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Last week (two weeks ago) we discussed
the big picture of the book:
○ Chapter 1-3: Doctrine and Delight. Who God is, what he has done
○ Chatper 4-6: Duty. How we live in response
main themes in the book:
○ x
Ove sedmice, gledat ćemo Efežanima 1:1-14. To je isto tekst od Dragana je propovedao. Uredu je! Možemo učiti puno u tekstu.
Dragan je propovedao na "u Kristu". Ovo je jedan glavno ideju u ovom tekstu.
Koji stiha govori o "u Kristu" ili "u Njega" ili slično? Napišite ih (broj stiha). Koliko put Pavle je napisao ovaj? Šta znaći Pavle kada što pisao je "u Kristu"?
Šta tekst govori da Bog je učinio za ljudi ko su "u Kristu"? Napišite ih.
Koje komande Pavle da ljude? (Nagovještaj: Nije ništa imperativ glagol do sljedeče poglavlje!)
Ko dobiju hvalit u ovu tekstu? Bog, naravno! Napišite ih.
Koji drugi rijeci ili ideji vidiš da Pavle koristi u ovu tekstu, i onda on ponovio dalje u pismu? Napišite ih.
This week, we will look at 1.1-14. It is the same text from which Dragan preached; this is ok! We can dig deeper into the text
Dragan preached on "in Christ". This is one main idea.
Which verses talk about "in Christ" or "in Him"? List them. How many times does Paul write this? What does Paul mean when he writes "in Christ"?
What has God done for people who are "in Christ"? List them.
What commands does Paul give to people?
(Hint: there is not one imperative verb until the next chapter!)
Who receives praise in this text? God, of course! List them.
What other words or ideas do you see Paul use in this section, and repeat later in this letter?
Dragan je propovedao na "u Kristu". Ovo je jedan glavno ideju u ovom tekstu.
Koji stiha govori o "u Kristu" ili "u Njega" ili slično? Napišite ih (broj stiha).
in Christ
u Kristu
blessed us in Christ
in him
u Kristu
u njemu
chose us in him
through Jesus Christ
kroz Isusa Krista
po Isusu Kristu
predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ
in the Beloved
po svom voljenome sinu
u ljubljenom Sinu
blessed us in the Beloved
in Him
Po Kristovoj
u kome
have redemption in Him
in Christ
u Kristu
made known mystery of his will which was set forth in Christ
in him
u Kristu
unite all things in him
in him
u Kristu
obtained an inheritance in him
in Christ
u Krista
hope in Christ
in him
u Krista
were sealed in him
in him
believed in him
Koliko put Pavle je napisao ovaj? oko 11 Šta znaći Pavle kada što pisao je "u Kristu"? discussion.
It is a statement of fact, of position. This is who we are! This is what has been done for us or to us! I propose: what it means to live “in Christ” is the topic or theme of the second half of the book!
4.13: until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,. 4.13: da svi postignemo jedinstvo u vjeri i znanju o Božjem Sinu, da odrastemo u zrele ljude i postanemo poput Krista u punini njegovog savršenstva.
4.15: Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, Umjesto toga, govorit ćemo istinu s ljubavlju. Tako ćemo rasti da budemo poput Krista u svakom pogledu.
It tells, in relationships in this world, what it looks like.
Šta tekst govori da Bog je učinio za ljudi ko su "u Kristu"? Napišite ih.
blessed us in Christ
blagoslovio svim
chose us in him
nas je izabrao
that we should be holy and blameless (do we make this happen, or does he?)
predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ
odlučio nas je učiniti svojom djecom
adoption story
blessed us in the Beloved
have redemption in Him
otkupljenje njegovom krvlju
forgiveness of our sin
oproštenje grijeha po bogatstvu
lavishing of his grace on us
po bogatstvu njegove milosti
made know mystery of his will
obznanio nam je tajnu svog plana
unite all things in him
da sve sjedini u Kristu
obtained an inheritance in him
postadosmo baštinici
NET: claimed as God’s own possession
unaprijed odrešeni
we hoped
might be to the praise of his glory
da bismo bili na hvalu njegove slave
we heard and believed
prior to this (order) we received inheritance, were predestined, etc. Rom 10.8-15
were sealed
Koje komande Pavle da ljude? (Nagovještaj: Nije ništa imperativ glagol do sljedeče poglavlje!)
Ko dobiju hvalit u ovu tekstu? Bog, naravno! Napišite ih.
blessed be God and Father
to the praise of his glorious grace
to the praise of his glory
to the praise of his glory
Koji drugi rijeci ili ideji vidiš da Pavle koristi u ovu tekstu, i onda on ponovio dalje u pismu? Napišite ih.
unite, unity
God’s will
6. Kakav je naš najbolje odgovor? Šta trebamo učiniti? Pjevaj i obožavaj i slavaj!
Agnus Dei
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