Sermon Tone Analysis

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God Loves
15 - Metamorphosis: The Way of Transformation
Church on the Park | Christmas Sunday, 19 DEC 2021 | Glen Gerhauser
Text: “God loves everyone and everything.
Moved by love, he gave his one-of-a-kind Son – his very heart – as a gift.
Everyone who puts their trust in his Son will not be lost but enjoy eternal life.
God sent his Son to everyone and everything – the whole world.
It wasn't to fight with the world but to make the world whole through him.
The one who puts his trust in his Son is no longer under the accuser's attack.
But the one who doesn't put his faith in the name of God's one-of-a-kind Son – his very heart – is still under the full weight of God's law.
This is how God sees things: his light has come to everyone and everything.
But humanity prefers darkness rather than light because they do wrong.
Everyone who practices things that are good-for-nothing loathes the light.
They don't want to come into the light because light will expose their wrong ways.
On the other hand, everyone who lives authentically has come into the light.
It is clear that what they do is done in God – he works within them” (John 3:16-21, Inspiration Translation).
Theme: God loves everyone and everything.
Intro: Today, I want to invite all the children to the front.
I also want to ask the teenagers to come up to help with them.
We’re celebrating Christmas.
And to celebrate, I’m going to share five refreshing facts about God.
These are facts I want you to remember for the rest of your life.
But I also need your help.
Can you help me explain these facts?
I’m going to ask some questions and pass around the mic.
Listen carefully to the Bible verses I will read to you because all the answers are in these verses.
1) God loves (John 3:16).
What is love?
How would you describe it?
What would you draw if you were to draw a picture of love?
Who does God love?
“God loves everyone and everything.”
The next fact about God is about how God has shown his love.
2) God gives (John 3:16-17).
What does John 3:16 say about how God has shown us his love?
God has shown his love by giving.
And what did God give?
“Moved by love, he gave his one-of-a-kind Son – his very heart – as a gift.”
When the Bible talks about God’s Son, what does it mean?
3) God fixes (John 3:16-17).
Have you ever had a broken toy?
What do you do about it?
I know what my kids do.
They bring it to their dad to fix it.
In the same way, God is our Dad, our Father.
He wants to fix us, and he has all the power to make us whole––brand new (John 3:3, 7).
Did you know that everyone and everything is broken?
Because we have all done things that God did not want us to do––that’s what sin is––it’s doing wrong in God’s eyes.
“God sent his Son to everyone and everything – the whole world.
It wasn't to fight with the world but to make the world whole through him.”
4) God forgives (John 3:16, 18).
How can you be fixed by God? How can you be made whole––brand new?
You need to receive God’s gift, and you do that by putting your trust in God’s Son, Jesus.
Listen: “Everyone who puts their trust in his Son will not be lost but enjoy eternal life.
God sent his Son to everyone and everything – the whole world.
It wasn't to fight with the world but to make the world whole through him.
The one who puts his trust in his Son is no longer under the accuser's attack.
But the one who doesn't put his faith in the name of God's one-of-a-kind Son – his very heart – is still under the full weight of God's law” (John 3:16-18, IT).
When you receive the gift of forgiveness, God takes away all the bad things you’ve done from his record.
He forgets, erases and removes––that’s good news!
5) God shines and makes new (John 3:3, 7, 19-21).
God is light.
Some people don’t realise they need forgiveness because they hide in the dark.
When you do something wrong, you hide.
But God wants you to come out of the darkness into his light.
And when you do, he makes you new––a brand new you.
The world began with God saying, “Let there be light” (Gen.
In the same way, God gives you a new beginning when his light comes into your heart.
Conclusion: So, what’re the five refreshing facts we’ve learned about God? 1) God loves, 2) God gives, 3) God fixes, 4) God forgives, and 5) God shines and makes new.
< .5
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