Daniel 10.21-The Angel Tells Daniel He Will Communicate to Him What is Inscribed in the Faithful Book and Speaks of Michael’s Support Against Satanic Forces

Daniel Chapter Ten  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  54:46
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Daniel: Daniel 10:21-The Angel Tells Daniel He Will Communicate to Him What is Inscribed in the Faithful Book and Speaks of Michael’s Support Against Satanic Forces-Lesson # 316

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Wenstrom Bible Ministries

Pastor-Teacher Bill Wenstrom

Thursday March 20, 2014


Daniel: Daniel 10:21-The Angel Tells Daniel He Will Communicate to Him What is Inscribed in the Faithful Book and Speaks of Michael’s Support Against Satanic Forces

Lesson # 316

Please turn in your Bibles to Daniel 10:1.

Daniel 10:1 During Cyrus’s third year, king over Persia, a message was revealed to Daniel who was called by his name Belteshazzar. Specifically this message was truth and concerning a great conflict because he understood this message, yes he possessed understanding concerning this revelation. 2 During those days, I myself, Daniel caused myself to enter the state of mourning for three weeks. 3 I never ate expensive choice food or meat. Also, wine never entered into my mouth likewise I never anointed myself with oil until the end of the three weeks. 4 Then, on the twenty-fourth day of the first month while I myself was beside that great river, namely the Tigris, 5 while I lifted up my eyes, I then stared as behold there was a certain man dressed in linen. Specifically, his waist was girded with gold from Uphaz, 6 his torso like chrysolite, his face like a glittering appearance, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms as well as his legs like the appearance of polished bronze, and in addition the sound of his words like the sound of a large crowd. 7 Now, I myself, Daniel alone saw this revelatory vision while the men who were with me never saw this revelatory vision. However, a great panic fell upon them. In fact, they fled because they were hiding themselves. 8 Thus, I myself was left alone while staring at this great revelatory vision. However, absolutely no strength was left in me. Also, to my dismay, my facial appearance was transformed into a deathly pale state. Indeed, I retained absolutely no strength. 9 However, despite this, I could hear the sound of his words. In fact, as soon as I myself heard the sound of his words, I myself was then caused to enter the state of being in a deep sleep on my face, yes my face to the ground. 10 Then, behold, a hand touched me. Next, it set me trembling on my knees and the palms of my hands. 11 Immediately after this, he said, “O Daniel, a precious man. Please understand the message which I myself am about to communicate to you. Therefore, please stand in your place because for your benefit, I have been sent.” Consequently when he communicated this statement for my benefit, I stood shaking. 12 Then, he said to me, “Please do not be terrified, Daniel, because from the first day that you applied your heart in order to understand as well as to humble yourself in the presence of your God, your words were heard. Consequently, I myself have come because of your words. 13 But the ruler over the Persian kingdom stood opposing me twenty-one days. Then, behold, Michael, one of our chief rulers came to help me because I myself was left there opposing the kings ruling over Persia. 14 Now, I have come in order to cause you to understand what will take place for and against your people during the latter days because the revelation pertains to these days as in the future.” 15 Consequently, when, for my benefit, he communicated with these statements, I turned my face to the ground while I became speechless. 16 Then, behold, for my benefit, one who resembled the sons of Adam touched my lips so that I could open my mouth in order that I could speak. Therefore, I spoke to the one who was standing directly in front of me, “O my lord, because of this revelation, I have been overcome by feelings of anguish, disabling me so that I retained absolutely no strength. 17 Furthermore, how can someone like my lord’s servant speak with someone like my lord? Indeed, as for me, even now, absolutely no strength is present in me because absolutely no breath is left in me.” 18 Then, he did it again, namely, he whose appearance resembled a human’s, touched me so that he strengthened me. 19 Then, he said, “Please do not be terrified, O precious man so that you possess peace of mind. Please become strong, yes very strong!” Consequently, as soon as he spoke for my benefit, I caused myself to enter the state of being strengthened. Then, I said, “O my lord, please speak because you caused me to enter the state of being strengthened.” 20 So then, he said, “Do you understand why I have come to you? Now, at this present time, I must return to wage war against the ruler over Persia. Therefore, I am about to go forth. Indeed, behold, the ruler over Greece is about to arrive. 21 However, I must cause what is recorded in the scripture, which is truth, to be revealed to you even though no one stands firmly with me against these except Michael, your ruler.” (My translation)

“However, I must cause what is recorded in the Scripture, which is truth, to be revealed to you” stands in contrast with the previous statements in Daniel 10:20.

This statement stands in contrast with the angel’s previous statement that he was obligated to return to fight along with Michael and the other elect angels not only the angel of Satan who ruled Persia but also the one who ruled Greece.

The contrast is between fighting these angels of Satan and communicating to Daniel the Word of God.

The latter was a greater obligation at that moment than the former.

This unidentified elect angel was not as powerful as Michael who had come to help this angel fight the ruler of Persia.

Thus, this angel’s departure from the battle would not adversely affect the outcome.

Therefore, this elect angel left the battle to deliver God’s answer to Daniel’s intercessory prayer for his fellow Jewish countrymen.

This adversative clause which begins Daniel 10:21 indicates that this unidentified elect angel of God came to reveal something to Daniel which was not known to mankind prior to this visit.

Daniel 11:2-12:13 indicates that this revelation was regarding God’s prophetic program for the nation of Israel during and after the Times of the Gentiles.

“The Scripture” refers to a document in heaven, which records God’s will for the nation of Israel and the Gentiles nations and refers to a body of writing which is authoritative and sacred.

Not only this but “the Scripture which is truth” refers to all that God has recorded as truth, which would include not only that which we know as our Bible but also all that is true that God has not seen fit to reveal to us at this time.

The angel would make part of what God had established as truth known to Daniel.

Therefore, “the Scripture” speaks of a document which expresses God’s sovereign authority over both the non-elect and elect angels as well as over unregenerate and regenerate human beings, both Jew and Gentile.

It refers to God’s plans and purposes for both men and angels and planet earth in time and eternity.

This indicates that the revelation which Daniel receives from this elect angel and is now recorded in Daniel 11:2-12:13 was first recorded in heaven.

“Truth” ascribes the attribute of truth to the Scripture in heaven indicating that what is recorded in the Scripture in heaven will take place in time and eternity future as God has planned in eternity past.

It means that all that is recorded in the Scripture will become a reality according to God’s plan.

Therefore, this revelation which Daniel received from this angel and is now recorded in Daniel 11:2-12:13 was truth in the sense that it would all take place in human history in accordance with God’s eternal plan.

“Even though no one stands firmly with me against these except Michael, your ruler” is a concessive clause which expresses the despair of this angel visiting Daniel at having to leave Michael alone to wage war against these angels of Satan.

In other words, it expresses the angel’s sense of duty as a good soldier who does not want to leave his fellow soldiers in combat.

It reveals that there were no other elect angels except Michael who stood firm along with this angel speaking to Daniel against the angels of Satan who ruled the Persian and Greek Empires.

So it denotes that no other elect angels fought along with this angel speaking to Daniel with the exception of Michael.

This does not imply that the other elect angels were cowards or were negligent in their duties but rather it simply denotes that God had sovereignly determined this angel would fight alone against the angel of Satan who ruled Persia.

It means that God sovereignly decided only Michael would support this angel in combat against the kingdom of darkness.

“Michael, your ruler” reveals that God had delegated authority to the elect angel Michael to be the angelic ruler over the nation of Israel.

Here in Daniel 10:21, by the things he says, the angel speaking to Daniel is encouraging him during the time of adversity the nation of Israel was experiencing in 536 B.C.

The angel is about to communicate revelation from God regarding the future of Israel during and after the Times of the Gentiles.

This revelation is now recorded in Daniel 11:2-12:13.

The angel describes this revelation as truth which would indicate that it all that is predicted in the revelation will take place in human history.

The fact that this revelation is described as truth would serve to encourage Daniel since it makes clear that God is sovereign because describing this revelation as truth indicates that it will all become a reality in the future.

Furthermore, by informing Daniel that the mighty elect angel Michael is fighting along with him against the forces of Satan would encourage Daniel that there is angelic protection over his people and nation.

It would encourage him because no angel was mightier than Michael.

Revelation 12 records Michael casting Satan out of heaven during the mid way point of Daniel’s seventieth week.

So having Michael to aid this angel during his combat with the angels of Satan who ruled Persia and Greece would serve as a more than adequate protection for the nation of Israel.

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