Use It or Lose It - Dec. 19th, 2021
Sing we going riding that do World region.
Sing We Now of Christmas Noel sing we can hang out with glad.
Sing We Now of Christmas Sing we here.
No, but I don't know, LOL.
North Wilson Way sing Noel
Amen, thank you. I'm glad I didn't sing that in French.
That's a wonderful thought so wonderful thing about this Christmas season, these wonderful songs. We get to sing and enjoy in this time. Please take your hand books as we continue our service with page number 87 page 87 and will sing Joy to the World sing all four verses and will ask you to stand as we sing and dance at the same your ring.
Play repeat the sounding Joy. found a pretty strong north of bar a sick person so far as the car salesman with proof and read his rights and wonders of his mom and wanders off his mom and is a lot of Amen. Thank you. You may be seated.
Good morning. I'm glad you could be with us today to send Ethan look any different to you.
Yeah, and and the pulp is changed. Everything is changing.
Yeah, well, we won't go into that.
Well, I'm glad you could be with us. If you notice in the top of your bowl and says Rejoice we shouldn't have to wait till Christmas time to Rejoice. We should be able to Rejoice all the time. But this is our Christmas service but tonight will be a special service is 66 but to be the Christmas play. So please come on back. I expect to see it just as full tonight as I see it now. That's my expectation. I hope you can make it. That's right. Bring some friends with you. You can see what's going on. I'm not going to spend a lot of time here, but there will not be a midweek service next week on Wednesday because we're having a candlelight service on Friday. So please try and make that if you can the candlelight service will be at 7 p.m. So you have plenty of time to have dinner and things before you get here. And so please try to make that and then have a merry Christmas. We want everybody to enjoy themselves, but maybe just think of a little extra prayer for those that Christmas isn't as joyous as it might be for us, and cuz it's it's a difficult time for some folks from Thanksgiving through to the new year, and there's a lot of people that struggle at that time. So just keep them in prayer, but have a merry Christmas to yourself. And so let's just have a word of prayer most gracious Heavenly Father God. We are to thank you every day. We are to Rejoice every day Lord Christmas is every day for the believer, but father we use this time of year. It will be next Saturday, but Lord today, we celebrate Christmas here First Baptist. For your great gift to us sending your only begotten son the Lord Jesus Christ come in the form of man, and we're so thankful for it. We see think of that innocent baby in the in a Manger, but that innocent baby came to be the Savior for falling man. And more degrees my heart, but I'm so thankful. As a father help us to just celebrate this day to have a smile on her face has to be glad in spite of the trials and tribulations of life. There are some that are struggling this very moment with issues in their personal lives issues in lives of families and loved ones and I pray that your hand a blessing would be upon them that in spite of what they may be feeling today can Rejoice because of what you have done for us. The reason for our being here today. The reason we celebrate celebrate Christmas. As a father the world may not truly understand but we can and we should and other I pray we do. Now Lord, I pray that you just speak to your people today. Did I send the adult Sunday school class? We talked about King Josiah how that he had a heart for God even before he knew God and then and he heard the word and it impacted his life so much that he shared the word and then he applied it in his life and he lived by it and father. I pray that we would do the same today that we would seek your face. And if you the preaching of your word, we would receive it in our hearts and then we would share it with everyone around us, especially over these next few days. I'm through these this Christmas season. the father I pray now that you just be with Pastor Jason give him those words to speak that it would touch her hearts and stir us and that we can rejoice and how good you are to us. We are so undeserving So Unworthy but yet you given us a greatest gift that can be given salvation through your son the Lord Jesus Christ the father we ask that you would just blessed remainder of the services you pray that you'll be worship truly worship this day in spirit and truth and in every ounce of who we are today where we may fail at other times, but this day we lift the stay up as we lift you up. We thank you. We love you. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Aren't you glad you came to church this morning on that? Wonderful. Thank you. Ladies. That was fantastic. I wish we had the words up on the screens cuz the words are just in enthralling. Take your handbook, please and we'll sing page number 100 O Come All Ye Faithful sing all three verses 1 2 and 3 page number 100 you may remain season.
Call Tomlin.
Call Tom.
Now we'll ask you to sing as we sing page will ask you to stand as we sing page number 85 and will sing silent night. Holy night, please stand as we sing all three verses page 85.
Call Jen Duran.
call sing Hallelujah.
I saw a small at 5.
Amen, thank you. You may be seated. It's almost kind of a repeat of last week in a way because of who was here. But again just his way of reminder. I suppose since he was here to share his ministry brother Ken and his wife Karen crate with Seaport Ministries and they shared this verse with us John 15:7, which says if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you and through his letter. He talks about how God answered this in his own life and God gave him something that he prayed for and that thing that he was praying for was a colabor together in his ministry something he'd been praying about for a number of years and God raised up someone to come alongside and help him and saw continue reading here. So this man is named a mi Mount her. I don't know how to pronounce this. mayor Yeah, it's it had Mah ER so you can pronounce that. However you want to in your heads has accepted the call from the Lord and filled my answer to prayer Mi visited the ministry with Pastor Kyle Cena rescue this past June miles is a is well trained in the scriptures and mature Bahamut Beyond his 24 years 24 years old that is and he has a great burden for the lost. His servants heart will cause him to be used of God and be able to put up with me as we serve together. So Amen, he has been a blessing as we have spent many days together at the poor. Please pray for him as he is beginning his deputation as a missionary. And so he also shares his testimony here brother miles of if you'd like to read his testimony then I don't know do we have that on the missionary screen out there just yet as part of the slides so you might have to wait for it. We also have this letter here. So perhaps so you can come along and read this testimony and Just really see how much the Lord has answered the prayers of our brother can create and so praise the Lord for that just a quick word of prayer as we want to Pray Again over brother crate or thank you so much for his ministry that just as we even got to talk about in her youth Sunday school this morning how many nations came and were gathered together at Pentecost? And at that time we're being able to receive the Gospel Justin the same way with for the cannon creation his ministry, how as he often says the ministry comes to him at people come to him and he gets to serve them as they come in on their boats and he has opportunities to witness. Thank you Lord for the the favor that you've shown him. And I pray that you'll continue to answer his prayers as he serves and as miles as well serves together with him in the ministry. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Long ago in Bethlehem Morning Star Auto in full filled God's play in a lonely manger bad. Can it be this, baby?
Long ago in Galilee. Is this Lord of Land and Sea Island were made.
Lame were made to walk again sitters were set free. the prince of Galilee
Calvary spotless Lamb of God even born when Jesus Christ was crying
He died on Calvary Cavalry Jesus lived and died for me.
Well, that is the Christmas message.
He's the reason for the season. And were it not for Grace each one of us would receive our just and we would each be like the unprofitable servant. We're going to read about this morning and you're joining us for the services here on our celebration of Christ's birth at First Baptist Church of Westminster and I'm Pastor Walker. I co-pastor here and I'll be bringing you the Sunday morning message that I've been titled use-it-or-lose-it so you can like that or not but use it or lose it and you'll find our passage of study and Matthew chapter 25. I invite you to turn the air if you have your Bibles and follow along in Matthew chapter 25, and we will look at the parable of the talents this morning with the time we have and I was at warning Pastor Ward this morning. This might be the last the last time you guys ever have to come back to preach but we'll see how it goes with your prayers. Maybe it won't be as much of a train wreck. So while you're fighting your place there in Matthew chapter 25, if we have our little ones with us. Well, forgive me if you would if you're of age and you would like to join our team for a children's service. Our team is in the back if you are of age.
Can I put it that way alright? praise the Lord Matthew chapter 25 before I read the passage this morning. I do want to ask for your help as a congregation. Maybe you would be led to help in above and beyond this morning. I'm going to call for some volunteers to help me with an object lesson that I think will help solidify the truth of what Jesus is teaching here. And the last thing that I want to do this morning is to track from the scriptures or do any Injustice 2 what Jesus said but I think the way that we approach it this morning will help us see more clearly where we live in the context of what Jesus was teaching where he lived all those years ago as we study the scriptures the first question that listen. The first question that we ask is never. How does this apply to me? That's not the first question. We asked should we ask that question? Yes, we should but it's not the first question that we ask the first question we ask is what did it mean then? And so when Jesus is on that mound of olives and he is speaking to his disciples. We know there were some in particular that asked him some questions. What did it mean for Jesus to tell them this parable? That's what we solidify first. What did it mean to them? And then we can ask how does it apply to me? So I hope that you'll be able to do that with me this morning and that will be successful in that endeavor. Because if you answer the first question, you'll be much better prepared to apply the truth that the Lord has you read Matthew chapter 25. I will invite you to stand out of reverence for the reading of scripture with me will read vs. 14 to 30. And just a forewarning I as I mentioned will call for some volunteers, maybe two or three volunteers three or four whoever volunteers out used in some way. I'm sure but we want to read these verses there's also some other passages that will read at length later in the message. So I don't check out on those passages. I'm reading them in their entirety on purpose because I want scripture to comment on scripture. We compare scripture with scripture where wise Matthew chapter 25 follow along with me beginning at Birth number 14, the scriptures record Jesus on the Olivet discourse for the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his good. And on to it one he gave five talents to another two and two another one to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey verse 16. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents and like why is he that had received two? He also gained other other of the same kind mind you other two, but he that had received one went in dignan the earth and hid his Lord's money.
After a long time the Lord of those servants lowercase L Lord of those servants cometh and Wrecking ass with them. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying Lord that deliver is done to me five talents behold. I have gained besides them five talents more. His lord said unto him. Say these words with me. If you would well done thou good and faithful servant thou Hast been Faithful over a few things. I will make the ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord verse 22. He also they had received two talents came and said Lord that deliver is done to me to talents behold. I have gained two other talents besides them. His lord said unto him read it with me, you know it well now well done good and faithful servant dial has been Faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord verse 24 Then he which had received the one Talent came and said Lord. I knew thee that thou art and hard man. Reaping where thou Hast not sown and Gathering where thou has not strahd and I was afraid and went and hid zytel end in the earth low. There thou Hast that is 9. His Lord answered and said unto him thou Wicked and salt slothful servant down newest that I reap what I sow not and gather where I have not strahd they'll notice there for to have put my money to the exchangers and then it might coming I should have received my own with ussery. Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which has ten talents for unto everyone that has shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath and cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer Darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Lord. I pray that you will open our eyes this morning to behold wondrous things out of that law out of the Kingdom law that is before us. That fateful day when each will stand before you and give an account of their soul and their Works in their labors here. I pray that none under the sound of my voice would have to do so as this ladder servant but that each would hear those words. Well done. There's only one way that will happen Lord if we're prepared to the point that we are moved in face. Do not waste the time we have. How precious and how little it is and yet by your grace. You've given each according to our ability and Lord. May we use what you've blessed us with while you're away and ever look for your appearing in the Clouds of glory Lord that we might stand before you and lay at your feet those crowns that would please you for you are worthy Lord as we heard earlier in the song Hallelujah the Lord shall reign forever and ever and all God's people this morning say Amen. Thank you. You may be seated. All right. I'm not going to waste any time here.
No pun on the words. So I going to call for some volunteers if I could this morning, and I'll try to do this as well as I know how having not really practiced yet. You're my practice. Okay, we're going to do this, but I think it'll help your brother Tim. If you're ready. I'll call on you. I've got brother Tim here this morning. I thought he was fitting in and plus. I didn't want to embarrass anybody else brother. Tim was willing to do this. So I'll make sure you get around to say thank you brother. Tim brother. Tim is not going to be brother Tim this morning now Tim helps us with missions and Tim's a bright man. He also likes science. If you heard him give some of his presentation, so he gave a phenomenal presentation on the Mount of transfiguration. That was one of the first messages. I heard him preach. She's also priest on Ephesian 6, just a brilliant man in many ways I think and so I thought I could call on him this morning to represent for us. Mr. Elon Musk. So everyone say hi to Elon Musk. Now, what do we know about you on musk? I'm sorry brother Tim and character. So mr. Elon Musk, as you know has been in the news headlines these past few weeks and he said if not the richest one of the richest men in the world today, right? Okay, and he's also got all these things that he's dreamed up and you know, every time we're riding around with these guys. They look just look Tesla Tesla Tesla solar and Tesla Elon Musk is everywhere. Isn't he and he's been in the headlines recently. Well, mr. Elon Musk year. I kind of these out you know, these are I wish I wish it was real Tim, but it is better than real money because it's it's Ark bucks. And did you like the artist? Okay, so I thought that would go. Well we visited the ark and I have here. What is a rapper? Location of 1 million Ark bucks is a million dollars. Emilia Clarke box. Okay. Now, I know this is play money. But if you're going to get the sense of the force behind what I'm trying to share with you this morning, you're going to look at this and you going to say man. I've been working for how many years and I haven't even reach this goal yet. And I and I've been investing in this and I've been investing in that and and I don't even have one of these. Okay, count him out.
1 million two million three million four million five million, six million 78 million. You got plenty more where that came from cuz that's just what he's going to use right now because mr. Elon Musk is got to go on a long journey. In fact, he's going to go to the Moon maybe Mars. I don't know you pick you get to go there. So I do need some volunteers. I'm only going to ask for 2. Okay. I saw Alex's hand in the back there. Maybe you'll be the third one. I'm just kidding. Come on up buddy. If you can leave your post, that's all right. So I have one volunteer. He was quicker than anybody else want to be the second one at least and then I'll give you an option on whether anybody wants to be the third one. You figured out where this is going. Okay, Mr. Herrick. Come on up. Okay. Now here's the caveat if you're willing. I don't want to force this on anybody. But if you're willing if you like to play the villain, okay, this will be a part for you. Alright Xander. You got it. Come on up, buddy. If you like to be the Nemesis in the story than you can come out up because okay and I don't ever want you to be embarrassed or anything. We know this isn't, you know, you you're not going to waste your life and be like this improbable server, but you get to play that part so come on over here sir, if you would so we have three strapping young men up here and now tell this going to be hard for you and then we give you full discretion of this is your 8 million. You got it there right yet still got it. Okay for a right and you've worked hard for this your capitalist and you've earned this that's a key point. Just kidding. He's earned. This is his to invest where he sees fit you understand. So I want you to size these guys up and one of them you're going to give 5 million the other 12 and then whoever you think we already know who the volunteer is so that kind of narrows it down between the other two you can deliver to him the one and that's all we'll go. That's all I'll do right now. So go ahead and size him up and distribute that to them and then you can be you can go on your long journey. You can go have a seat.
shorter shorter
Find at least bills.
And I want you to go out and reproduce those go out and be a capital. I mean go out and reproduce that much.
you want your job is still out and reproduce that which I have to get them to you. Thank you. Now. You have a long journey to make sir. And you're going to be gone a long time, but it's in good hands. I hope okay. So these fellows have been entrusted with an investment. Is this parallel to the parable we read in some ways and I know this illustration is going to break down eventually because Elon is not priced and if you applied the principle that Christ is the one who's going on the long journey, then you have a big problem. Theologically. We're not going that route but you understand this is a story that Jesus told so to bring it up to speed today. I did some math the commentaries that are red, you know, depending on when they were written was different amounts. I think if you go back to the turn of the Millennium the equivalent that the commentaries were saying was like 200 close to $250,000 because of inflation now what you might be able to buy for $250,000 in the year 2009 Do you have to spend $800,000 to get the same equipment welcome to? I'll just leave that right there. So inflation is a beast isn't it? And it's rapidly moving upon us as you have felt. I'm sure so you have your 50k you have your two and you have your one. So before you guys sit down, let's go ahead and do this. You're going to make some investments just hold tight for a second. Now. It's wise to have financial advisors and things to help us with Investments. When I worked a secular job. I was provided by my employer and a 401k and they would match into an investment for me. That would be set aside until retirement many of you have similar things. You've done different things. There are different ways that you can invest money. But let me pose a question here before these guys turn in their Investments because these are the financial advisors. Okay, what if you went and sat down with your financial advisor and said here is X number of thousands of dollars tens of thousands of dollars hundreds of thousands, whatever you can invest that you have and you left it with them. You have certain expectations after 25-30 years, don't you? There's not a single one of us in this room. That wouldn't have an expectation on what we're what we're putting in the hands of this advisor. You've heard the horror stories like me of those that haven't done well with that but to go along with what we're reading in the parable here this morning these men have a job to do so, I'll go ahead and just skip a full word a little bit while we're talking about and I have your attention your 5 let's just say you want to invest those in stocks. Okay, you can invest in multiple think you're going to put those in mutual funds are going to take your five. Now. Here's the other thing to the scenario. That's a little different from where we are today and this day and time many times the safest place to invest your money would be in places like the temple because it would be a safe house where those Investments could be held and that in the money's could be secured and then the temple Dan would hold those so pass toward maybe you can help me out here. Do you want to represent the temple and we're going to have that be the banking institution if you will. Okay, so pass toward if you wouldn't mind joining me up here just for a moment. So Alex you've been Given the responsibility of five million dollars you are going to put that with the bank. So the temples going to be the bank. You can come represent the bank. You're going to lay that up with him and say here is this money and I want you to invest it. In what's happening? So he gets the five there and if you would just lay him on the table note that table put that right there. That's a play on words for a passage with the two of you can be seated. Thank you. You going live your life you go ahead and you invest your how many Too. So he has two million that he is going to invest it. Now. He was investing in stock. He's going to invest let's say he's going to invest in bonds. Okay now stocks that would be like personal loans mutual funds what kind of bonds would be more like, you know government lending those kind of things. Okay bonds of Corporation. So so he's going to invest his two in Bonsall, right? So there you go. You going to put that with the bank of that day. That institution that will you know be the middleman in all of this? Okay now thank you Pastor Ward. You can be seated for a moment. This leaves are brave courageous unprofitable. Volunteer thank you for doing that. By the way, I'm going to owe him lunch or something or not. I just for sticking his neck out on the line until you have your one. I want you to go hide it under the table up there. Just go bury it up there. Is digging in the earth. He's going to have a strong box. He's going to bury it is going to leave it. All right. Thank you, sir. so my question to you You're talking to your financial advisor. What would you expect from an investment account of your own? You've worked maybe like my granddad did he work for GM for years? And he laid up a retirement. He also got a pension from the company because he was a faithful worker. He got up before the crack of dawn every day worked his fingers to the Bone putting cars together on an assembly line, but when he was done he was done and it paid for their life until he went home to be with the Lord with him and his wife. So let's say that you are sitting down and in your in your younger years and you're looking at these Investments and you are investing in accounts. What would you expect from an investment account of your own? William Carey when he was headed to the mission field somewhere along the line he wrote this down or set it somewhere. It's attributed to him. You heard this phrase perhaps he said this attempt great things for God expect great things from God. Okay, let's continue on here. We've read the passage. You understand the investor. Number one. He's placed its $5 in stocks. Okay. So now a password I hate to have you get up and and down a lot but I'm going to have you come back up and have the five ready. Okay. Now I need another volunteer in his Tim said probably somebody short you're going to play Jeff bezo. Somebody want to be a Mister Jeff beazell's for us this morning mister Geoff it is he in the house. Mr. Jeff Jeff bezo. Anybody any takers might have okay and all your he's already had a part somebody else who hasn't he going to do it. Okay. Come on up, brother. Jeff bezo so, you know, he just retired from Amazon as the CEO CFO or something like that. He's got plenty. So I just want to understand just yet is Jeff Bezos poor? If that that's important because Pastor Ward the temple is responsible not only to to handle things wisely, but also by the law of Moses to take care of the poor. So if he came and asked you for a personal loan, are you going to charge him any interest according to Deuteronomy know you're not if he's an Israelite? I don't know if you understand the sentiment according to the law of Moses. The poor was to be looked out for he doesn't fit that qualification does he's not poor he has plenty of means of his own but hey mister Jeff bezo, so I read, you know couple months ago. He's already got his name on the docket with mr. Elon Musk and when Mr Elon since that thing to the Moon Jeff bezo start he has his seatbelt reserved. Jeff Bezos is like hey, I'm going to take a personal trip to the moon. Okay, you're sitting here going this is out of this world. But is it unreasonable to think about these kind of illustrations today? I expect to read in the news headlines one day that Jeff Bezos gets on a rocket ship that Elon Musk made and goes on this tour to the Moon. I can't believe I'm even saying that this is like sci-fi stuff from the fifties and sixties you Flash Gordon. I mean, come on. Wow, okay. Yes. I'm going but I do remember that stuff. So Mister, Jeff Bezos wants to go to the Moon. So mr. B's house you're going to come and you're going to take a loan out from the banking Institute. You're going to take a personal loan. Now. It said okay, you're standing you might want to sit down. The interest rate on this personal loan for you is going to be 24% So that means you're going to borrow the five million so you can take this trip to the moon but you're a smart guy. You're going to bring you back some moon rocks, and you're going to be a capitalist and you're going to sell those moonrocks. So the 24% Hey, you know, I can do that because this is a personal trip. I'm going on my own dime. I'm going to borrow the money. I'm going to pay it back with 24% interest. Go ahead bar the money go to the moon. Have fun. Don't forget your rocks.
5 okay, I'll hold onto those here. Okay, he's going to the Moon you can be seated password. So that's the five.
Do you understand? He's going to pay. 24% back over a. Of time that's a personal loan. We're not talking about taking advantage of the poor. But do you understand how this could really benefit? I mean, what if what if our church that we would never do this? But what if we were able to do that you could see how this could really benefit. Could you how much could we do for the Lord with a 24% return on something if we invested it for God and did it for God's work? That's key. So as we think about this continuing on we have some certain things in mind here investor. Number one. He places his five million in the stock the stocks then our personal things. Mr. Jeff Bezos comes in and with the stock. He has he takes this loan out. Okay. I know you can probably stretch this and say, well there's fine points here that you're not getting right just follow along with me. The distribution is made to the servant with a five towns. Go back to our Passage. in Matthew chapter 25 We read and you see how I'm going to point out some details. Let's just look at the text. I want to point some things out in the text. Before we continue on for the Kingdom of Heaven is you'll notice if you have an authorized version, that's not Alex. It's supplied back from birth. Number one contextually it fits. Because this is a comparison of the Kingdom of Heaven the Kingdom of Heaven is as a man traveling to a far country who called his own servants. These are his own servants mind you delivered unto them his Goods. So let's mark this down. Did the investor number one that investor number to did investor number three on any of what they were given, No, these are you. Oh, but I work for that 401k will but who gave you the breadth and the strength to get up and go to work each day? The Book of Psalms tells us that the Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof he owns the cattle on a thousand hills you see he is the owner we are merely stewards of whatever God gives us and the talents here. This is a wait this is an amount of money in this contact and it's been taken to me, you know talents and abilities and those but noticed it was talents that were distributed according to Every Man's ability. So there's talents on the one hand with his money of the word silver is used for money in the passage. It comes from the route where we get silver from this would be a wait what I've studied about it is it would be the equivalent of what a Roman soldier would be able to pack on his back if you had enough silver coins, you know, maybe you want to think about it an 80 lb bag of concrete. I used to throw those around at Home Depot. That was the funnest day of my life throwing all those 80 lb bags of concrete around for people. That would come get them 80 lb is not light. Okay, but this is what a soldier would be able to carry to a talent this That's just one if you had a bag that way if you had a bag of silver coins, that weighed 80 lb, how much money do you think you'd have the day? I don't even know. I also used to have this route that Iran that we go to the same bank every Tuesday and won't tell you where but we go to this bank and I would bring boxes and boxes of half dollars and I would drop them off at the bank and then the next Tuesday, I'd come back and bring more boxes and boxes of half dollars only to pick up bags and bags of half dollars hot tubs and boxes and bags and bags of half dollars and I would will those things out on carts back and forth to my truck and I do bang come out at the end of the day and I don't know how many were gone. There was somebody at that that live near that bank that had something going on with him. They would sit through those half dollars to find Silver's So if you do that if your coin collecting but there are silver dollars, they would go through the house. And so I turned them in and then I get them back the next Tuesday. I got a really good workout every week every week all the time throwing those weights around a talent is something that's heavy. Think about this. Now. This is a heavy investment he calls and he gives 215 talents want you to take your Bible and go over to Revelation chapter number 7. I said we would read some scriptures and I just want to let scripture comment on scripture. In the context of what we're reading. It is an apocalyptic piece of literature in the Olivet discourse. Remember I said the first question we asked about scripture is what did it mean then? If you keep that in your mind, maybe you'll understand why I take you to Revelation chapter number 7 and I want you to read while we're thinking about this one that was invested with five talents now. 5 million we'd work all of our life just to get one of those and he's got five that were just given to him by Grace. He didn't deserve it other than he was sized up and in Mister must. It was a good investment to give to him. Every man according to his several ability read Revelation chapter 7. I just want to read I want you to see what's here. Cuz there is coming a tribulation time on this Earth and these are questions that the disciples have had. What will be the son of that coming. When are you coming Lord once all this stuff going to happen. Remember we already studied about the signs in the heavens and the Earth. We've already wrote her bread about that the earthquakes in the in the sun being dark and in all of the things that correlate to things in Revelation, we're talking about the parable of the talents read with me. Thinking about the servant with the five talents Revelation chapter 7 verse number 1 John the Revelator recordes after these things. I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth holding the Four Winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the scene or on any tree and I saw another Angel ascending from the East having the Seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the Sea saying hurt not the Earth. Neither the sea nor the trees till we have sealed the Servants of God The Who Okay, the Servants of God of our God in their foreheads and I heard the number of them which were sealed and there were sealed in hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. Now this listing of the tribe of Judah we're still twelve thousand of the tribe of Reuben, we're sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of GAD. We're sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Asher were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of naphthalene. We're sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Manassas or sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Simeon. We're sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Levi, we're sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of issachar. We're sealed 12,000. Is it sounding like an Excel spreadsheet yet of the tribe of Zebulon were sealed twelve thousand of the tribe of Joseph. We're sealed twelve thousand of The Tribe of Benjamin were sealed 12,000 after this I'd be held and low a great multitude. Okay, so we've gone from 144,000 12,000 from each tribe, what do we have now a great multitude which no man could number what's this multitude of all Nations and kindred's and people in tongues stood Before the Throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and Palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying tell vacation try what Crying, what salvation? To our god, which city has upon the throne and unto the lamb and all the Angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell Before the Throne on their faces and worship God saying amen blessings and glory and wisdom and Thanksgiving and honor and power and might be unto our God forever and ever. Amen in one of the elders answered saying to me what are these which are arrayed in white robes and whence came they and I sent it to him sir. Don't know us and he said to me these are they which came out of the Great Tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb. And therefore are they Before the Throne of God and serve him day and night in his Temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them and they shall listen to how they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore. Neither shall Turn light on them nor any heat for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living Fountains of waters. I love this and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Look with me back in Matthew chapter 25.
Birth 16 backing up in 15 and unto one he gave how many five talents looking for a 16 then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents. And likewise he did receive to either see one digs in the earth and his boards money verse 19 says after a long time the Lord of those servants, and maybe one underline this word mark this word down pay close attention to this word. He cometh and recognize. So what is the sign of that coming know this is these are the two historical presents that you'll find In this passage because this is speaking of of urgency. It's it's talking about something with the present tense as if it's already happened you so excited about telling them this pack the Lord is coming one day and he will recommend with everyone of us. With whom we have to do the Lord comes the time is up. It's been a long time but the Lord comes and he reckon is there is an accounting when you have the books at the end of the month and you reconcile that with what the bank has and what you have on your register. This is the kind of accounting we're looking at here. There is a reckoning. So we've compared and we've seen there will be a reckoning. Where did all these folks come from?
The Reckoning with the first. Okay. So here we go. You make sure I did this right mister you'll on Welcome Back.
Okay, so I'm pleased to report mr. B's those made it to the moon and back brought some rocks and sold him and made a lot of money so past reward. Representing the temple that was simply the institution that exchanged. Okay. Are we getting anything out of this for the temple will hopefully because he's going to be gracious but now we're not so all-fired interested everything past reward. If you would come and just present that back to Mysteryland counted out how many days to get back at 24% interest over whatever amount of time after Mr. Bizos goes on this personal trip to the moon and back with his rocks four million five million.
and now the interest
I can't even wrap my mind. Around an amount like that.
I'm glad you're sitting down.
All of my grace simply because you chose to put an investment with the one who had the pipe and then he did something wise with it. He put it somewhere where it would be as secure as he could make it and then whoever had that went and invested it and it benefited everybody right? We didn't take advantage of the port. Nobody was hurt in the process.
And we just are the exchanger so now mr. Elon. Mr. Alex if you could come up and join us again.
So you invested your money in stock mystery lawn how long you been gone? I don't even know. Let's just say a long time, you know, 40 years 50 years, whatever you want to call it. You made it investment 50 years ago with this guy and then you left and didn't even think twice about it after that you come back and you find out he's giving you twice as much as 100% increase on what you invested with him. How you feel about him as an investor.
Now you got to give him all of it.
I'll 10 you got to see that in the passage. He got to keep all of it. Who did who did? Race, that's what that is. But whose account is it to? He's the one that was worthy because he invested in the time that he had and when his account was called do he received and he got to hold on to that. So you just sit tight over here for a minute. Mr. Elon. Thank you, sir. Go ahead. Let's just go ahead and finish this narrow stay up here and we'll just go ahead and run to the other one cuz I think I think they're on to us. Now the Reckoning with the first Elon gets his ten million back and you know, we'll just say that you'll on now. He's got some work for mr. Alex to do he's going to give him a promotion will say he's going to make him CFO of his new rocket program. So welcome. Mr. CFO, you are the Chief Financial Officer over mystery lines new Financial program. You have a career lined out before you like you would have never dreamed before and moving into the future. You have plenty. To keep you busy. And then you got the brains to handle it. I'm sure I'm confident see how that works. He got to keep all the invested by grace and he gets rulership over a promotion and he gets to continue on when the Lord comes back. He will have a kingdom to rule for a thousand years the millennial Kingdom and what you do down here will determine what you do up there. if your faithful with the little hay is 5 million little Not to us but to him it is. Then he'll make you ruler over many many. I mean, I can't even describe to you what this is going to be like when the Lord comes back. I can't even put words to it. So you get your promotion you get to be over the rocket program and and you're a worthy. You're worthy worker. You're worthy servant now investor number to where did he invest his he put his in bonds? Right? We said he he he invested his and bond. So password. I need you up here again with the two. We've got the two. So Mr. Bonds you invested in bonds. I need somebody to represent the city of Westminster who wants to be the city of Westminster? Nobody I don't blame you. Okay, I'm just kidding. We have somebody that wants to be the city of Westminster. Just okay mister might come on up here. So you are the city of Westminster and you're going to build for the city for the community. You're going to build a new Rec Center. Let's just say that okay that don't you okay, you come over here to the banking institution you borrow two million to do that now, but here's the caveat as the city. You're going to have to pay back what you're borrowing overtime 20% to 20% in not this isn't a stretch. Okay. If you do the historical record, you'll find out these are the interest rate for personal loans and for loans to cities and governments and municipalities. Hey, there's a record of a man named Cicero you ever heard of him? He's from wrong. He wanted to build a little entertainment house. So he personally borrowed in all this money and then paid it back at some exorbitant amount of Interest these guys they can do that. Right, so we're not talking again about anybody who's poor anybody who's being taken advantage of we all pay taxes. We want this, you know, and so we're all in this together. We're going to borrow the money but yet will pay it back because it's going to go to benefit and we understand that so you're going to take your two and you're going to build us a community center with that. So now we're going to turn this into construction. Thank you. You going to pay it back though in time at 20% 20% interest. This would be the one who received two talents K. So let's go ahead and speed it up here cuz I'm almost out of time. So you've built the community center time has passed mr. Musk has come back from his trip and mr. Bank. Here you go. That's what you can give him back on the interest. He received from the loan. He made to the city. So the banking institution made the loan to the city got paid back. And what does mystery line received back from his investment on that hysterical? You ready? Come on up.
I should have given this to him first you take that now he comes back and you give it to him and say here's what we did. after a long time how many? You can be seated. Thank you.
He had two million to start with. I can't even wrap my mind around two million. That's God's grace. And hear how much did you receive back a hundred percent just like the one who had 500. How do you feel about his investment? Well done.
He's doing a great job in me. I couldn't ask for a better deal on good job. Where you going to do for him? Maybe maybe there's a solar, you know Fusion program you're going to sellers old. We need to do something something new something better than solar. My president of my new company that's going to ask going to make Fusion Energi Fusion Energi. There you go. So he's been promoted to a Fusion Energy CEO and he's going to man this company for mr. Musk. And and so now everybody is going to benefit right because we're going to get the energy from it and we can keep using our little devices and phones and all that from all the Fusion Energy to come out of this. Hey, that's great benefiting everybody. Now I think you know where we're going with this.
This is this this is amazing. Isn't it behold? Well done. You've been faithful in a few things. I'll make you ruler over many things the same thing that was said to the first one you had five is set to the second one who got to and well done. Well done. I want you to turn over to Revelation 11. Revelation 11
We've already considered the one who received five Revelation 11 again. I'm just going to let scripture speak for scripture read with me. you can read silently follow along Revelation 11 verse number 1 John record and there was given me a read like unto a rod in the angel stood saying rise and measure the temple of God and Altar and them that worship there in but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they trade underfoot 40 and 2 months and I will give power unto my how many two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1203 score days closed in sack cloth. There. These are the two olive trees in the two gold the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth. Do you know the story of the two witnesses their slain for their testimony in the streets of Jerusalem? And then three days later, they are raised from the dead before the whole world. Do you think there will be anybody that will come to the Lord through the testimony of these two witnesses? How many came to the Lord through the testimony of the 144,000 during the tribulation. A multitude. They can't be number John said and set a chapter 7 how many I don't know will come because of these two faithful Witnesses who gave their life serving and yet they were raised from the dead they were promoted. No, they didn't have 144000 like the others but were they just as faithful with what they had and they did the work that God called them to do. So it's faster to he placed his in bonds and we talked about that scenario. You on got four million back promoted him over his new Fusion Energy program. Now, let's consider the final culmination of it all if we look back in her passage in Matthew 25. I'm out of time. I won't take time to read all of what I was going to read. I think by now you see where I'm going with this investor number three. We said that he did something with his he went and he hit his million play on words here play on words. This one that received the 1 million. Let's just pretend that he went and invested in cryptocurrency.
The word Crypt us is in the passage by the way, you'll find it if he hid the money in the earth crypto. So I just a play on words. You can go along with my glorified imagination Sanctified imagination. Hopefully, he puts it in cryptocurrency. Never going to see it again. It's buried in ones and zeros that literal physical $1000000 is now nothing but ones and zeros in binary code called cryptocurrency know if you invest in that you're making money with Grapevine. Make sure your ties. I'm just kidding that you'll get that done. So, mr. Zender, where did he go? He disappeared already. He's run off.
Here's how the force of this happens. Come on up here Mister Xander. Now you are scared of mr. Musk in the passage know this guy was fearful he went and hid because if you study the context of the passage, she's a selfish Guy. This is why I didn't want anybody really volunteer for this. Thank you saying you're a selfish guy. That's your play the Nemesis here for if you're the bad guy in The Passage your selfish. You don't care about Elon. The only person you care about is yourself. You're going to go tuck this away where you can at least give it back to Elan when he comes but you're not going to do anything with it because you don't care a thing about him. All you care about is yourself, right? So you went and buried it in cryptocurrency. Hold on to that mister mister mosque you come back from your journey now, And you reckon with the other two well done. They both got promotions. Now this guy comes and you're going to square up with him. The time of the Reckoning is here and you wouldn't hit it. You're not giving him his million dollars back right now. Are you? Okay? So go ahead and give him what you did there and you hit it. You were scared and you're going to give it back to him and just tell him it's right there. You can go find it yourself go get it yourself. It's right there. Why don't you go ahead and open that up and show everybody what he gave you you can sit down cuz you're going to want to sit down trip.
Can you get it get through the tape? Got it. All right.
I just finished a fun book again. I've read it many times in a Robert Louis Stevenson.
What what what you get there?
It's got an x on it.
What did you do?
You have that which is yours. It's it's there. You can go get it.
if you want your million back, you're going to have to you're going to have to get on a boat again and I know how you feel about that guy.
Wicked and slothful wicked and slothful
like old Captain Flint went and buried it hidden in the earth an old Ben Gunn got to dig it up. Later. shiver me timbers
pirate You know what? He was really hoping you can be seated. Thank you. You know what? He was really thinking did he really believe that he'll on would ever come back?
So is Elon never came back? What does he get to do with it since he knows where the strongbox is. I mean, he's the one that Drew the map up. Hey, you know his then I can just go get it and then it'll be mine. But in the meantime, I'm just going to live for myself. I'm going to party it up now. I'm at a time. But sometime today I want you to go read Revelation chapter 17 and Revelation chapter 18 because in their it talks about Babylon and for the audience as here today, I'll just leave it right there. John is very descriptive and how Babylon is described in that can be taken in different ways. But if you read the context Babylon could be an allusion to Jerusalem itself. Where were the two witnesses slain in the streets of Jerusalem and Jerusalem, where did Jesus come he came to Jerusalem to be nailed on the cross at Calvary that was saying about earlier. You understand the great thing that was invested in this city and they turn their back on God because he didn't care about God and those religious leaders in Jesus's day. They really didn't believe anything he was saying they didn't believe he was the son of God. They believe he was a liar and a fraud they believed that he was just, you know, this guy who was doing all of these things in and stealing Thunder for the info and the scribes in the Pharisees. They didn't want to change a single thing about Judea stick face and their nature they were not prepared for the grace of the New Testament that Jesus was coming to do with his own blood know they were fine with the law of Moses that can dim them because if you offend in one point of the law, you're guilty of it all and they were fine right there didn't want to change anything. They just buried that law and they only cared about themselves and they didn't care about Jesus. They didn't care about God the Father they didn't care about the son. They nailed him to that cross and when Jesus comes again, how do you think he's going to receive those that rejected him? banishment there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. So let's bring this all home. What a truce investor 3 What a Sad fate low. It's the same word behold, but it's translated low in your passage you have what's yours over there? Go get it yourself. That's the divorce of the language and he is called not a good and faithful servant. He is called a wicked and slothful servant take from him that which he has and give to him that has 10. So now we're to go. Mr. Alex. You got 11 million. You got 11 million.
Or if you have you receive more in the scripture says it'll be abundance. You see I can't even I can't even imagine what it'll be for the Lord is faithful and it doesn't mean that you know, everybody's in the Limelight all the time. I mean, can you imagine the reward that's going to come to somebody who change poopy diapers for 40 years of their life in the nursery. Just so the pastor to keep preaching the gospel from the pulpit. Can you imagine the faithful Usher that's there every week rain snow shine clearing the way for people to come into church to be able to worship. Can you imagine what the Lord will do for those who are simply faithful prayer warriors?
In God's economy. We have no idea. It hasn't even entered into our hearts and Minds the things that he's prepared for us. What was the qualification not how much you had or or how how how all of this it was? Simply? What did you do with what you were given in the time you had?
Attempt great things for God expect great things from God because one day he's coming again and unlike this unprofitable Wicked slothful servant who ought to have done with the other two did at a minimum, you know, even if you put it in a savings account, you'll get Penny's back. I know but at least it's safe and then there's something back there. You could have done it didn't have to go stick it in the dirt and hide it. And I think there's a correlation to be between Adam hiding in the garden and the shame that's associated with that in the shame that this servant has when the Lord comes again. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Did he get he got his treasure map with x on it. What if after 40 years you invested in a 401k or 403b or a Roth or IRA or so and you were faithful to put into that and put into that and then you show up on the day that you can start taking out of that and you find out. You get the same thing back to your your retirement advisor comes and hands you a treasure map of Treasure Island and says here you go been gun go dig it up. What are you going to do that financial advisor? You're going to sue him up one side and down the other and you can shut his company down you're going to report him to the credit bureaus and to the business bureaus and you are not going to let him do to you what happened to anybody else. What happened to you, right? You're not just going to roll over and take something like that. We're talkin about extortionate amounts of money. So what do you think the Lord is going to do when he returns and finds out Israel has squandered the great investment. They could have made to be the light of the Gospel to the ends of the Earth with all the years. The church has been faithful to give out the gospel to get out. The gospel in Israel has been leading people into bondage teaching the law of Moses to this day with a blinders on their eyes all the time. They've wasted that they could have been sharing the truth of the Messiah that you show how much fear the lord Jesus Christ who is coming again in power and great Glory. How do you think the Lord Jehovah himself is going to treat that unprofitable? faithless selfish servant now you understand the force of the Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Now I tried to keep it in context of the passage because what did it mean then now? How does it apply to us today? How does it apply to us today? We're not his real. Okay, we're waiting for that Rapture call. We're waiting for the trumpet and the church is the bride of Christ that's going to appear in Revelation 19 that by the way is after Revelation 18 and the marriage supper of the Lamb all of this fits in the context of all the we studied in the Olivet discourse already, correct? The bride was absent from the parable of the virgins where you see we have been entrusted with something so magnificent. So I have something for you today. This is my invitation to you. Okay, this is my invitation every one of you when you came in for every family you should have received a bulletin. Inside that bulletin I put some things in there for you. If you want to use something different, that's fine. Maybe you want to work with that mystery Hill on here and get some Mark book because it's got the message on the back of it to you got five tracks in there. You got 5 days this week leading up to Christmas. Just as a token of your thanks to the grace of God want to be faithful to say I'm going to do what I can with what I have while the Lord's away. It's that simple. I want to invite you to be faithful with a message of the Gospel the message of Hope in Jesus Christ because without Jesus we have no reason for Christmas the great grace that God has bestowed upon us. What are we doing with it? Will we squander it when we just spin our wheels and when he shows up not have anything to lay at his feet. So I know this isn't the end-all but it's a great place to start, isn't it? Would you today just make a simple decision? I'm going to take these and I'm not just going to flitter them away. I'm going to use them to Aid my personal Witness. Because I want to have the same kind of accounting to me that one day the 144,000 are going to get I want to have the same accounting to me that the two witnesses in Revelation 11 or going to I want to have the same account faithful. You have to be whether it's a little bit or a lot. Whatever God has given you the faithful with it. What wait, what is your cross to bear? What is that thing that the Lord would call you? If you're going to follow him take up your cross. He said and follow me. What does that look like? Be a faithful witness. Don't put your light under a bushel basket. Especially not now. Not in this time of year, let the light of the hope of Jesus Christ shine in and through you and one day if you'll do that everyday Faithfully until Jesus comes again one day say it with me. You can hear the words that these two servants heard well done thou good and faithful servant. You've been Faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of the Lord is coming a celebration day when we get to heaven and I know you'll be there if you believe in the Lord and you've made him your savior, but we can enter into the joy of his rest and not have to hear those words Wicked slothful. What will you do with the time that God's given you will you invest God's grace into the lives of others.