Sermon Tone Analysis

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< .5
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.6 - .7
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.8 - .9
> .9
Everlasting Father
This is the third week we’ve looking at the four titles that Isaiah gave to Jesus prophetically.
Wonderful Counselor
Mighty God
Today Everlasting Father
Next week is Prince of Peace.
Let’s read Isaiah 9:6
Notice the word “will be named”, I like the translation “shall be called”
It’s important to know that called is special here.
We cannot fully appreciate all those four titles until we call upon Him first.
Until we say yes to Jesus, we’ll never know the hope that comes from a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and next week Prince of Peace.
For today before really get into things, I need to address what some may see as an elephant in the room.
How is Jesus a Father?
Some who don’t hold to the doctrine of the trinity use this verse to prove that Jesus acts as Father.
This is called modalism a heresy long proven wrong.
Modalism says that God is one, but fleshes himself out in different ways like Father some of the time, then Son some of the time, and other times the Spirit.
That is wrong, the Bible clearly teaches that God is one, yet 3 persons: Father, Son, and Spirit.
What is happening with Jesus being Father is that He is taking on the characteristics of the Father.
This is hope because we can have a relationship with the Heavenly Father.
Jesus is all we need in a Father.
All of us as fathers have failed at some point, or most of the time.
But Jesus is all the father we need.
Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you’ve seen the Father.”
“The Father and I are one.”
Infinite Intimacy, Forever Father, Complete Relationship
Sometimes we as parents miss the mark of being all that we need to be for our kids.
Can’t be there all the time,
We get tired and short with our kids.
We get angry at times.
Yet, we do our best to love our kids in a forgiving sacrificial way.
Since sin came into the world, we all long to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father.
We were created to walk and talk with Him in the garden of Eden.
Just like Adam and Eve.
But sin, interrupted that close relationship and put a gap between us and God.
The only way to overcome that is through Jesus.
I can never be what God wants me to be, but in Christ I can.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father, but through me.”
So what is an Everlasting, Forever Father
Forever Father Is Aware
Look back up at verse 28.
If God takes the time to grow grass,
Grow the wildflowers
Protects and provides for the birds
He knows their needs.
How much more is God when it comes to you.
He is keenly aware of you.
What going on in your life and what you need.
We’ve talked about how God’s Deity and Humanity come together for us.
He comes to us as a Wonderful Counselor, He knows us deeply.
Mighty the Humanity God the deity, if He can watch you He is aware of your needs.
These two come together as a Forever Father to care for you.
He knows who you are, what you need, and where you are.
As a Father, he comes to our aid to protect, provide and comfort.
Yet, we’re like, “God the grass is getting a brown over here in my life.
I sure could use you about now.”
We act as if God doesn’t care about us by not thinking of Him until we need something.
Yet, God is constantly aware of your needs.
He also is
Forever Father is Able
Our Father is aware of our needs, he’s also able to answer them.
You see the world able, then far more, but last we see beyond, or better far more abundantly.
It’s funny how our definition of abundant is different from God’s
For instance, we are never satisfied with what we have.
I got Raetta a small boat one year for Christmas.
It was good until I turned it over and then it was time to get a bigger one
We got a bigger one and it was good, then began to have problems
Then I found a nice Aluminum newer boat, perfect for us.
That would be abundant for us.
God’s idea of abundant is different.
We need to be aware of who God is and when we do let Him define abundant for our lives.
We know what would be abundant for us, but God’s so much more in store for us.
We pray Lord move in my life and handle this issue - bills, car problems, leaky roof, what ever and we ask for that.
But God is able or He can do, but He wants to do so much more for us.
Key to receiving abundance is the power that works in us.
That’s the Holy Spirit.
When He comes into our lives at the moment we say yes to Jesus, he changes us.
He changes our priorities to God’s priorities of His Kingdom.
We go from focusing only on me and my kingdom to focusing on God and His Kingdom.
Why should we ask God is because it’s part of our relationship with Him.
As I talk to Him, read His word, walk according to His ways
The more I realize who He is and how He is able to do more abundantly.
Forever Father Is Willing
Most of us know this verse by heart.
We’ve memorized it long ago.
But do you ever really look at what it says?
He gave His Son
Did you know that phrase doesn’t apply to any other god out there.
They tell you what you need to do in order to know that little g god, but they never gave it to you.
Also the phrase not perish or die
The moment you became a Christian life became eternal.
We often think that believing in Christ is good so when I die, I’ll go to heaven.
But at that moment we go from living in the world kingdom to the Kingdom of God.
We will live when we die, but in the meantime we are live while we are living.
Our Father gives us that life and gives it us more abundantly as John 10:10 says.
We have a Father that is Aware, Able, and Willing to be found
All we have to do is look for Him
Go to Him
The Forever Father Provides: Sonship
When we call upon Christ at that moment not only do we get life, but become a son or daughter of our Forever Father.
We become citizens of the Kingdom of God.
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