Message 3: Joy
Joy is the experience of the fullness of God
Lasting Joy is found in knowing that Christ is the fulfillment of God’s promise
Joy is found in the purposes of God
Joy is found in the community of believers
In the OT rejoicing is frequently expressed in connection with the feasts; in fact, they are called “times of rejoicing” (Num 10:10). Recalling God’s marvelous act of delivering Israel from bondage, the Feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread were occasions of great joy (2 Chr 30:21–27; Ezra 6:22; cf. also Psalms 95 and 98). Communal exultation also characterized the Feasts of Pentecost and Tabernacles (Deut 16:11, 14, 15; Lev 23:40) at which times the people of Israel were enjoined to remember that they were once slaves in Egypt (Deut 16:12). Similarly, the Feast of Purim was celebrated with joy and gladness to celebrate divine deliverance from potential annihilation under Persian rule (Esth 8:17).