Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
From warnings to worship!
Jude while small in number of words, and verses, had a mighty amount to say.
Strong warnings for the sanctified.
Now we draw to an end of the writing and the start of our application for us as the church today as we close out this short letter.
Jude methodically gave some words:
Words of description of the believers (vv.1.2)
Words of plea to contend for the faith (v.4)
Words of reminders of God’s righteous condemnation (vv.5-7)
Words about the ungodly (vv.8-16)
Words of counsel to prevent stumbling (vv.17-23)
Tonight we are look at words of praise and adoration, so words of worship.
Doxology: (Ancient Greek: δοξολογία doxologia, from δόξα, doxa 'glory' and -λογία, -logia 'saying')[1][2][3] is a short hymn of praises to God in various forms of Christian worship, often added to the end of canticles, psalms, and hymns.
Speaking of end, there are other doxologies found in scripture let me give you a couple.
and a great one found in Ephesians.
The doxology normally has a couple of parts to it and that is what we are going to get into tonight.
The person in whom the praise is given (ascribed to).
The praise ascribed given.
The person - Jesus Christ!
We have mentioned God is able (Eph3:20) we sing that He is more than able (song 927) so now lets look at Him in the doxology tonight.
Who is able (v.25)?
God is able
How is He able (v.25)?
Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior
Able to do what (v.24)?
To keep us from stumbling.
To make your able to stand blameless!
not only blameless but with all joy.
So, now may we get into this more:
To Him who is able
God who is able to do what?
Keep us from stumbling (v.24)
This stumbling here is not a one time event, but a lifestyle of that leads to falling away
what comforting, assuring words at the end of a letter filled with warnings about those who have slipped in unnoticed who want to lead you astray, away.
This if the other bookend to what Jude said in (v.1)
To the kept, the one preserved in Christ, who can keep you from stumbling!
Our faith must work with, cooperate with God’s power to keep us from stumbling
and then consider the power of the graces listed in (2Pt1:5ff):
Diligence to faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, love and then look what it says in (v.10)
Even in the words of Jude
Remember the words spoken (v.17)
Build up your most holy faith (v.20)
Pray in the Holy Spirit (v.20)
Keep yourself in the love of God (v.21)
Looking for the mercy of our Lord unto eternal life (v.21)
All these things help you not to stumble!
(Other scriptures used/referenced in this section: 2Pt1:10, Jude1, 17, 20, 21; 1Pt1:5; 2Pt1:5-10)
Able to present you blameless/faultless (Jude24; Eph5:27; Rom8:28-30)
God’s ability to present you blameless/faultless is what is being offered up now.
To present us holy and without blemish.
And, if we are honest, that is the state that is needed to be in the presence of God’s glory.
And then we will know it will be with exceeding joy.
Not just our joy, but think about it Your are God’s joy too, finally His children will be with Him.
To God who is able so now may we burn back to our passage
To God our Savior!
all praise, honor and glory should be ascribed to Him.
The one who sent His Son to save us, able to save us, able to keep us from stumbling, that is truly a Savior.
our Savior, the Savior.
To God who alone is wise (v.25)
His wisdom to save, His wisdom to keep, His wisdom to present
(Transition) From the description of God who is able to the praise to be presented.
The praise ascribed given
To Him who is able, through Jesus Christ, now gets the praise ascribed now described.
Ascribed glory and majesty
Glory; this comes from the word “doxa” hence, doxology, it in its definition suggests dignity and honor
Majesty comes from the word “megalosune” meaning, greatness
maybe better yet, the one who is worthy of all honor and praise, one who is worthy of our being in awe of Him who is able to save and keep us from stumbling.
May we ascribe all glory and majesty to Him!
Ascribed authority (dominion) and power
Dominion comes from “kratos” and means, might, power and strength.
Then power “exousia” which then brings in authority too jurisdiction, liberty, power, right and strength.
Can you see how all of this works together?
It truly is a doxology of praise, purposed praise!
Both before all time and now (including all eternity)
Jude’s prayer is that the glory, majesty, dominion, power, remain to the One who deserves it, God alone not just today but for all eternity.
For God does not change, who He was, He is and will always be!
(Conclusion) to conclude the book is to look at it again with more understanding, more knowledge, more wisdom, for more application.
We have time tonight to take a look before we conclude with “amen” Jude’s final word to the church.
To the called, the beloved, the kept, may mercy and peace be multiplied to you, who?
The church!
While we share a common salvation we need to contend for our faith for there are infiltrators out there that have crept into the church.
They want to turn grace into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord.
God is just and has brought justice, judgment on the ungodly before but He preserves the faithful, the remnant and keeps them.
Look out!
Watch out! these people who have came in unnoticed are like hidden reefs, who have gone the way of Cain (man’s efforts) and the way of Balaam (for man’s purpose and profits) who have perished like Korah.
They were like clouds without water, they have the looks of promising good, but do not deliver, they are without fruit, twice dead!
As mentioned a moment ago, judgment coming on them, these ungodly sinners, these grumblers, fault finders, selfish, arrogant looking to take advantage of others.
But you, Build yourself up in YOUR most holy faith, Praying
But you, keep yourself in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of God into eternal life
But you, have mercy on some, snatch some, with fear, being careful of the sin out there that wants to entangle you!
That brings us to the doxology
He is able to keep you
He is able to present you
He is worthy of all glory, majesty, has all dominion and all authority and we can finish with a great big heart felt.
Are you contending for your faith?
For the faith that was once delivered for all the saints?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9