Finish 2021 Well

5178 נְחֹשֶׁת, נְחֹשֶׁת [nâchosheth /nekh·o·sheth/] n m. For 5154; TWOT 1349a, 1350a; GK 5733 and 5734; 141 occurrences; AV translates as “brass” 103 times, “brasen” 28 times, “fetters” four times, “chain” three times, “copper” once, “filthiness” once, and “steel” once. 1 copper, bronze. 1A copper (ore), bronze (as copper alloy). 1B fetters (of copper or bronze). 1C copper (as value). 2 lust, harlotry. 2A meaning dubious.
5734 II. נְחֹשֶׁת (neḥō·šěṯ): n.[fem.]; ≡ Str 5178; TWOT 1349a—1. LN 8.9–8.69 female genitals, i.e., the sexual organs of the female body (Eze 16:36+), note: widely translated: (Holladay) female genitals or menstruation; (KJV, NKJV, ASV) filthiness; (NASB) lewdness; (NRSV, NAB) lust; (RSV) shame; (NEB) prodigal in excess; (Tanakh) brazen effrontery (shameless boldness); note: for other translation options, see WBC28:230; for yet another interp, see 5733; see also 5734; 2. LN 88.271–88.282 unit: שָׁפַךְ נְחֹשֶׁת (šā·p̄ǎḵ neḥō·šěṯ)2 engage in sexual excess, formally, pour out the genitals, i.e., engage in shameful acts of sex with no shame (Eze 16:36+), note: use of the verb “pour out” does not require the object be some kind of liquid, but is used as a figure of “completeness.”
1270 בַּרְזֶל [barzel /bar·zel/] n m. Perhaps from the root of 1269; TWOT 283a; GK 1366; 76 occurrences; AV translates as “iron” 73 times, “(axe) head” twice, and “smith + 2796” once. 1 iron. 1A iron. 1A1 iron ore. 1A2 as material of furniture, utensils, implements. 2 tool of iron. 3 harshness, strength, oppression (fig.).