Untitled Sermon (5)
v13- They refers to the wisemen. And angel or heavenly messenger appears to them yet again and remember this is not the first time this has happened to Jospeh. the angel says rise literally waking him from his sleep. Notice the order take the child and his mother which is not the typical order but this is not the typical childe. Fell to Egypt means to take refuge or safety there and we are about to hear why. You will stay there until I tell you otherwise, how is that for vague. but there is a good reason for Herod is about to search for the child to kill him. Actually it says that Herod wants to ruin or destory him, that is opose him so as to erase his influence.
found in the correct [B-D-F §26; Mlt-H. 84] spelling with ι; s. Schürer I 294, 20) Herod, name of Idumaean princes forming a dynasty, whose rule in Palestine was established through the favor of Mark Antony and Octavian toward 1; the dynasty continued to rule, though in varied forms, until after the death of 3.—WOtto, Herodes. Beiträge z. Gesch. d. letzten jüd. Königshauses 1913; HWillrich, D. Haus des H. zwischen Jerusalem u. Rom 1929; MStern, in CRINT I/1 216–307; Pauly-W. Suppl. II 1–191. BHHW II 696–763.
① Herod I, the Great (41 [37]–4 B.C.) Mt 2:1–22; Lk 1:5; GJs 21:2; 22:1; 23:1f; 25:1 (Just., A I, 31, 2 al.). A palace built by him and named after him is mentioned Ac 23:35.—Schürer I 287–329; EMeyer II 322–27; ASchalit, König Herodes ’69 (transl. by JAmir from the Hebr. of ’60).; MGrant, Herod the Great ’71; EncJud VIII 375–87; ABD III 161–69.