God's Gift of Eternal Life
Good morning, I trust you all had a wonderful Christmas time with your family and friends yesterday.
It truly is a special time whether you get to do it in person or virtually over the phones and computers
And suddenly we find ourselves just a few days away from a New Year. I want to remind you that John Wesley Slagle will be taking care of our services these next two weeks, we will be speaking or will have a someone else to share a message. I do not know all his plans.
But I know , you are in good hands...
We are excited to get to take a vacation, please pray for safety as we drive and travel during our time away.
Today my friends, we come back top the gospel of Matthew and with it we are looking at Chapter 19.
And we are going to look at two passages today and while I could preach through them alone, their over arching theme is Salvation. As such we will go through them together and see what the Lord is telling those who follow Him.
So lets begin today by looking at Matthew 19, verses 13 to 15
13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, 14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 15 And he laid his hands on them and went away.
Children are a precious gift my friends, and whether we are parents or friends of parents we need to honor the children God has placed around us. We must nurture them, teach them, befriend them and yes love them.
And mostly importantly, we must model Jesus in front of them, for unless we let them see the Father in us, who will show them.
And this brings us to my first thought today…
1. Bless the Children....
As we come to the text we see that children are brought to Jesus. And according to the text, the desire is simple, those who brought them wanted Jesus to lay his hands on them and bless them.
It is not a strange request, this would form a typical Jewish blessing asking for God’s favor to rest on someone.
Consider those men in the Scriptures have done similar things, in a sense passing the blessing from one generation to another, as with a Father blessing his younger heir or asking God to stand with a person as they begin to serve the Lord.
One instance like this we see Moses blessing Joshua in accordance with the Lord’s command. Listen to Numbers 27:18
18 So the Lord said to Moses, “Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him.
So it wasn’t a uncommon practice. What we do not know is this, who is bringing the children? And who are the children? But honestly I imagine the who is not important, it is the lesson we learn through it.
And as all this happens we see this.. lets look back at our text, verse 13
13 Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people,
A. So look at this … we find the Disciples rebuke....
As this event unfolds, it appears the disciples are annoyed at this request. It says they rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus.
What does this tell us?
Well, generally children were often held in low esteem. They were not treated as important, they had their place and generally it was off to the side until at least the male children came of age..
It is interesting that Jesus has been speaking about not offending or putting off the “little ones” in faith, literally the newest of believers ....but here Jesus changes gears so to speak and calls for those “little ones”; the children to be honored as well, He calls for us to help them, love them and honor them.
And so we see Jesus response to the disciples....
B. Jesus Rebukes the disciples....
As this event takes place we see Jesus speaking up and rebuking the disciples for their actions and attitude. Look at verses 14-15
14 but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” 15 And he laid his hands on them and went away.
Wow, if you ever wanted an example of how we are to treat our children, right here it is.... He loved them, blessed them…
Listen to His words… Let them come and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven.
Contrary to what the disciples wanted, Jesus commanded the disciples to allow the children to come, in fact He welcomed them… Why?
They are important, the Kingdom of heaven is such that the heart of child, simple belief, simple faith like that of a child is all that is required to enter the Kingdom of God. In truth they have more faith in times than adults. We make it to complicated… They just believe.
As His disciples, We are called to hold children in high regard. We should value them, love them and teach them , to do whatever we can to assist them in growing up while also growing up in the faith.
We are never do things that might hurt them, hinder them or push them away from Jesus.
And Jesus blessed them, He layed His hands on them.... Oh my friends, bless the little ones, pray for the little ones, ask God to grow them, mold them, shape them to be the young men and women they are called to be...
Pray for their futures, pray for future spouses, pray for their spiritual growth, pray for divine protection…pray for them.
And it starts as babies as we place them before the Lord as with our baby dedications. I remember laying both our children on the altar and saying God they are yours, take them, bless them, save them and use them.
Why did we do this… Because We loved them and so does Jesus. Bless the children my friends, bless them...
Are you doing that? If not repent and change your actions...
And this brings us to a second thought...
2. And Eternal Question
My friends, there are questions about life that people I think have been asking since the fall of man.
I think when you look at the scope of literature, you see mankind wrestling with life, our purpose, the number of our days and is there anything beyond this life… is there life after death.. is there any hope of such a thing and how do we obtain it?
And of course, we know the Bible has taught life beyond this life and place, and in the days of Jesus there were different religious opinions about life and the resurrection and as we move through our text here in Matthew a man approaches Jesus asking about eternal life.
Lets look at the text… Matthew 19:16-22
16 And behold, a man came up to him, saying, “Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?” 17 And he said to him, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only one who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.” 18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 19 Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
Now there is a little bit if information that we can gleam from this passage, and this is why it is important to look at the text also the synoptic gospels ...
The first piece we see is about this man...
A. A Young Man asks....
We are told a man brings a question to Jesus, verse 22 tells us that he was young. a young man according to Jewish faith was probably somewhere between 20 to 40 yrs of age. So if you are here today and under 40, you are still considered a young man, be happy with that...
B. He is a Ruler…
Luke tells us that man is a ruler, must likely the leader of a synagogue and that is Luke 18:18...
Now we are not told what religious group if any that he is a part of, but we are told He brings a question to Jesus.
C. He comes to ask Jesus....
Now why Jesus? Why did he approach Him? I think the reason falls back to the fact that many recognized that Jesus was sent from God. They may not have understood that He was the Messiah, the Christ… But they knew no one could do the work He did if God was not with Him.
D. A Great Question...
People ask questions about life all the time, how ot have wealth, how to be successful, how to be happy.. and this young man brings a question to Jesus
And so listen to this question.... it tells us a lot.
V 16 “… Good Teacher, what good deed must i do to have eternal life?”
People have assumption, they have beliefs or things they have been told, but he wants Jesus opinion on the topic…
I think his question is valid, not trying to trick or trap Jesus in something. he being a ruler of the synagogue was looking to perhaps affirm what he believed or sought to make sure he had all the bases covered
And look at Jesus response...
E. Jesus response....
Jesus tells him to keep the commandments… now please understand, Jesus has not died as a sacrifice for sin yet, the cross has not come… but Jesus is leading him in how to live righteously before God… So He begins with keeping the commandments.
And this young man probes a little deeper…which ones? As if there might be particular ones that guaranteed eternal life…..we know in some rabbinic debates that perhaps some of the law was considered more weightier that others and thus perhaps more important.. and Jesus takes him to the last part of the commandments… the ones that focus on his dealings with others…
Look at verses 18 and 19…Matthew 19:18-19
18 He said to him, “Which ones?” And Jesus said, “You shall not murder, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 19 Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
And the man proclaims, these I have kept…v20… He felt like he has keep all the commandments perfectly.... Now as a side note, we know that is impossible. The law could not be kept but it could point us to the greater need of God and his ways… Soon it would point us to Jesus.
But the man proclaims these I have done, but look at what He says in verse 20
20 The young man said to him, “All these I have kept. What do I still lack?”
Do you see that… I have done these perfectly, what do I still lack....????
What the man’s question reveals is his insecurity, He wasn’t just full of anxiety, NO! He is aware that legalism is not enough, legalism is faulty! He falls short of God;s intention for mankind.
You see my friends, what we do, living a good moral life, living a perfect life, treating others well, even praying for those around us is not enough apart from God.
The question of eternal life always falls back to God and his plans for man, and in today’s world, God’s plan is for man to let go of himself and his good actions and to trust in the Savior.
Jesus came to save us, to pull us from the emptiness of our actions and to the perfection of His action. He laid down His life, as the prefect sacrifice for sin that we might be forgiven of our sin.
And today, if you sense Jesus is calling you… then answer.
(He might be calling you to salvation… something toward service… give your life over to him..)
What else do I lack… there are no second chances,, if you need Jesus today, ask Him into your heart, I promise you… yo will not like the destination that awaits those a part from God. Hell is a miserable place.
Now just one last thought...
3. Jesus says let go of what you hold on too....
There is an old saying, you cannot take it with you.... It always interests me seeing what people place in the caskets of their loves ones… Money, cigarettes, a pipe… dolls, pictures… now of which will go with them… but it makes us more comfortable I guess.
Be comfortable my friends in the truth that they knew the Savior and that you lived for Christ in front of them.
This young man ask the question… what else do I lack?
And look at Jesus response to His question...
21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
In this conversation Jesus doesn’t challenge him about his claims...Jesus has drawn the man to what is truly important… He gives him to commands to follow to have eternal life...
A. Sell all your possession and give that wealth to the poor.... B. Then come and follow me....
Those are two large commands, so what is Jesus doing here?
Jesus is leading him to a clear break with what He has held as the most important thing in life, his wealth. so already people ask is wealth evil… No
Possessions are not evil, wealth is not evil… our desires are not always evil BUT what is evil is when we make them our gods...
People desire so much in life and it leads them astray, it takes up their heart and life and suddenly it has become their god, their false idol....
The commands of Jesus here must be kept together...
Matthew 1. True Discipleship versus Harsher Condemnation for the Jewish Leaders (19:1–22:46)
The two commands to sell all and follow Jesus must be kept together. Giving up all that one possesses, without the love that only a relationship with Jesus can produce, profits nothing (1 Cor 13:3).
But for this man, the words of Jesus were hard, why? V 22.... says that he has great wealth or great possessions...
We cannot allow possessions, wealth or even the life as we know it, to lead us away from God and take up so much of our heart that it is really a idol or false god
Here is the bottom line, if it is more important than God, then it has become your false god, your idol… what you chase after and live for… and that is a dangerous place to be my friends...
And what we see is heart breaking my friends.. Listen to verse 22
22 When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.
He could not follow Jesus.... He loved his life, his possessions more than God.
And he went away sorrowful....the test actually uses the word grieving… He was broken for He could not make that choice in following God.
The sad truth is many do not follow God because they love their life, their ways more than they love God.
Friends, it must be Him above everything else.
That is the there that Jesus continues to speak about in the following verses, uniquely those who are tied to great possessions have a hard time being free.
Think of it in regards to physical life… If you have a house payment, a car payment of two, if you are in debt it is more difficult for you to say… I want to change my life… Why? Cause you are tied to all that financial responsibility, so you say.. I’ve got to pay the cars off and then I can do more, or if I move to a smaller house then I can do more...
The same is true in our Spiritual life… the more you are tied to self and your selfish desires to more difficult it is to follow where God is leading.
There has to be a notable break in you in which you lay our self down and take one Jesus and his ways.
When Jesus called the disciples He told them to “come and follow me”. They laid down their lives, left their lively hoods all for the sake of following where Jesus leads… and here is what is great Jesus took care of them.
The call for eternal life is always one of stopping, laying down our lives, our will and realizing I am not enough, I need Jesus. We invited him into our hearts and we follow Him..
Remember the scriptures tell us…Galatians 2:20
20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Is your life being lived for Jesus… You see you are coming to a new year… you will make resolutions.. many will fall.
But take up on that is doable… follow Jesus.