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salvation, piety and wholesome teaching, and ending with heresy
It starts with a standard Paul greeting, and gives way to give credence to Timothy and his placement in Ephesus. Paul makes it clear his authority is from God and sets up the standard for the rest of the epistle.
1-2 Timothy, Titus & Hebrews (Notes)
“the goal [of discipline] is love.” Paul’s point is less that all believers be filled with love and more that the discipliner be motivated by love and not punishment. Paul was reminding Timothy that the ultimate goal (to telos [5056, 5465]) is love of the wayward. Discipline is the means to this end and not the end itself.”
in militaristic fashion Paul gets to teh root of the issue and rebukes the false teachers and exhorts Timothy to address it. To turn from strange teaching and meaningless speculations that ultimately distracted. He then narrows it down to the Law, stating its good and beautiful but only “when used correctly”. paralleling the decalogue Paul states many things in a “vice list” tehre is no pitting of Law against Gospel here. Paul merely defines the Laws legitimate use and shows the false teachers by his conduct in doing so.
Paul further backs his authority up, stating Jesus consider him trustworthy. that despite his ignorance and unbelief, Jesus was truly gracious with him. Paul is doing this to show that he serves as an example of God’s grace, that even the worst of the worst can be saved by Jesus. Paul has had first hand experience and testify s of the goodness of God. Paul ends by bursting out in praise with a doxology concluding this section.
Paul returning back to exhortation brings it to a rebuke as he brings a fourfold call for peace. the context ofd this is corporate worship, the contentious atmosphere during worship is connected with the larger issue of false teaching. this lead to a falseity most likely about the belief that salvation was an option only for the spiritual “In crowd”.
Paul counters this exclusive attitude by pointing to an inclusive God who wants all t o be saved. Paul gives instruction into prayers, and how we ought be praying for all. Paul shows that God’s desire is not only for humans to be saved but also understand the truth. Going deep into the meaning of the mediator, that being Christ Jesus. This culminating in Pauls calling as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
while verses 1-7 were inclusive verses 8-15 are about gender lines. likely there was friction among the men and women and as such Paul calls for peace and calm twice. Paul gives instructions for men, to lift holy hands. but he makes the point it is not posture alone that makes a prayer acceptable to God, the attitude must be holy too.
Paul goes into women and worship, to act decent and appropriate. decent as in respectable and appropriate as in sound judgement. The commentary makes it cleaner that it is more likely demeanor rather than appearance in question here.
women learning quietly denotes not an absence of speech but rather a calm demeanor. submissively is not a passive idea, it denotes the voluntary waiving of one’s rights for the sake of another. the commentary makes it clear that authority is the word domineer, and is applicable to men and woman alike. continuing on that line “let them listen quietly is rather let them be calm. when brought to the creation account Paul may be countering the beliefs of an early form of gnosticism that thought women were elevated as the favoured instruments of revelation.
Paul shows that through childbearing is in the birth of Jesus CHrist. ala Gen. 3:15 “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Paul covers leadership qualitys the commentary goes into the responsibility more and the greek behind it. to be a person of character, and how to properly insitute the leaders in the church.
above reproach, one spousem, sober minded, selfcontrolled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violet, not quarallsome, not a lover of money, manage household well with children in submition, not a recent convert, well thought of by outsiders.
Paul brings it back to the warnings of false teachers in this passage. God’s Spirit directed the early church throught the prophetic word of one or more of its members. Paul warns of a coming deceptuon and prepares Christians for it in the epoch. Paul shows that just as Satan can masquerade as an angel of light, demonic teachings can have a reasonable and attractive appearance. Paul addresses the direct like that it is wrong to be married and wrong to eat certain foods, a asetic lifestyle if you will. Paul counters this by placing an emphasis on everything God created is good. thinking back to the sixth day of creation.
Paul here gives Timothy some guidance in his pastoral responsibility's concerning heresy. That Timothy is to show himself to be a good servant of Christ Jesus. this is done in self care, self discipline, and to keep his eyes on the eternal life. reminding Timothy of the goodness of our inclusive God’s salvation he was to work hard at the life he was given. to set an example and to focus on what was important in ministry. confirming Timothys gifts and encouraging him in them, calling back to the laying on of hands which imparted the gifts to him. with the conclusion of this section on keeping watch on how he lives and on his teaching.
Paul goes over how to treat those above you in age and younger than you but in all purity. giving honor to widows, with the distinction of who are truly widows. warning of falsity's and exhorting the children to step up first. Paul exhorts selfcontrol and the commentary makes it clear that Jesus told His disciples not everyone can accept an unmarried state. yet Paul is more concerned about the first pledge, most likely a pledge to serve Christ fully.
in this section Paul addresses paying the ministers of the Gospel. covering discipline and the warning of bringing a charge against an Elder with only one witness. this harkens back to the mosaic Law. with the rebuke in 21 and even excommunication of leaders, the commentary states it is reasonable to think that Paul was now setting forth guidlines for replacing elders at Ephesus.
setting an example for their masters, slaves were to be respectful and serve with a joyful heart towards their masters so the gospel of Christ Jesus would go forth. Paul once again brings it back to the main reason for the letter, the false teachers, he warns that anyone who does not agree with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness is puffed up with conciet and understands nothing. this brings all manners of contention and depravity. but contrasting this is godliness which leads to contentment. this is great gain, he goes into how we broght nothing into this world and will bring nothing out, and a final warning to the rich or desire to be rich, that it is a snare and can plunge one into ruin and dispair. ending with a conclusion of this section with “the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Paul gives a recap of the major themes of the letter. the first theme is setting a good pastoral example for the flock. secondly Paul charges Timothy to fight the good fight for the true faith 6:12 this is a spiritual self-discipline and training is critical to making it across the finish line. thirdly Paul charges Timothy to hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you. This was in his calling and Paul brings it back to Timothy confession. a baptism event where he professed belief in Christ Jesus. “Paul’s train of thought leads him to the endpoint of salvation history which in turn brings forth a doxology.” concluding with an exhortation to the rich, Paul warns once more about it, not denouncing riches per se but the issue with heart postures behind it. bringing it all back to the understanding that this was read out loud to a whole congregation Paul ends his letter with grace be with you all.
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