Christmas 2021 Message 3 Joy

Christmas 2021   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Christmas 2021
Message 3

Why God?

My hardest question as a pastor
I find myself become quiet on social media
I know in my heart that people are looking for words of wisdom
We want to know the answer of why God would let these horrible things happen
I will make this question even harder

A prayer of protect

“Let's say prayer for all of us tonight into tomorrow night for God to keep us safe during these storms”
Then another person offers a prayer of praise
Did the people of Mayfield prayer for protection?
Did God say yes to Metropolis and No to Mayfield

My profound answer (write this down)

I don’t know
Not much help is it.
Dig with me a little deeper

The Sorrow of Life

When we think of Christmas we don’t think of sorrow.
It’s a happy time
There is no bad thing that happens in December
We know that’s not true

Holiday Depression

It is an actual diagnosis
Here are five emotions we can suffer this time of year
– An emotional state characterized by tension, worry, nervousness and fear.
- The pain that accompanies a loss.
- A normal short-lived feeling of emotional pain in response to something difficult, traumatic, or challenging.
- A perception of physical or mental pressure which leads to psychological pain.
- A feeling of isolation coupled with a desire to connect with others
I took a poll on Facebook and people overwhelming said that people are suffer from lonely today
Are you depressed yet?
As I wrote this section, I thought to myself this is a real downer
Psalm 30:5 NCV
5 His anger lasts only a moment, but his kindness lasts for a lifetime. Crying may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

Joy in the morning

Jesus knew there would be sorrow in our lives
Talking to his disciples he drops some devastating news
John 16:16 NLT
16 “In a little while you won’t see me anymore. But a little while after that, you will see me again.”
Wait!? What!? What does that mean!
Then Jesus tells them
John 16:20 NLT
20 I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn over what is going to happen to me, but the world will rejoice. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy.
“Weep, mourn and grieve”
But that grief will turn to joy
Jesus gives a great illustration – When a woman gives birth
John 16:21 NLT
21 It will be like a woman suffering the pains of labor. When her child is born, her anguish gives way to joy because she has brought a new baby into the world.
The biblical truth
John 16:22 NLT
22 So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again; then you will rejoice, and no one can rob you of that joy.
Life is full of sorrow
Only God knows it’s full purpose
Joy comes in the morning
John 16:24 NLT
24 You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy.
Like the birth of a child
Like tragic loss
Like heartache
Like sorrow (What are you suffering?)
These things are temporary
If nothing else eternity is our home.

Joy is eternal

I don’t why bad things happen
But I do know God sees your pain
I do know God walks with you through the darkest valley
1 Thessalonians 1:6 NET
6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, when you received the message with joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, despite great affliction.
This is not a joy the world brings
This joy comes from the Spirit
This joy comes from within
This joy is eternal (circle this)
Just imagine:

What if we change our focus?

I’m sure there is a formula to cure our holiday depression
Some kind of therapy
But I’m a simple preacher
I know this – The closer I walk with the Lord more my joy increases
The further I walk from God the more I focus on my sorrow.
Psalm 23:4 NLT
4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

Find comfort in your relationship with our Lord.

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