Giving & Forgiving

All I Want For Christmas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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I have a confession to make:
I’m a bit of a hoarder. Especially when it comes to UK Sports memorabilia.
Kyle Macy Pic
I blame my parents for this, bc they named me after a UK players from the late 70’s named Kyle Macy.
For about 30 years, I have collected UK stuff.
No matter how cheap and insignificant the thing, I have NEVER thrown away anything UK that I’ve owned.
When I was single and had my own house, I had a bonus room full of all this stuff.
Each wall 12 feet up was full of UK stuff.
But when I got married, the wifey said it had to go.
So I painted my church office blue, and put all that stuff in it.
*UK stuff pic*
And to this day, my office is full of UK stuff.
The wife says it’s a cluttered mess, but it’s MY cluttered mess.
But check out this video of someone who can’t even breathe in their home because of all their stuff:
*Extreme Hoarders Video*


Maybe it’s not as bad as this lady’s house, but we’ve all got some stuff we need to get rid of.
Maybe it’s shoes, socks, PS5 games, or bowls of cereal in our room with moldy milk left in them.
Or maybe it’s something deeper, like that grudge you’re holding against the person who hurt last school year.
Whether it’s clutter in our rooms or clutter in our souls, we need to get rid of it before it takes us over.


Jesus knew all about the clutter in people’s lives, and He came to earth so that He could clean up the mess that we made.
Check out what He has to say in Luke 6:20-38
Luke 6:20–38 NCV
Jesus looked at his followers and said, “You people who are poor are blessed, because the kingdom of God belongs to you. You people who are now hungry are blessed, because you will be satisfied. You people who are now crying are blessed, because you will laugh with joy. “People will hate you, shut you out, insult you, and say you are evil because you follow the Son of Man. But when they do, you will be blessed. Be full of joy at that time, because you have a great reward in heaven. Their ancestors did the same things to the prophets. “But how terrible it will be for you who are rich, because you have had your easy life. How terrible it will be for you who are full now, because you will be hungry. How terrible it will be for you who are laughing now, because you will be sad and cry. “How terrible when everyone says only good things about you, because their ancestors said the same things about the false prophets. “But I say to you who are listening, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who are cruel to you. If anyone slaps you on one cheek, offer him the other cheek, too. If someone takes your coat, do not stop him from taking your shirt. Give to everyone who asks you, and when someone takes something that is yours, don’t ask for it back. Do to others what you would want them to do to you. If you love only the people who love you, what praise should you get? Even sinners love the people who love them. If you do good only to those who do good to you, what praise should you get? Even sinners do that! If you lend things to people, always hoping to get something back, what praise should you get? Even sinners lend to other sinners so that they can get back the same amount! But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without hoping to get anything back. Then you will have a great reward, and you will be children of the Most High God, because he is kind even to people who are ungrateful and full of sin. Show mercy, just as your Father shows mercy. “Don’t judge others, and you will not be judged. Don’t accuse others of being guilty, and you will not be accused of being guilty. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over, it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.”

Giving & Forgiving

“Give and you will receive...”
Augustine: “…the failure to share surplus with the needy is like theft.”
Have you ever though about that?
It’s so selfish to look at those in need and not help them.
*Child and vulture pic*
James 2:15–16 The Message
For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, “Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!” and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup—where does that get you?
We can look at photos like this and feel compassion, but if we don’t do anything to help, it does no good at all for that person.
Jesus calls us to give to others without expecting anything back, and He promises to bless us when we do… and His blessings are far more than what we give up.

Forgive, and you will be forgiven...

Luke 6:26–27 ESV
“Woe to you, when all people speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets. “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,
The Custom of Christians Only. Tertullian: To love friends is the custom for all people, but to love enemies is customary only for Christians.
This doesn’t mean that you need to stay in an abusive situation. If that’s you, get out of that situation right now.
What this does mean is that you can love and forgive people who have hurt you.
Jesus asked for mercy for His executioners AS they were killing Him:
Luke 23:34 NIV
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.
If you can learn to forgive others, it will set others free, and at the same time set you free from bitterness towards them.
Whether it’s giving of our stuff or forgiving someone who’s hurt you,
Remember this:



As you celebrate Christmas with your family, think about how you want to live the rest of your life.
Do you want to hoard your stuff and hold on to bitterness?
*Jesus manger & cross pic*
Or do you want to live like Jesus Christ?
He gave up the glories of heaven to be born in a stable.
He gave healing and hope to thousands while on earth, and He gave everything so that You could live forever with Him.


May we live lives of love, giving and forgiveness towards others as we seek to reflect the image of the greatest giver of all, our Lord Jesus Christ.
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