Joy Advent, 2021
Joy Advent, 2021
“The Joy of Salvation”
Isaiah 12:1-6*
Where is joy and Christmas in this?
We see in Isaiah 12 a prophecy about Christ the final Savior of Kingdom of God at the end of the world when He has come to rule and reign forevermore. But, we see parallel applications in Jesus 1st coming as an infant and as our risen Savior.
Transition - So what are these applications and parallels we see today?
Will I be a fulfillment of God’s Prophecy?
“You will say in that day” What day. The day of your salvation.
-This prophecy is speaking of he final and ultimate salvation of God’s people.
-When Jesus comes again, He finalizes, He completes your salvation.
-Your ultimate salvation is realized when you are given your glorified body and you worship at the feet of Jesus.
Intro? Hook?
Maybe something with ...“You will say in that day...”???
What day? The greatest day of your life.
-What has been the greatest day of your life?
-When you got that one gift for Christmas?
-When your crush said they liked you back?
-Had an amazing day with friends or family at an amusement park.
-When you graduated from High School or college?
-When you got married.
-Started the job you always wanted.
-Had a child.
-Had grandchildren.
What was the best day you ever had?
These days cause us to rejoice … to have joy.
-We’ve all had amazing days.
-The day our passage is talking about is the day that you will see Jesus face to face in heaven.
-It will eclipse your best day on earth.
-All of the promises of salvation will be realized.
As we will see. This prophecy about the future applies to us today and to Christmas.
-This prophecy of the future is also lived out today.
Transition - ???
verse 1, Not only “in that day will I give thanks.” but
Today I will give thanks! Why?
God has turned my life upside down.
I have been redeemed.
I have been free from the enslavement.
Vs. 1, Salvation - delivered from sin and satan.
What is the day in verse 1? - The day of salvation.
There is a great thankfulness. Why are you to be thankful?
-You were brought from darkness to light.
-What does that I was in darkness?
Transition - First ...
I. Shown Mercy
-vs. 1, You were by nature a child of wrath.
What is wrath?
God intensely hates all sin.
God’s wrath is the good and appropriate response the offense of His Character.
God’s wrath is the loving response toward what has ruined His creation that He cares for.
Illustration - When you hear about a young child who is neglected or abused in some terrible way - we not only feel sad and hurt for the child, but some of us get angry at what happened.
God’s intense anger at God
Why was I under God’s wrath?
-Have you ever tried to talk to a person and they stick their fingers in their ears and yell so they can’t hear you?
Romans 1:18-19, This person suppress the truth. They push the truth away.
There are a gazillion ways we do this:
We get busy, we rationalize, we ignore God, we allow our family to be the pearl of our affection.
-For SOME people, who chose not to come to church, they do so to suppress the truth in their life.
And mercy enters in - Not getting what we do deserve.
Anger Turned away - The reason God’s anger turned away from the Christ Follower was because His Son, while on the cross, endured the wrath of God that was pointed toward you. Jesus took on Himself the wrath you deserved.
-Now that you are in the family of God, Now that you are under the New Covenant. Now that you have surrender your life to Jesus, God relates to you completely (move arms) differently.
-No longer does God relate to you out of His wrath.
-He gives you grace. He gives you what you do not deserve, but He gives it gladly and generously. What does he give?
comfort you.
-He desires to comfort you because He is your child.
Listen to the heart of God
Dan Ortlund’s Book, Gentle and Lowly
“What helium does to a balloon, Jesus’s yoke does to his followers. We are buoyed along in life by his endless gentleness and supremely accessible lowliness. He doesn’t simply meet us at our place of need; he lives in our place of need. He never tires of sweeping us into his tender embrace. It is his very heart.”
God desires to comfort you.
He will gladly and generously comfort you when you come to Him.
Response to the great love and mercy of God.
I give thanks
I open my heart with humility and thank Him because without Him I would be lost.
-Would you respond right now and in your heart say, “Thank you Jesus for saving me.
-Say it to God now with a humble heart, “Thank you for saving me.”
Transition - And out of that thankfulness we see the Redeemed Declare.
Say outloud -
II. (Set Forth) a Stout Statement of Stressed), vs. 2, The Declaration
Behold - Look, Listen (let me have your attention)
A. -God is my salvation, then we see the result - the fruit of salvation -
“I will trust, I will not be afraid.”
Why is it that the Christ Follower can have peace and not be afraid.
-We trust in a God who works out of a supple sovereignty (His mighty rule over all is also - compassionate.
-God is for you.
-He wants what is best for you.
-He has a tender love for you.
And in verse 2 we see that God has become the Believers strength and song.
-God is not only your power. He is also the one who fills the believers heart.
-The most often used subject of all our songs is love - is romance.
-The saved says, God is the one who is my great love.’
Note - The believer does hold this great song to Himself. He declares it.
-He let’s people know.
Transition - Not only is salvation to be stated outloud. It is to be experienced.
Here in a very short verse in verse 3. We see that our Salvation is Sweet.
III. Sweetness of Salvation.
-Salvation is more than a biblical truth.
-It is more than a theological concept.
-Salvation is also, an experience to be enjoyed.
It is sweet.
-It is not just sweet to the taste.
-It is sweet to your soul.
Look how far we have come in the passage.
-In verse 1 there is the bitterness and heaviness of God’s wrath that was on us.
Look what God has done.
He has brought you soul from heavy bitterness to the sweet saving water of salvation.
-Your soul is satisfied and it is refreshed.
-God calls you to experience His goodness in you.
-For you that are less emotional, who operate more in your head, will you allow yourself to experience the heart & experience of salvation?
Transition - This life changing miracle that God has done in your heart demands a response. It is a response of joy.
IV. Response (Spiritual Response)
vs 4-6
A. Give thanks, How do we thank God?
B. Call on His name, cry out to Him
C. Proclaim his name to the people
D. Sing - for joy
E. Shout - for joy
Note how when you encounter Jesus. When he is in you.
When you’ve received His grace, When He has become sweet to your soul,
Your love for Him comes out of you.
It comes out of your mouth.
You verbally express.
As we end in application - look at the outward verbal responses in our 6 verses today.
vs. 1, Praise
vs. 2, He is my song.
vs 4, Say,Praise/thank, Call, make known, proclaim
vs. 5, Sing praises over all the earth
vs. 6, shout and sing for oy
Why? In your midst is the Holy one of Israel.
We celebrate Christmas because, God was among us.
Where is Christmas in this? Where is joy in this?
-Finally at the end of time when Satan is thrown in to the Lake of Fire, Jesus reigns in the New Jerusalem on earth.
Applies to the when Jesus became your Savior.
-The day you gained your salvation a miracle took place?
Is. 12, Is a fulfillment of when Christ becomes our salvation.
Originally a Poem/Song
“In that day” Means the day that
God Saves, vs. 1
A. God reacts to sin.
-God’s appropriate reaction to
Isaiah 61:1-3
Note Is 11:16 - Seems to speak to a time when a door is opened for all of TRUE Believing Israel to come to God (vs 12.). This is when the Messiah presents himself (advents).