is no “taking it back”. The power of words.
That being said, it would be wise to take the advice James gives in chapter 1 verse 19 “…let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger;”
Be quick to listen. When you’re having a conversation or even a disagreement with someone—listen. Listen more than you speak. Listen to what they’re saying and sometimes you may need to listen for what they’re not saying. When you truly listen you may discover what they’re saying is coming from a place of hurt, what they’re saying may have nothing to do with you or the current situation. Listen.
Then, seek first to understand. It may be difficult, but you must try to understand their point of view. Listen and ask questions to understand why they feel the way they feel. Ask questions and you’ll discover why they fold the towels that way and cut the end off the ham and prefer frozen vegetables over canned. Do your best to see where they’re coming from.
Then it’s your turn to be understood. It’s their turn to listen to you and why you do what you do or did what you did. At the end of the conversation you may discover you’re saying the same thing just using different words.
When you speak, be intentional, be clear and be brief, just because you speak first, speak long and speak loud, doesn’t make you right, it makes you quick, verbose and noisy.
Take time to form your words carefully, then think, is that what you would want said to you and how you would want it said? No? Then don’t say it like that or perhaps it doesn’t need to be said at all.
Words have the power to transform. Just ask the college graduate who was told they would never be able to read, but grandmama at sat down and read with them and not only did they learn to read they excelled.
Words have the power to build up or tear down. Just ask a the 5’6” basketball dunking champion Spud Webb who was told he couldn’t play basketball because he was too short.
Words have the power to heal or make sick. Ask the patient whose doctor tells them they have six months to live, but refuses to accept that report, instead they believe the report of the Lord that says you shall live and not die.
Words have the power to encourage or discourage. Just ask the person who has someone speak life into their hopeless situation.
There are testimonies of people who were planning to take their own lives, but someone took the time to speak to them, to ask them if they were ok, and when they responded yes, they took the time to confirm it because it really didn’t sound true.
Who is God telling you to take time out for? Who is God telling you to slow down and bless with a conversation? People don’t always need money, sometimes they just need a little kindness, sometimes they just need a little time. I heard a report one day that the children who get in the most trouble are the ones in extreme poverty and the ones whose parents have extreme wealth. Money is not the answer to every problem.
When is the last time you deposited a positive word into your spouse? When is the last time you gave them a compliment? Are they running on fumes or is their cup running over?
Not only do words have power they have consequences. You can say what you want, if fact, the first amendment in the US Constitution says you have the right to free speech…just know if you yell fire in a theater and someone gets trampled, you will have to deal with the consequences of your words.
Just know, if you spread a lie that you were cheated out of an election and tell people to “stop the steal” and march to capitol and demonstrate. If people do that and someone loses their life as a result…there are consequences for that.
For those who like to use many words, be careful, there are consequences. If you tell your children you’re taking them to Disney World and you don’t take them…there will be consequences. It may be some crying, some whining, some questions or an all out fit.
When you get married and vow to love, honor and cherish and cling only to him, cling only to her and you break that vow, when you fail to carry out your promise, there will be consequences. With the divorce rate being upwards of 50% even in the church; there are many who are failing to realize not only the power of words, but the importance of keeping your word.
When you make a promise, when you make a vow, when you give your word; it means something or at least it should. At the end of the day when you have no money, when you have no power, when you have no position, when all you have is your word…it matters. The power of words.
Jesus spoke words,
that gave us the opportunity for eternal life
he told us we could have unspeakable joy
he said we could have peace that surpasses all understanding
he said he is the vine, we are the branches and when we stay connected to him we will bear much fruit
he said cast all your cares on him for he cares for you
he said whatever you pray for asking in his name and believing, the Father will give it to you
he said we are his friends
he said there is no greater love than a man who would lay down his life for a friend
… and that is just what he did over two thousand years ago when he went to a hill called Golgotha.
That’s just what he did when was nailed to that cross meant for a criminal, instead it held an innocent man.
That’s just what he did when he hung on that cross and the even the sun spoke its displeasure by refusing to shine in the middle of the day.
That’s just what he did when he fulfilled the Scripture that said, “He was despised and rejected— a man of sorrows, acquainted with deepest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way. He was despised, and we did not care. Yet it was our weaknesses he carried; it was our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, a punishment for his own sins! But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.”
Jesus gave his life for our sins and
he did it because he knew we needed a savior,
he did it because he knew sin required a sacrifice,
he did it because he knew we’d never get it right,
he did it because he knew there was no sacrifice on earth sufficient to save us
he did it because he knew Satan the devourer would continue to sift us like wheat, to destroy us
he did it because he knew we were weak and in need of a savior
he did it because he loved us and there was, is and never will be a greater love.
If you’ve never accepted the love that Christ gave freely, today is a good day, pray with me...
God I understand words have power and I confess right now that I am a sinner and I need your grace. Please forgive me for my sin, Jesu I ask you to come into my heart and be Lord of my life, in your name I pray, amen.
If you prayed that prayer for the first time congratulations and welcome to the family, now find a Bible believing Bible teaching church where you can go to work, learning what it means to not only be a disciple, but a disciple maker.
If you’d like Love Christian Center to be that family send us a message on whatever platform you are viewing this message or send an email to and we will contact you.
If you’d like to support this ministry financially, you can give through CashApp at $LoveChristianCenter, Givelify at Love Christian Center or PayPal at our email, Perhaps you’d like to mail your donation or bring it with when you come to 3500 Hwy 5, Ste 101, Douglasville, GA 30135.
Once again if you’re in the Douglasville, GA area join us on Dec 18, from 12:00 to 3:00 for our open house and in person worship service on Dec 19, Sunday school begins at 8:45 and worship is at 10:00 am.
Your words have power, will you use them for evil or will you use them for good. Be intentional and build.
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