Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Do you have your Bible sermons?
John chapter one.
This morning.
We will talk about what the birth of Christ tells us.
Three things this morning that I want to share with you very important truths about the birth of Christ.
We, we know that the plan for Christ's birth was already in the making even before the world was formed.
Many times in life.
We think as we look at the life and in the the story of Adam and Eve that when they messed up in the garden and God had to come up with another plan.
God already had his plan B because before the world was even formed, he had already set aside his son to die on a cross for mankind.
He knew and he knows the hearts of each and everyone of us.
He knew the hearts of Adam and Eve he knew what was going to take place and yet he didn't make them do anything.
He gave them a choice.
Did he not The same choice that God gives each and every one of us this morning to decide whether we're going to serve him or whether we're not going to serve him, the choice to decide to what extent is God, going to be important in our life or not.
Because the image of God and dwells each and everyone of us were able to know and understand that love a little better than normal and the more we get to know Christ, the more we understand that love that God has for us.
The more we begin to live like him, the more that love becomes begins to grow and grow in our hearts and our lives to those around us.
Love is not blind.
Love sees as Christ wants to see what price does not look beyond our sins in our faults and say why I don't notice those.
I just see the good things like we tried to do many times.
In other people's lives.
Not that we ought to be pointed them out to everybody and everyone, we ought to be looking at our own live, 20 on our own, send making them better.
But it's so much easier when we can look at those around us and point out their shortcomings, their problems, isn't it?
But let me tell you what, someone so did, let me tell you how someone told live.
Let me, let me tell you what they're doing.
Instead of looking at our own life.
Well, how can I better my life?
And John chapter one?
Once again, it says in the beginning.
The beginning of what the beginning of all things are beginning of this world, the beginning of Creation in the beginning was the word.
And the Word was made flesh.
And walked Among Us.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through him and without him was nothing made, that was made.
In him was life in the life, was the light of men and the light shines in darkness, and the Darkness does not comprehend it.
I'm thankful for that, aren't you?
I'm thankful that God has sent a light into this world.
I am thankful that God has given us.
Something that can illuminate the darkness of this world dissipate that Darkness.
So we can see a path to follow.
The word.
Became flash, verse, 14 size and wealth Among Us.
Think about this this morning.
Look at your own life.
Look as your own household, your your own dwellings.
Would God just son?
Would he want to come and dwell with you in your house?
I mean, physically would you want him to what would need to change for that to take place?
What we need to change in your life.
What would need to change in your household?
In order for you to think that that would be a proper place for him to come in to dwell?
And if you think that there's some things that need to be changed in your life.
If you think that there's some things that need to be changed in your household.
Why are you waiting?
That's a good question, isn't it?
What is it that you're holding on to that?
You know, while I ought not be doing this, like I shouldn't have this in my life.
I shouldn't have this in my household in for Christ to come and dwell physically with me.
That would need to go.
Well, if if Christ is going to come and do well physically with you it ought to be gone because guess what if you're a child of God this morning he does.
He is dwelling with you.
The coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ into this world.
Tells us three very important truce and knowing these truths appropriately and respond to the screws in the right way, will it will assure us of eternal life is not a worse thing.
But once we know Christ as our Lord and savior, and once we have a relationship with him, there's certain things that you and I ought to be doing in our lives.
We can't ignore them.
We can't set them aside and I'll get to it later because it's for the betterment of ourselves.
And if it's for the better betterment of ourselves.
Spiritually is also for the betterment of those around us spiritually.
And if we're not doing those things away Christ, what happens to Then we're not being the blessing.
He wants us to be to, to our families, to our friends.
For those that we come into contact with all this morning.
Let us carefully.
Look at these three truths that I have to enable us to better understand the depth of the message of Christmas.
The message of Christ coming into this world.
The message of what Christ has for you.
And for me.
The birth of Christ tells us about the world.
First, we must understand the difference between the world in the Earth.
God created the Earth that was without shape and form.
He put it all together.
And then as he put it all together, you know what he did.
He did he put mankind up on this Earth and you realize that it's not good for man to be alone.
So I need to make him a help meet.
So he created Eve from Adam's Rib and put them on this Earth.
And they live their life in a place that God prepared for them.
And it wasn't just all.
This is how you do it.
This is what it is.
You come here.
You do the same thing everyday, your go home and and come back tomorrow and do it all over.
No, they had choices.
They had things I had to do, there was responsibilities and God's plan.
You've heard me say it.
I'll continue to say it till the day.
I die that tree in the garden that he said don't partake of It wasn't a test.
It was a position of deciding.
Are we going to live for him?
Or we going to live for ourselves?
Are we going to follow the creator of the world?
Are we going to follow what we wants?
and if there are no choices in this world, there's a whole lot.
That changes, hasn't it?
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