Session 3: The Rival Conceptions of God.
Discussing Mere Christianity by CS Lewis. • Sermon • Submitted
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· 26 viewsAccepting God as God.
Sermon Tone Analysis
Apologists. The name esp. given to the Christian writers who (c. 120–220) first addressed themselves to the task of making a reasoned defence and recommendation of their faith to outsiders.
Existentialism. The term, which derives from S. *Kierkegaard (d. 1855, q.v.), is usually applied to certain types of modern philosophical thinking which share a practical concern for the individual existing person and his freedom.
New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (Theological Engagement)
New Dictionary of Theology: Historical and Systematic (Theological Engagement)
Existentialism recognizes the danger of trying to escape from the reality of the here and now by retreating into the past, the present or the future, rather than living each moment in light of the past and open to the future. Jesus is often depicted as the genuine authentic human being—the man for others—but there can be little or no sense of his divinity and salvation through his death and sacrifice.This life is usually the extent and limit of human existence, and our choices are significant because they affect every aspect of how we live and impact the world and others. Confronted by the absurdity and meaningless of everything, we can only seek to create our own sense and meaning though our choices.
Everyone has “The Law of Nature” within themselves.
Unlike gravity for example, one can choose to obey or reject it.
We have a choice between doing “right” or “wrong”.
Failing gives us the opportunity to grow.
Bring in Wesley’s “Will of Humanity” (Nothing to do.)
PLAY DVD: Session 3.
Lewis rejected Materialistic approach. Contingencies which we see also come from things we can’t see. These immaterial contingencies come from God.
More than mere bio-chemistry. There’s more (God).
Bring in Wesley’s Quadrilateral. (Scripture+Tradition+Experience+Reason)
God pursues us, in books, ...
God pursues us, in books, ...
George McDonald
G. K. Chesterton
G. Herbert
Unbuckle armour or keep it on.
Open the door or keep it shut.
Lewis chose to unbuckle and open the door. Slowly admitting “God was God”.
How does it work for Us?
How does it work for Us?
It leads to humility and Freedom to grow through God’s generosity.
Alistor McGrath.
Alistor McGrath.
Christianity, a clearer lens to see in the darkness.
Bring in
Perry’s sermon.
Earlier references to the sun (seeing clearer in the sun).
Why Suffering?
Why Suffering?
Atheism couldn’t answer question.
Atheism couldn’t answer question.
If there’s no God then who’s to blame? Mankind? Who else?
If there’s no God then who’s to blame? Mankind? Who else?
Atheism had no answer for Lewis.
Atheism had no answer for Lewis.
Stories, J.R. Tolkien & Christianity.
Stories, J.R. Tolkien & Christianity.
A better Materialistic AND Super-naturalistic explanation of the world around him.
A better Materialistic AND Super-naturalistic explanation of the world around him.
Christianity, a clearer lens to see in the darkness.
Christianity, a clearer lens to see in the darkness.
A Christian lens is powerful way (night-goggle) to see thru the mist of realty.
A Christian lens is powerful way (night-goggle) to see thru the mist of realty.
How to make sense of suffering in the world, an intellectual question.
How to make sense of suffering in the world, an intellectual question.
Christians can accommodate suffering .
Christians can accommodate suffering .
God became God incarnate through Jesus who suffered.
Jesus redeemed us through suffering.
Suffering is critical to redeeming.
How do we cope with suffering in the world, an existential question.
How do we cope with suffering in the world, an existential question.
A Grief Observed.
A Grief Observed.
Grief from wife’s death became all consuming. It over-whelmed him. He knew he had to cope with it.
God who suffered through Jesus Christ understood our pain.
God who suffered through Jesus Christ understood our pain.
Christ bore our sufferings. We’re not alone. God’s understanding makes it easier for us to cope.!
A Sympathetic Caring God w.r.t. Complex World.
A Sympathetic Caring God w.r.t. Complex World.
Christianity gave us ways to see more clearly.
Christianity gave us ways to see more clearly.
He became convinced this (Christianity) gave him a clear sense of the world around him and within him.
He became convinced this (Christianity) gave him a clear sense of the world around him and within him.
A satisfying and intellectual way to see things.
A satisfying and intellectual way to see things.
Session 4: Free Will and the Shocking Alternative.
Session 4: Free Will and the Shocking Alternative.
Mere Christianity Chapter 3: The Shocking Alternative
Because free will, though it makes evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having.
Mere Christianity Chapter 1: The Rival Conceptions of God
A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.
Mere Christianity (Chapter 1: The Rival Conceptions of God)
If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be a word without meaning,
If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be a word without meaning,
Insert “Will of Humanity “.
Alex Metaxas. Chapel of Mary Magdalene. Oxford, England.
Alex Metaxas. Chapel of Mary Magdalene. Oxford, England.
Surprised by Joy.
Surprised by Joy.
Lewis “gave in” and admitted “God was God”.
Lewis “gave in” and admitted “God was God”.
“The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men.” (Echos of Paul).
“The hardness of God is kinder than the softness of men.” (Echos of Paul).
1 Cor. 1:25
1 Cor. 1:25
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
No longer an Atheist. “Flew flag” by attending church to show he was an (Pure & Simple) Atheist.
Session 4.
Session 4.
Christian concept of God.
Christian concept of God.
God himself landed on the earth ...
God himself landed on the earth ...