"Living By the Spirit" Part 3

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  46:39
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(Ezekiel 37:1-14) p.769

I. The COMMAND to Walk by the Spirit! – (5:16)

"Walk" - means "live"(NIV) and we pointed out several things:
1. It is in the PRESENT TENSE!– It could be translated, "keep on continually living by the Spirit".
2. It is in the IMPERATIVE MOOD! – Paul is not giving the Galatians an option; it is a command!
3. Walking implies PROGRESS!– It is going from where you are to where you ought to be.
The Result – (v.16b) – “…you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh.”

II. The CONFLICT Between the Flesh and the Spirit! – (5:17-18)

In these two verses there is bad newsand good news...in fact, there's even good news in the bad news! Let me explain:

A. The Bad News – (v.17)

The Spirit led life is NOT EASY!!
Romans 7:18–19 CSB
For I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my flesh. For the desire to do what is good is with me, but there is no ability to do it. For I do not do the good that I want to do, but I practice the evil that I do not want to do.
Romans 7:21–23 CSB
So I discover this law: When I want to do what is good, evil is present with me. For in my inner self I delight in God’s law, but I see a different law in the parts of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and taking me prisoner to the law of sin in the parts of my body.

B. The Good News in the Bad News!

If you're struggling, it does not mean that you're lost! In fact, the struggle would indicate the presence of the Holy Spirit!
Someone once said, "If you knew what was in the mind of the person sitting next to you, you'd probably move!"
I say it might give you some hope! You're not the only person struggling this morning!
God doesn't abandon us when we're in the battle! That's when He wants usto trust Him!

C. The Good News – (v.18)

"What in the world does that mean?"(Romans 8:1-4, 12-17)

III. The CONTRAST between the WORKS of the FLESH and the SPIRIT! – (5:19-21)

Most translations read, “...works (or deeds) of the flesh,” which is a literal translation of the Gr., “ἔργα τῆς σαρκός”.
The NIV accurately describes these works as, “...the acts of the sinful nature,” which describes our unredeemed humanness, which are in spiritual warfare against the desires of the Spirit!
The Apostle Paul also declares that these acts are, “...obvious” (from φανερὰ) – to be manifest—to become clearly revealed to the mind, the senses, or judgment.
It is the first word in the Greek text: 19 φανερὰ δέ ἐστιν τὰ ἔργα τῆς σαρκός, 'Manifest now are the works of the flesh...'
BEFORE we look at the specific acts/works, I would like to draw your attention to the clear teaching of JESUS on the ORIGIN of sin in our lives—in other words, where does sin come from?
(Mark 7:14-23) – Jesus makes it absolutely clear that a person's basic problem is NOT what is OUTSIDE him or her, but what is within!
If the originof sin is within, then it stands to reason the CURE must come from the inside!
ONE MORE THOUGHT: Though the sins listed here are natural characteristics of unredeemed mankind, not every person manifests all the sins, nor do they show up in the same degree!
Every person has a sinful nature, and it will manifest itself in some way, and to some degree!
Romans 3:23 CSB
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;
You may not be as bad as the person next to you, but you're still bad!
These are NORMAL and sometimes continual behaviors for unbelievers during their lives but become abnormal and interruption to a believer who has received the Holy Spirit!
MY POINT: A Christian can live by the Spirit and AVOID ALL OF THEM, or he or she can give in to the sinful nature and FALL VICTIM TO ANY ONE OF THEM!
So, in our focus on specific sinful behaviors this morning, I want you to keep your eye on the prize that we studied a couple of weeks ago: (5:16)!
Paul's list encompasses THREE GENERAL AREAS:

1. THREE SINS in the Area of SEX – (v.19)

“...sexual immorality” - from πορνεία referring to all illicit sexual activity.
“...moral impurity” - from ἀκαθαρσία, which literally means 'unclean' and was used medically to refer to an infected, oozing wound! (NKJV) - “...uncleanness”
“...promiscuity” - refers to unrestrained sexual indulgence without shame or concern for what others think, or how they may be affected (or infected)!

2. TWO SINS in the Area of RELIGION – (v.20a)

Man-made religion is as much a product of the sinful nature as sexual sins, and all man-made religion is based onself-effort—a belief that he or she can make themselves acceptable to God on their own merits!
“...idolatry” - the worship of a material representation (man-made or natural) of a deity!
“...sorcery” - translates φαρμακεία, from which the English, 'pharmacy' and 'pharmaceutical'. It was used of mood and mind-altering drugs!
Many ancient ceremonies involved practices in which drugs were used to induce communication with deities. Φαρμακεία became closely related to sorcery/witchcraft!

3. TEN SINS in the Area of RELATIONSHIPS – (vv.20b-21)

“...hatred” - is in the plural (hates everyone) and refers to hateful attitudes—to 'deep seated ill will!'
“...strife” - NKJV, 'contentions' is literally “bitter conflicts” which flows from hatred!
“...jealousy” - is a form of anger and resentment caused by coveting what belongs to someone else!
“...outbursts of anger” - sudden, unrestrained expressions of hostility towards others, often with little or no provocation or justification!
“...selfish ambitions” - lit., 'canvassing for office.' A strong drive for personal success without moral inhibitions!
“...dissensions” - 'discord that splits a group!' Could be translated, 'divisions.' These represent animosities between individuals and groups that sometimes continue to fester and grow long after the original cause of the conflict has passed!
“...factions” - Just as hatred leads to discord, so dissensionsleads to factions, 'a circle of people with a common purpose who dissent from another group.'
“...envy” - is spite and resentment toward the success or possessions of another!
“...drunkenness” - a temporary state resulting from excessive consumption of alcohol.
“...carousing/orgies” - Lit., a binge party—an occasion for excessive eating and drinking with moral debauchery normally ensuing.
“...and anything similar.” - Indicates Paul's list is only representative, and not exhaustive!
(v.21b) “I am warning you about these things—as I warned you before...” These were sins dominant in their culture and the Galatians were still being tempted them!
The HIGH POINT of Paul's warning is SOBERING: (v.21c) - “...that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”
I'm not going to water this down by telling you God doesn't really mean what He says...
The KEY to understanding the warning is the phrase, “who practice,” which translates a present, active, participle of πράσσοντες, indicating a continual, habitual practice!
Scripture ALWAYS assesses a person's character based on his/her common, habitual actions, NOT their occasional ones!
Matthew 7:16 CSB
You’ll recognize them by their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
This is also a REPEATED WARNING in Scripture: (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) (1 John 3:4-10)
The PURPOSE of God providing these very descriptive lists is NOT to make us feel bad, or guilty! They are given so we can make an honest appraisal of our life to know if we have truly been born again!
Acts 3:19–20 CSB
Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send Jesus, who has been appointed for you as the Messiah.
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