Truths About the Birth of Christ

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If you have your Bible turn with me to John chapter one this morning. We will talk about what the birth of Christ tells us. Three things this morning that I want to share with you very important truths about the birth of Christ.

We, we know that the plan for Christ's birth was already in the making even before the world was formed. Many times in life we think as we look at the life and in the the story of Adam and Eve that when they messed up in the garden and God had to come up with another plan. God already had his plan B because before the world was even formed, he had already set aside his son to die on a cross for mankind. He knew and he knows the hearts of each and everyone of us. He knew the hearts of Adam and Eve he knew what was going to take place and yet he didn't make them do anything. He gave them a choice. Did he not The same choice that God gives each and every one of us this morning to decide whether we're going to serve him or whether we're not going to serve him, the choice to decide to what extent is God, going to be important in our life or not. Because the image of God and dwells each and everyone of us were able to know and understand that love a little better than normal and the more we get to know Christ, the more we understand that love that God has for us. The more we begin to live like him, the more that love becomes begins to grow and grow in our hearts and our lives to those around us. Love is not blind. Love sees as Christ wants to see what price does not look beyond our sins in our faults and say why I don't notice those. I just see the good things like we tried to do many times. In other people's lives. Not that we ought to be pointed them out to everybody and everyone, we ought to be looking at our own live, 20 on our own, send making them better. But it's so much easier when we can look at those around us and point out their shortcomings, their problems, isn't it? But let me tell you what, someone so did, let me tell you how someone told live. Let me, let me tell you what they're doing. Instead of looking at our own life. Well, how can I better my life? And John chapter one? Once again, it says in the beginning. The beginning of what the beginning of all things are beginning of this world, the beginning of Creation in the beginning was the word. And the Word was made flesh. And walked Among Us. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him and without him was nothing made, that was made.

In him was life in the life, was the light of men and the light shines in darkness, and the Darkness does not comprehend it. I'm thankful for that, aren't you? I'm thankful that God has sent a light into this world. I am thankful that God has given us. Something that can illuminate the darkness of this world dissipate that Darkness. So we can see a path to follow.

The word. Became flash, verse, 14 size and wealth Among Us.

Think about this this morning. Look at your own life. Look as your own household, your your own dwellings. Would God just son? Would he want to come and dwell with you in your house? I mean, physically would you want him to what would need to change for that to take place? What we need to change in your life. What would need to change in your household? In order for you to think that that would be a proper place for him to come in to dwell? And if you think that there's some things that need to be changed in your life. If you think that there's some things that need to be changed in your household. Why are you waiting?

That's a good question, isn't it? What is it that you're holding on to that? You know, while I ought not be doing this, like I shouldn't have this in my life. I shouldn't have this in my household in for Christ to come and dwell physically with me. That would need to go.

Well, if if Christ is going to come and do well physically with you it ought to be gone because guess what if you're a child of God this morning he does. He is dwelling with you.

The coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ into this world. Tells us three very important truce and knowing these truths appropriately and respond to the screws in the right way, will it will assure us of eternal life is not a worse thing. But once we know Christ as our Lord and savior, and once we have a relationship with him, there's certain things that you and I ought to be doing in our lives. We can't ignore them. We can't set them aside and I'll get to it later because it's for the betterment of ourselves. And if it's for the better betterment of ourselves. Spiritually is also for the betterment of those around us spiritually. And if we're not doing those things away Christ, what happens to Then we're not being the blessing. He wants us to be to, to our families, to our friends. For those that we come into contact with all this morning. Let us carefully. Look at these three truths that I have to enable us to better understand the depth of the message of Christmas. The message of Christ coming into this world. The message of what Christ has for you. And for me.

The birth of Christ tells us about the world. First, we must understand the difference between the world in the Earth. God created the Earth that was without shape and form. He put it all together. And then as he put it all together, you know what he did. He did he put mankind up on this Earth and you realize that it's not good for man to be alone. So I need to make him a help meet. So he created Eve from Adam's Rib and put them on this Earth. And they live their life in a place that God prepared for them. And it wasn't just all. This is how you do it. This is what it is. You come here. You do the same thing everyday, your go home and and come back tomorrow and do it all over. No, they had choices. They had things I had to do, there was responsibilities and God's plan. You've heard me say it. I'll continue to say it till the day. I die that tree in the garden that he said don't partake of It wasn't a test. It was a position of deciding. Are we going to live for him? Or we going to live for ourselves? Are we going to follow the creator of the world? Are we going to follow what we wants? and if there are no choices in this world, there's a whole lot. That changes, hasn't it? If you had no choice of of what you had to wear this morning, if if all of us had to wear the same uniform everyday, our choices get taken away.

You might get tired of wearing the same thing.

Are you might enjoy not having to make the choice depends on where you're at and that Avenue? Some of us are blessed with many choices. Amen. Some of us are blessed with being able to go into the closet and in this morning, as I went the closet to pick out what I'm going to wear. I, I looked at my boots and there's like three different pairs of boots there. That I have to to put on to wear. As a well. Okay. Well what boot am I going to wear? Will depends on what the rest of my wardrobe is going to be?

I have shoes or black shoes, and brown shoes, and I got brown, boots, and black boots in tennis shoes and gray shoes and a lot of choices.

God has given us choices. Why? Because we are in this world. We are the world for God. So, loved who not the Earth Is His creation. God did not love beer for God. So loved the world, who is the world? You and me. God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten son when the beginning of the world was started. He already knew that was going to take place, but he had to make allow mankind to have choices.

Over the past. 2 years. A lot of us feel like our choices have been taken away. Right. How do you like that? We don't like it when our choices are taken away. Wait, we don't like it when we can't just go in and do it and be and have the freedoms that we wanted to have over the years. We eat. We like choices. How do you think Adam and Eve would have felt if they had no choice to serve God, but they had to serve God because this is just the way it is. You must because I'm God.

No, he gave me a choice. He gave that choice to the world. To choose him. Or to reject him. So the difference between the world in the earth, our world is often translated the age. Refers to the social order, the system. Whereas the Earth refers to the planet that we live on.

I'm very thankful for this planet that we live on it and it and yes, I agree. As we hear in the news, all these different things, we need to take care of what God has given us a man. We need to take care of it. We need to do the best that we can and some people don't.

I mean, I can drive up and down this road, 33 miles up the road to my house on any given day. And I can see all kinds of garbage, maybe that blew out of a truck or maybe they threw it out the window. Many times. It looks like they threw it out, the window of the car. McDonald's bags and cups and whatever that sitting on the side of the road thrown out there. And I have on occasion stopped and picked up some garbage why? It's just, it's just a mess. You know, how much stuff I get to pick up sometimes on a daily basis. I'm just in front of the church.

But you guys look, no, just kidding.

Why we we we don't think about it. We just well, hey, this is what I don't have to deal with it later to throw it out. Let somebody else worry about it. That's what will you do to the world? And then does that affect the Earth? Yes, it does.

Can we affect things around us? Yes, we can. Let me get a little political here. You're ready. Can we affect climate change? Sure, we can. How we act, how we react? But guess who's in charge of all of it? Don't forget, who is in charge, God is in charge of all of it. He said the ties and he said, he put everything where it needs to be to make everything work. The way I work. And yes, we can mess it up. And yes, we have messed it up. And he's allowed us to mess it up. The prove a point to show us who's in charge. How many of you were sold outside the door of your house last night and said Wendy still?

Did you do that?

Did it work? I'm not so much. I'm sitting in the house last night and I'm here in the wind, just start whipping up and going and I'm glad I'm not outside. It might mess my hair up.

But I woke up this morning as I got dressed and, and came to church. I went outside and I'm looking for what kind of damage the wind did just around the house. I didn't walk around the whole house. But I walk out the the basement door of our house. And right, there is my wife's car. And on top of her car. She doesn't know. This is a small limb. On top of her car, almost ran into it, walking around the back of her car and there's just limbs sticking out. I'm thinking, why is she holding a limb on top of her car? My real, I was one that blew out of the trees, then. Do any damage that? I know I didn't really look at it and I took it off and I threw it to the side. So what's your point? My point is this world that we live in this world that God has sent his son to this world that he is showing love to. Has rejected him. Not all of us. But all of us at some point in time, reject Jesus. All we've got him in our hearts. We will checks accepted him as our Lord and our savior, but we don't always do the things we ought to do, as he would have is to That's why my question is if Jesus was to come to your house today and take up a permanent human residents in your house. Would you be ready for pairing for that? Would need to change? How would your actions your person? Your own person need to change. What would need to take place for him to do that?

And if that's true that we would need to make some changes. Why are we waiting?

Scripture says, for the Earth is the Lord's. In its fullness. Hey man, this is his, this is his Planet. He's allowed us the opportunity to live here. He's allowed us the opportunity to partake of the things that this world has to offer. And yes, he doesn't. Listen, you can have all of this. Just don't touch that. Whatever that is in your life, and I think we know what it is that we ought to be doing. Are we ought not to be doing in order to have and understand this true? Love that God has for you and for me. I don't think we got it all. We think we know what love is sweet. We see somebody. We want to marry somebody we we think we we love them and even the more with maybe we get to know them, the more we think we love them or the less. Depending on the situation. But God already knows you. He already knows me. And before we were even created in this world and put on this Earth, he knew us. Instill. So he sent his son to die on the cross for you. And for me, and that amazing, amazing. Love this enough. Descendants song. On the other hand, the world hates, the things of God. Jesus says in John 15:18, if the world hates, you know, that it hated me before it hated you.

He says you are in this world. We are here. We are in the where we are part of each other's lives this morning. But there are some things in this world that we are not to be a part of your in it, but don't be a part of it if it's not honoring and glorifying to God. It was not honor and glorify in his son, Jesus Christ. Right. God sent his son, his love for us knowing exactly how we are, is it? Okay. Here's the world. You're in it. But don't be obvious. Don't be doing the things. You shouldn't be doing. Don't be living a life. You shouldn't be living. Don't allow these little things in your life. Because he's little things, get in and it's like in the winter time, when when there's a crack in your concrete are in, even in your Pavement, in the eyes and the snow gets in there and melt into there and then it freezes. What does it do? It begins to make that crack a little bigger. Separates it from each other.

And how many things in this world has separated us? As Christians from each other. But even more so has separated us. From God. Oh, he will never leave us. He will never forsake us, but guess what? And you know this we can walk away from him. We can leave him some place that we don't want to go ahead and go in the opposite direction. He does not leave us. Yes, he can follow us. He can do. He is God he can do whatever he wants. What he allows us to go downtown ads. That could cause some trouble, some trials, and tribulation. Call just look through the Bible and see people that he has used as gone down the wrong path, but he took them and youth Saul of Tarsus out. Persecuting Christians, somebody out taking care of and killing Believers Children of the wave, God's children.

And yet we see God calling Saul of Tarsus. Who becomes Paul the Apostle and the work that Saul of Tarsus as a persecutor has began to do as a Believer going from the persecuted to the, from the persecutor to the persecuted. And then bringing the word of God to the Gentile Nation for which, we have to be thankful. He and Peter had a big job to do. It wasn't just to the Jews is spread across to the world for God, so loved the world.

Does God love me this morning? Do you understand how much God loves you this morning? Do you understand that his blood and his sacrifice shed for you and for me? Paid the price in full.

Little funny things. And that's not going to share this with you to make you guys feel. Sorry for us. Don't feel sorry. God has blessed us immensely.

We bought our new refrigerator few years ago and After about eight years, the refrigerator went on the blink, so we had to repair man. He came and fixed it. Going to cost $800 to fix the refrigerator.

Had another guy come back here recently. The same refrigerator went on the blink. Again. He comes back. He said yeah, this time it's going to cost twice as much to repair the refrigerator as the last time. I said, well twice as much I might as well, buy a new refrigerator, right? Well, yeah, I don't buy one of these. You said he gave us two Brands, not to buy. I go. Where, why would you say that? Because this one and that one's, the ones we work on the most. That's where we making most of our money. Good to know.

He wouldn't tell me what to buy he would just tell me what not to buy. Right. Like what God does, right? You got all this choose from all this. Just don't get that.

The other day. Warming up the oven in the house, too. Cook something bake, something. Whatever it was. I can't remember what was going into the oven, the other one on the fritz. Go down a code. There it is.

Unplug it and I checked it out. Unplug and plug it back in one. Here it is. My wife says, what snack has to be quiet.

Not understand. We've been in the house 25 years. Had these things in the house with us since then. So eventually things began the washing machine broke.

The handyman. I mean I can fix stuff. I couldn't fix a refrigerator. That's electronics and got brains and stuff. I know nothing about have no idea. What's wrong with her with the stove. But I do winter that washing machine. I've done that many times. I got down in there and I pulled it all apart underneath. I could hear that. Something wasn't right to pump. It wasn't draining is up. The pump is making a big noise. So I took it all apart. The bearings in the pumper all worn out and it was all loose. The propeller was Lou. So that was making noise. I take the rest of it all. And you might want to check this out because you might find stuff, you've lost didn't find any socks or anything, but I made $0.75 that day. There's a little drained down that goes into that pump. That little rubber boot down there that you can take apart and it should catch everything that's not supposed to go through and there was coins. There was other things, then there's like, that's part of the reason why this pump probably wore out.

Because things have gotten in there that were supposed to be in there. So I got online and I found a pump. I order the pump 25 bucks for the parts. Came for five days later. Put it back together. It works is going well. So yeah, that's a simple. Fix is like, oh boy. Now. We got to buy a dryer that we got to buy a washing machine. We got together. What's this one? It's not an issue. We can do those things. It's just how those things come one after the other, and that is nothing compared to what some people are going through. I did a funeral Thursday for a 40 year old lady who died. She had six kids. Her and her husband. They might be here at the next service. So pray for them. My problems are nothing compared to what they're having to deal with. Nothing compared to what some people in this world. Here's my point. Sometimes we allow things and I shouldn't be in us and we wonder why our relationship with God and maybe our relationship with others is not what it ought to be. And we need to do a little soul-searching. Maybe we need to go and do a little surgery, and take things apart and clean things up. The way God wants us to in order. To be where he wants us to be. Go with a vision chapter 6. Look with me this morning, Ephesians 6:12. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of Darkness of this age against spiritual hosts. Of wickedness in the Heavenly places who's our battle against. It shouldn't be against other brothers and sisters in the Lord. It shouldn't be against other blood. But Believers, our battle is against the darkness. The darkness of this world. And Jesus the Same God say hey, come to the light. That's where you going to find the love. Leave the darkness alone. But he gave us that choice. Did he not? But each and every one of us make that choice. Everyday do I watch the light or do I look for the darkness? What is there? What do I want? The birth of Christ tells us about the world. He came into the world. The world received him not but yet he laid down his life that whosoever will may come to him. Point number two, this morning. The birth of Christ tells us about ourselves and tells us that mankind was lost and hopelessly separated from God. Mankind was lost and hopelessly separated from God. You know what, I think about the, the biggest problem for most churches, and, and most people who call themselves Christians is, they don't believe in God. I mention that last Sunday. Protestant church. Does not believe their. 70% of people said, you don't have to believe in God, to go to heaven. And if there's no God, if you don't believe in God, why is there a heaven?

Good question. You think? And John chapter 14 Jesus, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again. Receive you to myself that where I am there. You may be also, who is Jesus? He is God In the Flesh. God sent his son. God's love came to us through his son, Jesus Christ, knowing that his son was going to be rejected, knowing that his son was going to be ridiculed, knowing that his son was going to be beating put the death. And when Jesus died on that cross, what did the father do? Turn this back. Cuz he couldn't see the wickedness of the world placed upon his son. Have you ever turned your back on someone? Does it mean a good thing? Doesn't somebody says something, you don't want to hear somebody does something you don't don't agree with if you turn your back on them. You're saying I disagree and I don't want to have anything to do with that.

You know what Jesus did when he died on the cross?

You know what he did.

And he looked down at the crowd. And he saw people, he knew. You saw his followers. He saw his mother. He saw those who loved him and who believe in him and you know, who else you saw. He saw those who rejected him and called for his crucifixion. And yet, he stretched out his arms. He looked upon the crowd. And he gave up the ghost. And yes, those who nailed to the cross. And for those, who all participated in one way, one shape, one fashion or the other. He said, father. Forgive them. They know not what they do. What kind of love is that? Do we understand that? We do not understand that kind of love? Cuz if somebody was to do that to one of our loved ones, somebody that we cared about. We won our pound of Flesh. Would be not would be looking for him. I'll get you back instead of reaching out. Romans 3:23 says W for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Question, who has send? All of us. Go to the person next day. You're a center. And so am I now? That's not that's not what I'm

We're all sinners. None of us are perfect, except in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. As God sees us through the blood of his son Jesus. All of sand. And come short of the glory of God.

Look up. Ephesians chapter 2 Ephesians chapter to look at verse 1. Because I think when we begin to understand this love that God has for us, we began to, we can begin to put it into perspective. It is it's not just a love based on what others can do for us. You know, why? Because we can do nothing for God. He's not at all for us. What Ephesians 1:1 says in you, he made alive who were dead in trespasses and incense. We were dead in our sins. We were dead on our dresses are wrongdoing. We deserve death, but guess what? We're Made Alive. How through Christ who lives in a few know why? Because we're cleaning out all the junk that got into our hearts and into our lives. It's clogging up. This love relationship with God.

Now, the illustration that I use about cleaning out the the drain with a pump is underneath the washing machine. It wasn't easy. I came out of there. I had cuts on my hand on my arms for a from the metal that was are reaching in to get to these things. So like cars. He's they don't they don't make things easy to work on anymore. Do they? Cuz I don't want you to do it. They want somebody else to do it for you. And that's okay. If I can't do it I'll ask him but I'll get somebody to do it for me. But when I can do something, I I want to be the one to be able to do it.

Sometimes we feel that way in our own life. I want to do it when we need to give it to God, because there's things that you and I can't do that. Only God can

You and I have never raised the dead but God can he has? And the fact that he raised his own beloved Son from Death in the Tomb. For eternal life to help us understand what this eternal life is Titus 3:3. You verse 7 says for, we are living in Malice and then be hateful and hating one another sound familiar, but when the kindness and love of God, our savior toward men appeared, not by works of righteousness. Would what would we have done? But according to his Mercy, he saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit whom he poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ. Our Savior has been justified by his grace. We should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. God has not only sent his son to go and pay the price for us. He's paid it. He's paid a price. He's made a place. He's giving us responsibility as an heir to the things of God.

If you were to be paid. For your position and care and concern and work in the things of God.

How well would you pay yourself?

How well would you pay yourself? Are you doing the work that, you know, God wants you to do? Or are the things you ought to be doing? What we go to work everyday, we we work for our boss a week. We do the best we can why so maybe we can move up the ladder to the to the next level. Nothing wrong with that unless that's the only thing you're thinking about. We want to better ourselves. We we all want to make a little more money. We all want to have a little more time and be able to do things we want to do and something the more money you have, the more time you can head to do things. But sometimes the more money we make, the more hours we're working in the less, we do forgot as well. So if you were in charge of paying you for your spiritual well-being, and growth, how much would you be making? And why the things of the world more important than that? When we put God in the right place, the rest of it falls into place. Look at the things in that verse again, that he's done for us. He's giving us his Mercy. He has given us, his grace has given us his love. He saved us for the washing and regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

He's done so much for us. He showed his love upon this world. He showed his love upon us and 3rd this morning. The birth of Christ tells us about God.

1st John chapter 4? Verse 9, through verses 10 and there's a love of God was manifested Ward us that God has sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live how through him. I'm not a part from him but live through him. And this is love not that, we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation for our sins. He took everything upon us, this end-of-the-world, replace the one that God did that for you. And for me to be able to turn his back on the sun, when the sons of the world were placed upon him. Could you imagine? Could you imagine seeing the sins of the, we hear things, we hear things going on in this world around us things in the news and things that are going to take place the sex trafficking, all these things are going to these people that are supposedly involved with all of that. And yes us as a people.

But not too many people are really doing anything about it. Those in the public realm who probably could do the most. I told you turn the desk. I a blind eye in a deaf ear towards it. Why? Cuz we don't want to recognize it when we recognize that. I might bring out things in my life that's going to cause me to have to do something better or change my ways. And it's not so much about doing what God wants. It's more about doing what I want. And that's backwards, got to take, you got all of this to enjoy everything that I feel that I created for you that tree. Leave it alone.

What is it in your life? That you're being drawn to. The guy says, leave it alone. Get rid of it. Remove it from your life because when you do that, you're not getting the love that God has for you.

God's propitiation.

What's the atonement? For you, and for me. The atonement, the removal. Of our sins when we place it on the Lord Jesus Christ. And listen to this and closing this morning, Jesus took our sins, whether we've given them to him or not. They were placed upon him. The sins of the world, your sins and my sins were placed upon him and we can look around for awhile.

I was raised in church, my whole life. Not too many Sims in my life.

I've been living my life, right? I've been doing it the right way. I'm not always that I want to but you know, I've been going to church every Sunday. I'm pretty good.

My sins, my sins killed, my Lord and Savior. My son's when we recognize that my sins killed him, my sins put him on the cross, not looking at other will, I'm not as bad as that person. I'm not as terrible as, as they are my friends. Put him on the cross. He atoned. Paid the price for me. You know what that's called. Love. For God. So loved the world.

That he charged the world x amount of dollars. No, he gave. His only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish. But have everlasting life. The belief is having a relationship Desiring, a relationship. With him.

Have you been getting those phone calls? From that person, letting you know that your car warranty has expired.

That we got a hold of your car warranty as it's mine. I don't even have a car warranty. My car was not warranted when I buy it.

Leave me alone.

What if we got that kind of phone call from God? Hey, I need to let you know. There's some spiritual warranty being worn out in your life that you better renew. Something's getting plugged up there. He does that. You know what? It's called that conscience when we know that what we ought to be doing. We don't do it. We feel guilty, the Holy Spirit speaks with a, you shouldn't be doing that. When we know we ought to be gathering together as Believers in church, and we're not doing it because we got more important things to do. What's more important than worshipping got none. See if you got to work, just people who have to work. I understand that. I mean, hospitals cannot close down and send everybody home on Sunday morning cuz it's Sunday worship time. But that doesn't stop us from getting together and worshipping the way that we should. That doesn't stop us from listening to the Holy Spirit as he guides isn't directions doing what he's called us to do, because you just think you got all of this to enjoy everything out there in the world. You've got to enjoy just leave that alone. Why are we prone to go to what we're told again? Have? Because it's the unknown. Oh, there's a lot of unknowns out here in the world that God has given us, that we have not experienced yet. And I guarantee you, when you begin to experience the unknowns that God has for us. He makes it known through his word and through life, and living, and serving him. The further we get away from the things we shouldn't. But the closer we stayed to what we shouldn't where we shouldn't be the harder, it is to get to where God wants us to be.

Somebody said to me this week or Pastor flight. I'm going to get to Heaven by the skin of my teeth.

That's the one, the one, the one, the moment you brush your teeth that sort of changes. Track. It's gone, start all over. It doesn't work that way. You get to heaven because your faith and trust and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. And once we have a right face, the right dress and right belief, then we start living for him. Not for us. That doesn't mean I can't have things, I desire. He says, you'll give me the desires of my heart, but my desires of my heart, need to be filled with this stuff. Not that stuff. When my desires of the heart are filled with that stuff. It's taking me the wrong way. We are in the world. We're here. But we are not to be all of the world. We're here minister in this world, for the Lord, Jesus Christ. And when we start sharing the love of Jesus with others, imagine, imagine how much better you're going to feel, because, you know, you're doing what you need to do. Saul of Tarsus the Apostle Paul on that Damascus Road. Right, he will have to suffer many things for my namesake. Oh boy, this is really what I want Christianity living for Christ is not easy. But it's the best life there is, it's the best life. Are there rules and regulations. There's guidelines that God gives we need to live within those guidelines. And when we don't, there's a price to be paid. The greatest place is already been paid the death of Jesus on the cross for you. And for me now, all we need to do is sit back and reap the benefits, but my reaping, the benefits you do, the best you can for the Lord. Give him your best. Don't give him your second-best.

Your second best is not good enough for him. After all he's done for you, if you love him. Give him your self. Father. We thank you. We thank you for your goodness, your mercy and your love, you know, the needs a I need to know every heart is this morning, you know the burdens of each and everyone has. Wasn't going to ask that you supply. Those needs as only. You see. Fit you lift those burdens help us to strive, to live for you and walk away from the things of the world, drawing us away from you.

The rules in in, in the things of this world have changed that which is wrong, has become right in that, which was right. Has become wrong. And a lot of people are following the ways of the world and not the ways of God.

You tell us in your word to seek first seek first, the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you help us to seek you help us to go into the world, the kingdom of the world as, as only you would have us to seeking and seeing the blessings of life before us. And help us to continue to clean out, the things in our lives that are clogging us up from being and doing and running through our best ability. Father. We thank you. We praise you. And we love you, in Jesus name. Amen. Let's stand together as we sing our closing hymn this morning.

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