2 Tim 49-- Sunday School

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Sunday School Notes  2 Tim. 4:9-18

  When Paul wrote to Timothy he was in prison. He was experiencing physical discomfort, personal attacks and desertion. One of the bitterest experiences in Christian service is to be forsaken by those who were formerly one’s fellow laborers. Demas had been a friend of Paul’s, a fellow believer, and a fellow worker. But now Paul was in prison, Christians were being persecuted, and the political climate was distinctly unhealthful for Christian. Many in Paul’s company weren’t faithful and couldn’t be counted on- God knows whether or not we’re really faithful and will remain on the job no matters how Hot it gets. What would it take for you just to throw the towel in?

  Why would the Lord allow one of most faithful servants to go thru such suffering? Charles Stanley- “at times God doesn’t rescue us from hard situations because he’s providing something better”. He is protecting us not through deliverance but through strengthening.

  2 Cor. 4:8- troubled- hard pressed, distressed- crushed, perplexed- confused, despair- to lose all hope, persecuted- to be chased down, forsaken- to leave behind, cast down- to put in a lower place, destroyed- to put out of the way entirely. 2 Cor. 11:24-27-

  4:10- As we lead our lives on earth our goal should always be that the life of Christ would be manifested in our lives (thru our bodies). What came to Jesus we should gladly accept.

  2 Tim. 3:12- Persecution is an integral part of a devout Christian life. It is well that every young Timothy should be reminded of this. Otherwise, when he is called upon to go through deep waters, he might be tempted to think that he has failed the Lord or that the Lord is displeased with him for some reason. The fact is that persecution is inevitable for all who desire to live in a godly manner. The reason for this persecution is simple. A godly life exposes the wickedness of others. People do not like to be thus exposed. Instead of repenting of their ungodliness and turning to Christ, they seek to destroy the one who has shown them up for what they really are. It is totally irrational behavior, of course, but that is characteristic of fallen man.

  When trouble and pain come we must view the circumstance from God’s perspective and ask ourselves these questions:

1-      Which is a greater demonstration of God’s power changing something around me or changing something within me

2-      Which is a greater faith builder- seeing God’s deliverance from every difficulty or his presence and strengthening in the midst of trials.

3-      Which answer to prayer is greater- that God has removed something and given me external peace or that he’s left me in the trial and given me and internal peace that nothing can steal.


Remember if He removes the situation you may never learn that He is sufficient for everything you need.



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