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"God, Born in the manger" 12.19.2021  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:55
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Luke 2:7

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Thank you, run my battery for me.

God of Miracles, by Bannerman mean. Good one. My battle for me cuz I'm nowhere near mad. And I'm on my way there, man. He has one for me. I'm on my way in her, man, where no man has a lot of data for me.

Shut up and run my battle for me. God of Miracles.

What my battery for me? God of War by Battle of a wiener man, he has one for me and I'll be there, babe.

Arvada Army.

Play Spotify better for me cuz I'm on my way to run my banner for me. Vicky Vicky.

The division.

God of War timeline Banner for me. It's run by battery for me cuz I know it's better for me when my banner for me. Latitude 39.

You ran through a lot in my banner. For me. Do you want my battle long time ago?

Work. Work work. Work by Banner for me. Walmart, Bangor me.

Comerica Bank near me.

Online Banner for me. I'm on my way in a and e as well be better for me.

He has won my battle for me.

Yeah. What time are you going to be home?

All right.

I never could've made. Without you.

I would have lost it all.

But now I see. How you were there for me? And I never would have made it.

I never could have made it without you.

I would have lost it all. But now I see how you were there for me, and I can say I'm stronger. And I'm wiser.

I am better. So much better.

When I look back over all your brother, Drew. you see, I realize what you I had to hold onto and I I never would have made it.

I never could've made it without you. And I would have lost it all. But no locks e. How you were there for me? And I can say I'm stronger. And I'm wiser.

You see, I'm better. So much better.

I would have lost my mind a long time ago, but you was there.

I'm in love with you.

And I would have lost it all. But now I know how you were there for me.

That I'm stronger.

And I'm glad.

Autumn battle.

Never Would Have Made It.

I Will Bless The Lord at all times. Hallelujah, at all time in my troubles. I will bless the Lord in my distress. I will bless the Lord in my sicknesses. I Will Bless The Lord at all times and his friends shall continually be in my mouth. Hallelujah. Somebody hallelujah, praise the Lord for what he's done for me, or just last week, just yesterday. Hallelujah.

Mighty God is a good thing to give, thanks unto the Lord. I just sent bracelets to his name. Hallelujah. I don't know about you, but I'm expecting a word from God to the word from God this morning.

This is a special day Christmas. Sunday is a day of Celebration. Hallelujah.

Without any 4.2., For those of you who don't know him. He's a humble servant of God. We have a possum in a servant's heart. He don't mind working. Hallelujah.

But one thing I love about him, the most is that he don't mind walking away. I let you think what you want to say. Hallelujah. Jesus, Hallelujah. There from the beginning. And I saw when he has no rhythm Hallelujah. I saw when he lifts his hand and it's supposed to have friends. I am there. I see the cross. Hallelujah.

So I am bearing witness this morning. God is using this Shepherd of this house. I am very quick this morning that he is going to speak as a Heart. Full of God, is this morning? That he is Pastor. Steven brunch congregation congregation pass the word. Hallelujah.

Thank you, lady.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

For the willingness. Then the openness and cuties.

To accept Christ as your lord and savior.

I have the courage to find out more about your lord and savior. Haven't taken that step yet.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, Emily father, I sent you for this. Thank you for new life. Thank you for everyone.

Thank you for brother Amish today for giving him the strength and the courage to come into this church to take. Always miss those Colorado, your Hallelujah. The Christmas message.

But Lord, you are the leader of my life. I am not ashamed to admit that I am not ashamed to Proclaim. Its. Thank you for everything. You've done in my life bless the word today. Oh Lord reduced Pastor virtual Lord.

Yes, cuz it's about you.

Celebrate shoe. Thank you. You didn't have to die in that, cross that day. You did it for us.

In the name of Jesus. I pray. Amen. Amen. Welcome to Christmas. This is our last service before Christmas, and next weekend will be the day after, and we can come in and we can say all the good things that the Lord had given us that day before but coming from Luke 2.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a Manger. Because there was no room for them at the end.

The title, my message today's God born in the manger. Now, one of the blessings that we received, when we moved into this church, we bought this church and down in the dusty corners. There was a Manger. And I swung by yesterday and I said that manger is here. I'm going to see if there's anything wrong with it and I pulled it up just as a remembrance. To where our lord. Jesus was born and sent it with fitting with the name of my message today. God born in the manger. The miracle of Christmas an event that is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend. God. Came down to earth. Was born in a stable. In a keeping place for animals. In a Manger. With a purpose. To save mankind. From our sinful nature. Because of Jesus Christ's birth. History was divided into two divisions. AG.

Anno, domini Latin for in the year of Our Lord. MBC. Before Christ. Just set the calendar. Point down to this place. This moment in time.

A major point in time, even excluding the religious importance of it.

C Christmas. Is the beginning of a true classic story? It contains all the right ingredients celebration. Peace. A bad guy. An evil one with evil intentions, preached about a couple weeks ago, salvation, reconciliation, and Goodwill. That little baby born in the manger was none other than God himself. He entered into a human history to provide a solution. A solution to our problem. Our problem of salvation. You see, when Jesus allowed now that this is worse than Jesus allowed, himself to be laying down in that manger. He was identifying himself. With all those, he came to save.

he was born in the manger and that's Made him accessible. You see, he wasn't born behind the iron gates or the Golden Gate of where royalty or a king should have been born. Accessible to all. All who would come to him? I don't understand the significance of the truth of the first of this story. We have to understand. We need to understand that the history that led up to this event. The only collection of books in the whole world. The only collection of all those events in all of history is only found in the Bible.

The most published book in the world.

It is written in Philippians 2 5 and 6. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ. Jesus who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. If you don't understand that it's in your relationships with one another, have the same mindset of Christ Jesus. Who being good-natured with. God did not consider equality, equality with God. Something to be used for his own Advantage. He didn't take advantage of the fact that he was gone.

Jesus Christ, although he was God. Can you go up? Is divine privileges? He took the humble position. I wasn't that a good role model. You took the humble position of a slave that was born. As a human. This means before becoming that tiny unborn, baby. Born to that young virgin. Jesus Christ was God.

As it is written in John 1, 1 through 3, in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, and same was in the beginning. With God, all the things were made by him. And without him was nothing, anything was made. That was made.

You see the scene at Bethlehem? Is one of simplicity. A basic and simple scene. A mother. A father. A baby. The word was made flesh. To dwell Among Us. God's message to us is simple, and it is clear those who come in. Simple Faith to the Lord. Jesus Christ will find great. Peace.

You see for over 2000 years. It's the debate. It's been debated, who Jesus is? Religious groups and Skeptics have offered a lot of explanations, but the biblical evidence makes it overwhelmingly clear. This child, that was born in the manger. What is the Incarnation of God?

You see the world is happy, just to let uses Christ be that baby in the manger.

But not willing to let him be the king and Lord of the world. But unfortunately, for the Believers unbelievers, that's the truth of the Christmas story. Is that the child of Christmas is God. Christmas is not about Christ infancy. This about his deity.

He was fully human. With all the emotions that each one of us have it. At the same time. He was also fully God. Oh, wise and all-powerful.

So if there is a single word that describes what Christmas is all about and lady. I heard this on the way to church this morning, Billy Graham was teaching and preaching about. It's the word love. The Bible says good. God is love. It doesn't say, God has loved. It says God is love love nature. God created us to be an object of his love.

He made you. So he could love you. It's so you could love him. It is written in John 3:16. I got for God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten. Son. What's whoever believeth in him? Should not perish. But have everlasting life. God loves you so much. He sent his only begotten son down to this earth.

Enter this world for your salvation. The true meaning of Christmas is a celebration of the incredible Act of love.

So, why is Christmas nasseri? Because we needed a savior. Because we needed a savior.

Why does God love us so much?

Because God is love.

It's written in Ephesians 3, 17 and 19. So that Christ May dwell in your hearts through faith. That's you being rooted and grounded in love may have the strength to comprehend. What is the breadth and length? And height and depth. And to know the love of Christ, that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. She just loves the city provided a way for us to be only way. The only way for us to spend eternity.

He gave his only son to take punishment for our sins. He paid the price for a phone.

We are free when we accept the love.

That the God our God is giving us. Romans 5:8 says, but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners.

Christ died for us.

Why do we celebrate Christmas? Adam gratitude? Add a gratitude for what God did for us. We reflect on his birth by giving ourselves to him worshiping him sharing our blessings, and being conscious of those who are less fortunate than us.

You see a loving relationship with God. Satisfies. It satisfies. Our deepest need for love.

And to be loved. It's a love. Like you can't get here.

We no longer seek to be loved or appreciated by others cuz we have the love of our Lord and savior. We no longer seek to control other people because we've been subjects. In this satisfies, the emptiness. The lies within. You see, we are empty. We are empty without that love, and relationship was gone and it's nothing new for Generations generation, man. Needs a purpose.

God created us to love him and to serve him.

Matthew, 22:37 38 and he said to him, you shall love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and all your mind. This is great and first commandment. You see the world is full of people with with different beliefs and different opinions. Penny's differences, translate into division.

Received in the world today. But the Bible teaches us that in Christ, all our differences are put to death.

Weather world may fight their War Society May argue over their different agendas and their different ones. Homes are divided. The kingdom of God is a place where unity and peace shall prevail. In Christ, there is one in Christ and brings people together and come and ground wasn't even yellow black or white.

If we are to make the occasion completes. There must be a celebration of love. There must be a celebration of reconciliation. What do we watch to remember? We must remember the cars in which Jesus his life, remember of it? We must live in ourselves. For, if we love him. We must follow his command.

John 15:12 says, this is my commandment that you love one. Another as I have loved you.

Remembering. Remember that when somebody ticks you off, remember that, when somebody cut you off on the road, remember that when somebody tries to take the credit for something, you did, we do this by renouncing violence. We do this by renouncing hatred, we do this by renouncing racism. We do this by renouncing Green.

And we read downstairs.

By renouncing selfishness. And all the evil motives in our hearts than mine.

What is celebrate Christmas? My prey. Let us celebrate Christmas by doing all weekend. To promote love. Promote. Peace.

To promote Goodwill among all the people on the Earth.

Remember. Christmas begin.

In the heart of God.

It will only be complete. But it reaches the heart of man.

God bless you all. Inform myself, Pastor virgin my wife, lady key.

We wish you Merry Christmas. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Let the Church Say, Amen.


Say Amen.

Leather chair.


Lebanon Church.


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