Daniel 10.12-The Angel Encourages Daniel to Not Be Afraid Because He Had Come to Give Him an Answer to His Prayer
Wenstrom Bible Ministries
Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom
Thursday February 27, 2014
Daniel: Daniel 10:12-The Angel Encourages Daniel to Not Be Afraid Because He Had Come to Give Him an Answer to His Prayer
Lesson # 307
Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel 10:1.
Daniel 10:1 During Cyrus’s third year, king over Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel who was called by his name Belteshazzar. Specifically this message was truth and concerning a great conflict because he understood this message, yes he possessed understanding concerning this revelation. 2 During those days, I myself, Daniel caused myself to enter the state of mourning for three weeks. 3 I never ate expensive choice food or meat. Also, wine never entered into my mouth likewise I never anointed myself with oil until the end of the three weeks. 4 Then, on the twenty-fourth day of the first month while I myself was beside that great river, namely the Tigris, 5 while I lifted up my eyes, I then stared as behold there was a certain man dressed in linen. Specifically, his waist was girded with gold from Uphaz, 6 his torso like chrysolite, his face like a glittering appearance, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms as well as his legs like the appearance of polished bronze, and in addition the sound of his words like the sound of a large crowd. 7 Now, I myself, Daniel alone saw this revelatory vision while the men who were with me never saw this revelatory vision. However, a great panic fell upon them. In fact, they fled because they were hiding themselves. 8 Thus, I myself was left alone while staring at this great revelatory vision. However, absolutely no strength was left in me. Also, to my dismay, my facial appearance was transformed into a deathly pale state. Indeed, I retained absolutely no strength. 9 However, despite this, I could hear the sound of his words. In fact, as soon as I myself heard the sound of his words, I myself was then caused to enter the state of being in a deep sleep on my face, yes my face to the ground. 10 Then, behold, a hand touched me. Next, it set me trembling on my knees and the palms of my hands. 11 Immediately after this, he said, “O Daniel, a precious man. Please understand the message which I myself am about to communicate to you. Therefore, please stand in your place because for your benefit, I have been sent.” Consequently when he communicated this statement for my benefit, I stood shaking. (My translation)
Daniel 10:12 Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words. (NASB95)
“Do not be afraid” is composed of the adverb of negation ʾǎl (אַל) (al), “not” which is negating the meaning of the verb yā∙rē(ʾ) (יָרֵא) (yaw-ray), “do be afraid.”
The verb yā∙rē(ʾ) is used by this unidentified elect angel in relation to Daniel and means “to be terrified” as a result of fear and the verb’s meaning is negated by the adverb of negation ʾǎl.
Together, they refer to Daniel no longer being in a state of great distress and anxiety and deep concern because of this angel and the revelatory vision of the preincarnate Christ.
The jussive conjugation of this verb is for a negative desire expressing a strong desire that something not take place and here it refers to the elect angel’s strong desire that Daniel would no longer be terrified in his presence.
“For from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this” presents the reason why the unidentified elect angel is expressing the strong desire that Daniel would no longer be terrified in his presence.
“And on humbling yourself before your God” presents a purpose of Daniel applying his heart which is in addition to understanding.
“Your words were heard” is referring to the words Daniel employed when talking to God in prayer.
“And I have come in response to your words” presents the result of God hearing Daniel’s prayer request.
Daniel 10:12 Then, he said to me, “Please do not be terrified, Daniel, because from the first day that you applied your heart in order to understand as well as to humble yourself in the presence of your God, your words were heard. Consequently, I myself have come because of your words.” (My translation)
Once Daniel responds to the elect’s angel request to stand up, he proceeds to assure Daniel by requesting that he would no longer be terrified.
Of course, Daniel was no doubt terrified of the revelatory vision of the preincarnate Christ as well as the presence of this angelic being.
The angel then tells Daniel the reason why he should not be terrified, namely because from the first day that Daniel applied his heart in order to understand as well as to humble himself in the presence of God, his words were heard.
Thus, the angel informs Daniel that he had come to visit Daniel because of his words, which is a reference to his prayer.
There are several questions which arise with regards to his angelic statement.
First what is the angel referring to when he mentions “the first day?”
Also, what is he referring to when he says Daniel applied his heart to understand?
What did he apply his heart to understand?
Daniel 10:2-3 gives us the answer with regards to the reference to “the first day.”
In verse 2, Daniel informs the reader that during the third year of the reign of Cyrus the Persian, he caused himself to enter the state of mourning for three weeks.
Then, in verse 3, he states that he never ate expensive choice food or meat.
Also, he says that wine never entered into his mouth likewise he never anointed himself with oil until the end of the three weeks.
Therefore, “the first day” in Daniel 10:12 is a clear reference to the first day of these three weeks.
One reason why he could have been mourning is because many of the Jewish exiles continued to stay in Babylon even though they were free to return to the land of Israel.
Daniel had a good reason why he could not return, namely he was a high governmental official in Babylon serving Darius the Mede who served under Cyrus the Persian.
Remember during Cyrus’ first year he issued a decree which permitted the Jewish exiles to leave Babylon and return to their homeland (cf. Ezra 1).
However, Ezra 2:64 says that only 42,360 returned, which is a rather small number.
This same number appears in Nehemiah 7:66.
Another reason why Daniel could have been mourning was that he heard of the enemies of the Jews opposing them (cf. Ezra 4:4-5).
On the anniversary of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, a new exodus had begun during the first year of Cyrus the Persian, namely the Jewish exiles exodus from Babylon to Israel (Ezra 1).
However, it met with great discouragement early on (cf. Ezra 3:12-4:5).
The work of rebuilding the temple came to a complete stop because of Israel’s enemies (cf. Ezra 4:24).
It would take another two decades before the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem would be completed (Zechariah 4:7).
God’s plan was moving according to schedule even though Daniel may not have realized this fact.
Therefore, this would strongly suggest that Daniel was not praying with regards to a vision God gave him but rather he was interceding in prayer for the Jews who were not returning from exile as well as praying for the returning Jewish exiles and the opposition they were facing.
This helps to understand why the angel said in Daniel 10:12 that Daniel applied his heart in order to understand.
He applied his heart to understand because of the failure of many Jews to return to their homeland as well as for those who did return but were experiencing great adversity and persecution in their homeland.
It also helps to understand why the angel said that Daniel humbled himself before God.
He humbled himself for three weeks for the same reasons he applied his heart to understand.
Therefore to sum it all up, Daniel applied his heart to understand God’s will with regards to those Jews who were not returning to their homeland.
He was also applying his heart to understand God’s will with regards to those Jews who did return but were facing great adversity and persecution.
He humbled himself in the presence of God because of these two situations with his fellow Jews.
The prophecy recorded in Daniel 11:2-12:13 is truth in the sense that it is prophetic revelation from God regarding His prophetic program for the nation of Israel.
This revelation makes clear that Israel will be at war or engaged in armed conflicts until the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, which terminates the seventy weeks.
It also makes clear that Jerusalem would be rebuilt and so would the temple.
The revelation that is presented to the reader in Daniel 11-12 concerns itself with war up to the end of the seventy weeks which culminates in the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.
These last two chapters in the book of Daniel reveal that there will be great conflict in the future for Israel during the Times of the Gentiles extending up to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.
Daniel was able to tell the reader that this prophetic revelation from God was concerning a great war because this was clear to him from the message which was communicated to him by the unidentified elect angel.
Therefore, Daniel understood from this revelation which appears in chapters 11 and 12 that Israel would have no peace but would constantly be at war until the seventy weeks had come to an end.
She would have no peace until the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.
Therefore, this prophetic vision answered Daniel’s prayer with regards to the situation with regards to his fellow Jewish countrymen in his day since it told him that his people would successfully be restored to the land and that the temple would be rebuilt.
Thus, this prophetic revelatory message gave him great assurance regarding the future of his people, even though they would face great adversity and persecution up to the Second Advent of Christ.
So Daniel was looking for assurance from God that everything would turn out alright for his fellow Jewish countrymen in his day.
He was seeking assurance regarding the future of his people.
However, God again gave him much more than he asked for since this prophetic message recorded in Daniel 11:2-12:13 presents to him the prophetic future of the nation of Israel up to the Second Advent of Jesus Christ.
Thus, in Daniel 10:12, the expression “your words” which occurs twice in this verse is a reference to Daniel’s prayer with regards to the future of his nation.