William Frazier Carter - September 19, 1952 - December 3, 2021
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Order of Worship
Order of Worship
Welcome & Gathering
Jesus said, I am the resurrection and I am life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, yet shall they live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
Friends, we have gathered here to praise God and to witness to our faith as we celebrate the life of William Frazier Carter. We come together in grief, acknowledging our human loss. May God grant us grace, that in pain we may find comfort, in sorrow….hope, in death….resurrection.
Added encouragement and
Invite you to stand.
Hymn: “I’ll Fly away” by Ben Carter
Hymn: “I’ll Fly away” by Ben Carter
Please be seated
Pastoral Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
O God, who gave us birth,
you are ever more ready to hear
than we are to pray.
You know our needs before we ask,
and our ignorance in asking.
Give to us now your grace,
that as we shrink before the mystery of death,
we may see the light of eternity.
Speak to us once more
your solemn message of life and of death.
Help us to live as those who are prepared to die.
And when our days here are accomplished,
enable us to die as those who go forth to live,
so that living or dying, our life may be in you,
and that nothing in life or in death will be able to separate us
from your great love in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Add prayer for family:
Ben and Stormie, Emily and Mike, Bryan and Jillian,
Grandkids: eight grandkids
Will you join me in the Lord’s prayer as you are able:
Special Music: “Amazing Grace” by Bryan Carter
Special Music: “Amazing Grace” by Bryan Carter
Sermon Message
Sermon Message
Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
“All this I have spoken while still with you.
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Celebration of Life
Celebration of Life
William Frazier Carter was born in Tyler on September 19, 1952, to his beloved parents Louie and Helen Carter. He went home to join them with the Lord on December 3, 2021.
Frazier spent his childhood in Tyler, helping his parents run their family dry cleaning business and enjoying time with his friends. He graduated from John Tyler High School in 1970 and went on to earn his business degree from Stephen F Austin.
Frazier spent his career in sales, working for Philip Morris for over 25 years, and never met a stranger. He was a member of St. John’s Lodge #53, as well as the Royal Order of Jesters Tyler Court #168. In addition to that, he spent many hours volunteering as a driver for patients at the Shriners Children’s Hospital. He enjoyed music as well as hunting and fishing, but most of all, loved spending time with his children and grandchildren.
He was a lifetime member of Pleasant Retreat United Methodist Church, where he sang in the choir for several years. We are so grateful for the faith and steadfastness he modeled for us. His legacy lives on in the memories of the many laughs shared with his family. Big Daddy, you gotter done.
He is preceded in death by his parents, Louie Bryan and Mary Helen Carter, and his brother Freddy Bryan Carter. He is survived by his three children and their spouses: Emily and Mike Cole of Flower Mound, Bryan and Jillian Carter of Tyler, and Ben and Stormie Carter of Tyler; eight beloved grandchildren; and numerous cousins.
Now that is what the family was confident putting into print. Let’s talk about the fun stuff.
It has been an honor to get to know Frazier in these days and to walk alongside the family in this difficult time.
There are two threads I heard reflecting with family this week on the life of Frazier:
He was steady and reliable
From raising the kids, even with odds stacked up, he just went to work and got it done. He showed up for family and friends time and time again. He was always ready to be at a sports game or some grandkid event (even if he showed up to your house and hour early at the worst time, or clearly might have not chosen the said event as his favorite), he showed up.
Someone that has great friends life Frazier did…Guys that stood by him and the family through every moment of this week or have shown up in other ways. Someone who has great friends is usually a great friend.
Never out of control. I think that if I were to ask all of us here what 1-2 things you would want said about you in a eulogy, few would land on steady, consistent. It just doesent pop in our culture.
But in our world it is such a gift.
2. Frazier was a servant in the right way
Not flashy, not boisterous about his serving. Probably never shared the deep meaning he gets out of serving at Pleasant Retreat UMC through out his life, singing in the choir, or why he drove burn victims to Shriner’s children’s hospital. When I asked why he did that…I was told he liked to drive. Yeah, I like to drive too but by myself in quiet, not in precarious and desperate situations like this.
I heard a story of someone who lost their father suddenly and really struggled on the other side of that. So Frazier called this young man every day for 6 months just to encourage him to keep living, keep leaving the house, keep loving.
Now he wasn’t perfect, right, haha.
He was incredibly impatient. This servant had limits. like waiting too long for the family to get their act together and eat. Shamelessly going to the front of the line for food in front of women and children if he was ready.
He was painfully frugal. I am surprised he did not leave the family coupons for Stewart Funeral Home… or did he?
Truth is we will miss even his imperfections
To have him raid your pantry one more time for food
to ride on the mule at the land with him
to see him at a ball game
Today the raw collision is our human loss with what we hope about life after death. Today we need steady and reliable.
Peace I leave with you
Peace I leave with you
The text I read from John 14 would have the disciples feeling the beginning of a similar emotion. Jesus is preparing them for his death, resurrection, and departure. He is trying to teach them and prepare them for the mission that Jesus is now passing on to them. In the next few days they would see their leader die and that would be excruciating. Then Jesus knows they will have difficult days ahead as well and Jesus promises Peace….His peace.
A few observations, from the text:
1. His peace is unlike peace of this world
a. He has conquered death itself and is the resurrection. He has walked through the darkest valley so that in our dark valleys, we know we are not alone. Jesus has the last word…this is the only way that he can say....peace I give to you and it can mean anything really when our hearts are broken.
b. His peace is comprehensive. Not just a rest…but deeper than that. Biblical peace is about a setting things right that are wrong. Rebuilding and restoring. The world promises allusions of peace…but goodness we know anything resembling peace is fleeting and difficult to grasp. God’s peace, even if hard to grasp right now is comprehensive.
2. He is sending the advocate, the Holy Spirit, the testify to our hearts.
3. And he is preparing a place for all of us that are in Christ Jesus. Frazier is with the Lord. To be absent from the body is to be with the Lord.
· Peace conditioned only by God’s presence with his people. Not on circumstances
“Total well being, prosperity, and security associated with God’s presence among his people.”
· It’s the peace that even when things are not all alright…we still know he is with us.
This is the steady and reliable truth today.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Hymn: “I saw the light” - Ben Carter
Hymn: “I saw the light” - Ben Carter
The peace of God He which passes all understanding
keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God,
and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.
And the blessing of God Almighty,
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be among you and remain with you always. Amen.