Occultism, Oppression & Bondage

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OCCULTISM, OPPRESSION & BONDAGE Copyright 1985,1993,2001,2007 Crossroads Full Gospel International Ministries All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Short extracts may be used for review purposes. Except otherwise stated, Bible quotes come from the King James Version. 1611 Elizabethan English is updated in some cases to reflect present terminology, without changing the true meaning of the word. Extracts from “The Expositor's Study Bible” are identified as E.S.B. Copyright © 2005 Published by, and the sole property of, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, Baton Rouge, LA, and extracts from the Swaggart Bible Commentary series are identified as S.B.C. Copyright © World Evangelism Press® Extracts from the Amplified Bible are identified as Amp. Old Testament Copyright © 1962, 1964 by Zondervan Corporation. New Testament Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Extracts from the New International Version are identified as N.I.V. Copyright 1973,1978,1984 by The International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. Also used: The New Testament: An Expanded Translation (Wuest) translated by Kenneth S. Wuest. Copyright © 1961 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Bracketed comments following some scriptures assist the reader in understanding the intended meaning of these verses We acknowledge the additional works of the various Scholars and Bible Commentaries used in conjunction with the College material. This is not to say that we agree with all their theology, but we certainly value their contribution to the Body of Christ. Published by: Crossroads Publications 10681 Princes Highway Warrnambool Victoria 3280 Australia CONTENTS OCCULTISM, OPPRESSION & BONDAGE..........................1 CULTS AND FALSE TEACHING.......................................1 OCCULT ACTIVITY............................................................5 WHAT DOES GOD’S WORD SAY CONCERNING OCCULTISM?......................................................................6 SATAN’S USE OF THE OCCULT MEDIA.......................10 EVIDENCES OF OCCULT OPPRESSION AND BONDAGE.........................................................................11 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED........13 HOW TO GAIN FREEDOM FROM OCCULT.................15 OPPRESSION AND BONDAGE.......................................15 OCCULTISM, OPPRESSION & BONDAGE This booklet will help bring you into a basic knowledge of occultism in its various forms, as well as providing some information in regard to cults. Many people view occultism as the practice of Satanic rituals involving various types of sacrifices. While this is true, occultism also incorporates many other more subtle activities which people ignorantly accept as general entertainment or harmless experimentation with the supernatural. Stated briefly, occultism is participation or involvement in any way with astrology, fortune-telling, magic practices or spiritism. Some false religious cults are of an occult nature because they include occult practices or teaching in their belief systems - but others do not come under the general heading of occultism. “. . .Occultism also incorporates many other more subtle activities which people ignorantly accept as general entertainment or harmless experimentation with the supernatural. . .” CULTS AND FALSE TEACHING Background Reading: 2 John Chapter 1 The definition of a cult is as follows: A system or community of religious worship and ritual, especially one with rites centering around sacred symbols. This often involves fanatical beliefs fixed around a person or thing. From a Christian 1 perspective, any other system of religious, magical or metaphysical beliefs is viewed as a cult. We have compiled a list of some of the numerous cults which deceive people into believing they are “the way.” All of these cults have one major thing in common, that being their denial of the deity of Christ in one form or another. Some of the most common cults are: Christian Science, Spiritualism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Armstrongism (the Worldwide Church of God), Mormonism, Eastern Mysticism, The Way International, The Unification Church, Baha’ism, The Divine Light Mission, Krishna Consciousness, Vedanta Society, Buddhism, Hinduism, Rosicrucians, Reiki, The Children of God, The New Age Movement, Islam, The Inner Peace Movement, Unitarians, Theosophy, Scientology, Freemasonry and other similar secret societies. These are only a few of the many cults in existence, and there are always new ones springing up all over the world. New Christians are often particularly vulnerable and need to be very careful when approached by people from such organizations. The enemy uses cult followers to attack Christian beliefs and entice people away from following the truth - the teachings of Jesus Christ. Remember, however, it is not the people themselves who are the real enemy - it is the source of evil behind them. “. . .All of these cults have one major thing in common, that being their denial of the deity of Christ in one form or another. . .” Because many of these cults operate according to good principles, new Christians need to be supported and guided by mature Christians in relation to any contact they may have with cult members. This is because Satan’s doctrines often appear as truth and he himself as “an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). His aim is always to deceive and take people away from the Light, being described by Jesus as follows: 2 JOHN 8:44 . . . He (Satan) was a murderer from the beginning (sin began with Satan, and from sin came death), and abode not (Satan began as Lucifer but remained not) in the truth, because there is no truth in him (since his rebellion against God). When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own (the lie is Satan’s native language): for he is a liar, and the father of it (the father of lies). His teachings and doctrines, however, lack the Truth. They may contain various truths, but they do not contain the Truth - that being the revelation of the glorious Gospel of Christ: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:3 But if our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them who are lost: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 In whom the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of them which believe not (that they might not see the truth), lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, Who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Furthermore, throughout scripture we have been forewarned that in the last days before Christ’s return there will be a vast increase in false teaching within the Body of Christ which will lead many astray. While false teaching relating to peripheral doctrines may not cause people to forfeit their salvation, erroneous teaching which pertains to the doctrines of Calvary and salvation will even serve to lead some Christians away from the faith. 1 TIMOTHY 4:1 The (Holy) Spirit clearly says that in the latter times (latter part of the Church Age which is now) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils (doctrines inspired by demons and taught by men). 2 TIMOTHY 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (fundamental Bible teachings - the Cross, the Blood, repentance from sin, ongoing 3 sanctification, etc.); but after their own lusts shall they (so-called Christians) heap to themselves teachers (of false doctrine), having itching ears (to hear what their flesh craves); 2 TIMOTHY 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (myths, man-made doctrine: Matthew 15:9). False teaching which damns souls to hell, and blinds, deceives and causes people to stumble is quite widespread in the Body of Christ today - and seemingly ever increasing in its strength and hold. Churches which ordain homosexual ministers and condone defacto relationships are approving of immorality and fornication condemned by scripture (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). The erroneous teaching of “once saved, always saved” (unconditional eternal security) is one such demonic doctrine as described in 1 Timothy 4:1. Those who profess salvation and then return to a state of unbelief, immorality or depravity are no longer in the Kingdom of God, for the Lord will have blotted their names out of the Book of Life (Exodus 32:33; Psalm 69:28). They are not “backslidden” Christians, a vague, erroneous term which gives false assurance, but unsaved. Without repentance and recommitment such people are hell-bound, and often unaware of it in places where the false doctrine of “once saved, always saved” is proclaimed. “. . .False teaching which damns souls to hell, and blinds, deceives and causes people to stumble is quite widespread in the Body of Christ today. . .” Satan thus seeks not only to blind the minds of unbelievers, but also the minds of Believers. In this way He attacks the Church from within, attempting to undermine the authority of scripture so that good is called evil, and evil good (Isaiah 20:5). We need to be aware of his tactics in this area, and stand up for truth. We need to be concerned for one another and support one another in the faith so that all may be edified and grow to maturity step by step. Let us care 4 for our brethren in this way so that none are led away and taken captive by the enemy. OCCULT ACTIVITY Background Reading: 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 As has already been stated, occultism is participation or involvement in any way with astrology, fortune-telling, magic practices or spiritism. In the world today, there has never been a time where occult activity has been more widespread and insidious. The subtlety of occultism is such that it has been allowed to creep into society to such a degree that its consequences are beyond any natural remedy. Many people, both Christians and non-Christians alike, have become entangled in its web in one way or another. As a result, they are suffering physical, mental, and spiritual oppression. Very few of those who once touched occult things, knowingly or unknowingly, however, realize that their problems stem from their involvement in occultism, which is under the direct control of the powers of darkness. “. . .Christians and non-Christians alike, have become entangled in the web of occultism . . . suffering physical, mental, and spiritual oppression. . .” First Peter 5:8 tells us that Satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking people to devour and take captive into bondage. Because of man’s inquisitive nature, Satan and his forces can often entice people into becoming involved in seemingly harmless occult activities, most of which delve into the supernatural. However in manipulating people’s appetite for the supernatural, he seeks to take them captive via this deception, and bring them into bondage of varying degrees, whether they become aware of it or not. 5 WHAT DOES GOD’S WORD SAY CONCERNING OCCULTISM? The scriptures give clear warning that those who continue to be involved in occult practices such as sorcery, spiritism and witchcraft, etc., shall have no place in the Kingdom of God. Rather, their final place of abode, if they do not repent and turn to Jesus, shall be the Lake of Fire (Galatians 5:19-21, Revelation 21:8). Participation in any of the various forms of occultism is an abomination to God and brings a curse upon those who do so. For this reason the scriptures condemn all forms of occultism, and forbid any kind of involvement or experimentation. Some forbidden practices are outlined in Deuteronomy Ch.18. DEUTERONOMY 18:9 . . . You shall not learn to do after (imitate) the abominations of those nations. DEUTERONOMY 18:10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter to pass through the fire (child sacrifice), or who uses (practises) divination, or an observer of times (one who practises witchcraft), or an enchanter (one who interprets omens), or a witch (sorcerer), DEUTERONOMY 18:11 or a charmer (one who casts spells), or a consulter with familiar spirits (one who is a medium) or a wizard (spiritist) or a necromancer (one who consults the dead). DEUTERONOMY 18:12 For all who do these things are an abomination unto the Lord . . . Briefly stated, to be under a curse is to be either devoid of God’s protection in certain areas of one’s life (which allows evil to enter), or to experience continual lack in one’s life, whether this be spiritual, physical or mental. Therefore a curse can manifest in two ways: 6 1. As hurt or distress to man or damage to his property. 2. As continual lack in one’s life. Note: It is important we realize that it is not God who places a curse upon man. Rather, it is man who places himself (and sometimes his children) under a curse by engaging in sin or associating with sin and its master (Romans 6:16, 1 Peter 5:8, John 10:10a). “. . .Participation in any of the various forms of occultism is an abomination to God and brings a curse upon those who do so. . .” From the earliest times, God outlawed occultism and declared its practices to be spiritually defiling. The Old Testament is quite definite in its prohibition of a wide range of magical and spiritist practices. LEVITICUS 19:26 . . . Neither shall you use magic, omens or witchcraft, [or predict events by horoscope or signs and lucky days]. (Amp.) LEVITICUS 19:31 Regard not them who have familiar spirits (do not turn to mediums who communicate with demons), neither seek after wizards (spiritists), to (for you will) be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God (as Christians we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the forces of darkness). LEVITICUS 20:27 A man also or woman who has a familiar spirit (is a medium), or who is a wizard (a spiritist), shall surely be put to death: they (you) shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them (their own heads). 7 EXODUS 22:18 You shall not suffer (allow) a witch to live. LEVITICUS 20:6 And the soul that turns (seeks) after such as have familiar spirits (mediums), and after wizards (spiritists), to go a whoring (represents spiritual adultery, worship of false gods rather than the Lord) after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. LEVITICUS 20:7 Sanctify (consecrate) yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God. As Christians, we are to be a holy people unto God, separating ourselves from all such involvement. This includes, of course, the various religious artifacts which relate to heathen forms of worship and sacrifice. Such artifacts are also an abomination to God and can bring a curse upon those who possess them. The Book of Deuteronomy gives clear instruction on what we are to do with such items: DEUTERONOMY 7:25 The graven images of their gods shall you burn with fire: you shall not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto you (for yourselves), lest you be snared therein: for it is an abomination (is detestable) to the Lord your God. DEUTERONOMY 7:26 Neither shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be a cursed thing like it (is cursed): but you shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. In the New Testament, the Book of Acts gives an account of people who accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and then burned the various occult books and artifacts which they possessed. ACTS 19:18 And many who believed came (speaks of those who had trusted the Lord for Salvation, but as of yet had not given up particular sins), and confessed, and showed their deeds (concerns the Holy Spirit now 8 leading these Believers to Holiness and Righteousness, even as He had led them to Salvation previously). (E.S.B.) ACTS 19:19 Many of them also who used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men (“curious arts” refers to the practising of magic; so the Holy Spirit was mightily working in people’s lives, just as He desires to do always; if we will allow Him, He will clean us up; He does it through our Faith in Christ and the Cross [Romans 8:2]:): and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver (it must have been many, many books etc., for the amount in 2003 dollars would be approximately $2,000,000). (E.S.B.) Any artifacts and utensils which are used in religious worship by non-Christian cultures (or are representative of religious worship in non-Christian cultures) will be spiritually polluted, and will bring with them a curse. These could include such things as statues or pictures of Buddah, Krishna and other false gods and gurus, as well as totems, certain wood carvings, fertility symbols, etc. Also anything that is associated with black or white magic such as tarot cards, crystal balls, ouija boards, books containing spells, etc., and books and occult literature which teach and promote reincarnation, New Age philosophies, metaphysics, fortune-telling, astrology, E.S.P., clairvoyance, sorcery, transcendental meditation, automatic writing, hypnosis, the beliefs of false religious cults and the like, are to be burned or otherwise destroyed. Also note that some books which are concerned with self-realization, magic and handwriting analysis are also of an occult nature. “. . .Any artifacts and utensils which are used in religious worship by nonChristian cultures. . .will be spiritually polluted, and will bring with them a curse. . .” 9 Note: It is one thing to have a statue as an object of beauty, but if it is of any religious significance then it will be spiritually polluted and should be destroyed. This includes, in relation to so-called “Christian worship,” pictures and statues of Mary, “patron saints” etc., for there is only one Mediator between God and man - “the man Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy 2:5). Otherwise, as the scriptures state, the owner brings a curse upon themselves. SATAN’S USE OF THE OCCULT MEDIA Background Reading: Ephesians 6:10-12 There are only two sources of spiritual power (hidden information, knowledge, signs and wonders, and guidance) - God and Satan. One can obtain such assistance from God through praying in faith in Jesus’ Name. The Word of God shows us that the gifts of the Spirit can also provide access to this power and knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:7-11). The other so-called guidance or help comes from Satan, and one of the doors he uses is that of occultism. Although Satan may seem to assist his victims with his power or knowledge through occult practices, he is really using these agencies as a means of bringing people into bondage to his forces of darkness. Those who engage in such practices are mostly unaware of Satan’s subtlety as he works through these seemingly “harmless” activities. Individuals who seek guidance and direction through such means are in fact opening the door to Satan to oppress them in many and varying ways. It is easy to understand the reason God warns us not to seek help from such sources, for if we do so we are giving the enemy free access to our lives. We would also be restricting God’s access. Seeking supernatural direction and guidance from any source other than God will produce either false hope (e.g. misguided expectations of good experiences through consulting tarot cards, astrology charts, clairvoyants or fortune-tellers, etc.) or false fear (e.g. wrongful predictions of ill-fortune via the same means), and lead the individual away from God’s truths. Thus we find that calling on any other source for such help is the same as calling upon another “god,” and this is a violation of the first commandment: EXODUS 20:3 You shall have no other gods before me. 10 “. . .Although Satan may seem to assist his victims with his power or knowledge through occult practices, he is really using these agencies as a means of bringing people into bondage to his forces of darkness. . .” EVIDENCES OF OCCULT OPPRESSION AND BONDAGE Those who have been involved in any form of occultism may be suffering some form of oppression from or subjection to the enemy. A list has been compiled of some of the many characteristics which may result from occult involvement. Note that many of these symptoms may also stem from other causes - so lets not create a formula, but realize that no matter what one’s problems are, Christ is the answer! 1. Anti-social behaviour: excessive talkativeness, shunning others, loud muttering to oneself, ragged and unkempt appearance, sullenness, defiant facial expressions, outbursts of rage, psychopathic behaviour, delinquency, extreme irresponsibility. 2. Addictions and compulsions: compulsive eating, dependence on alcohol, tobacco or mind altering drugs, unquenchable passions and appetites, lying, stealing or gambling compulsions. 3. Mental problems and neurotic tendencies: constant depression, erratic behaviour, overwhelming fear and anxiety, extreme nervousness, chronic feelings of worthlessness, failure or self pity, cravings for constant attention, acutely negative personality traits, phobias (unnatural fears), suicidal thinking, self-mutilative behaviours, extreme jealousy. 4. Spiritual problems: the experiencing of psychic phenomena, possessing psychic or extra-sensory abilities (none of 11 which have anything to do with the genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit), hearing voices, seeing apparitions or having poltergeist experiences, etc., being unresponsive to spiritual matters, the scriptures or prayer, being plagued with doubts and the inability to exercise faith, unscriptural beliefs or practices, blasphemous thoughts, hostility towards Christ, an inability to receive the Holy Spirit, an intense hatred of the Blood Covenant. 5. Relationship problems: serious relationship problems within marriage, with parents or others, sexual perversion, constant strife and discord within a church. Normally these types of conditions indicate the presence of demonic activity, and therefore the need for deliverance. It is important to note, however, that the presence of demonic activity does not, by any means, always stem from an involvement with occult practices. Sin of any kind promotes demonic activity through giving darkness legal ground, e.g. accepting wrong thinking, persisting in wrong actions. Note that behind every sin there is a demon which promotes that sin. The answer to any and every sin is repentance and yielding to the Holy Spirit so that the light and power of God can come in to extinguish the darkness associated with that sin. The Believer should be aware that at salvation, sin is defeated, Satan is defeated and we are born again - the old man being dead in Christ. Then in Christ we are raised in “newness of life” with a new nature, now being a partaker of God’s very Divine Nature, so that we can have victory on an experiential level. This includes freedom from all demonic activity and oppression. “. . .Those who have been involved in any form of occultism may be suffering some form of oppression from or subjection to the enemy. . .” 12 IMPORTANT QUESTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED If you have been involved in any of the following occult practices, (whether you participated in ignorance or not), or if you have been involved in false religious cults, you have opened the door to oppression from the powers of darkness. Have you ever had your fortune told either verbally or through the use of cards, tea leaves, a crystal ball, a ouija board, or other means? Have you ever used a ouija board (whether out of curiosity or a deliberate attempt to seek help), or played any of the popular occult games such as E.S.P., Telepathy, Kabala, Horoscope, Dungeons and Dragons, Clairvoyant, Voodoo and the like? Have you ever tried to divine for water, oil, minerals, sewerage pipes or underground water lines by using a bent wire, a forked stick, a clock spring or any other similar method? These practices have an ancient occult origin called “water-witching” or “dowsing.” Have you ever sought help from a medium or anyone claiming to have psychic or clairvoyant powers? Have you ever been present at a Spiritualist meeting or a seance? Have you ever tried to seek help from “spirit guides” or tried to communicate with the so-called “other side” (the dead)? Have you ever been involved with or practised E.S.P., transcendental meditation, automatic writing, table tipping, the levitation of objects or people, astral travel or telepathy? When ill as an adult or a child, did you seek (or were you subjected to) healing through Spiritualism, Christian Science, iridology, magic charms, metaphysical healing, hypnotherapy, the pendulum or any other trance-inducing methods used either in diagnosis or treatment? Do you study astrology or follow horoscopes? 13 Have you read or are you in possession of occult literature which promotes or teaches subject matter such as reincarnation, dream interpretation, metaphysics, New Age philosophies, fortune-telling, astrology or E.S.P., clairvoyance, automatic writing, magic spells or hypnosis? Do you have books produced by religious cults, or writings from authors like Ruth Montgomery, Jean Dixon, Arthur Ford or Edgar Cayce? Have you ever attended meetings of secret societies such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Buffaloes, Odd Fellows, etc., or have you been to meetings conducted by the Baha’i, Mormons, Christian Scientists, Hare Krishnas, the Eastern-Mysticism movement, Children of God, followers of Reiki, Theosophy, the New Age Movement, the Inner Peace Movement, Scientologists, Spiritualists, the Religious Research Foundation of America, the Unification Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Worldwide Church of God (Armstrongism), or any others of an occult origin? Note: From a Christian perspective, any other system of religious, magical or metaphysical beliefs is viewed as a cult. While some may not be occult in nature (e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons), participation in these cults will lead to various kinds of bondage and oppression simply through erroneous teaching. As we have learned, scripture clearly forbids and condemns every occult practice as an abomination to God. It does not matter how long ago it occurred, or whether it was done innocently or in ignorance - those who have involved themselves in the occult have opened the door to oppression from the powers of darkness. Christians who have delved into occult practices prior to conversion may be unaware that the source of problems they are now experiencing may be this past activity. Such problems may be physical, mental, psychic, spiritual, marital, etc., in nature. 14 “. . .Christians who have delved into occult practices prior to conversion may be unaware that the source of problems they are now experiencing may be this past activity. . .” HOW TO GAIN FREEDOM FROM OCCULT OPPRESSION AND BONDAGE Background Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 In order to be set free, Christians will need to dispose of the naive and erroneous belief that Believers cannot be oppressed by Satan. (See Luke 13:11-16 - this lady is a type-pattern of a Christian today). It is unmistakably evident in Christian circles that many have been vexed, deceived, oppressed, bound and afflicted by Satan’s forces (1 Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:11-12). This is particularly so when the people concerned have been involved in the occult, whether their participation was prior to, or following, salvation. The steps that lead to liberty are as follows:1. A firm confession of faith in Christ is essential: ROMANS 10:9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (that Jesus is your Lord), and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. ROMANS 10:10 For with the heart man believes (faith is exercised) unto (resulting in) righteousness (rightstanding with God); and with the mouth confession (open acknowledgement) is made unto (of your) salvation (action with your faith). Unless a person makes a firm confession of Christ as Lord and Saviour, God has no legal right to that person’s life. And without His help to continue to resist the forces of darkness, no permanent liberation can take place. 15 2. Acknowledgement and confession of occult involvement: 1 JOHN 1:9 If we confess (and repent of) our sins, He (the Lord) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (the results of these sins). Any involvement in occult activities, whether done deliberately or in ignorance, must be acknowledged and confessed as sin - as an act or acts of disobedience to God and a violation of His Word. The person concerned should then proclaim their allegiance to Christ, receive their forgiveness from God and thank Him for the cleansing of all unrighteousness (the result of these sins). Remember: True repentance always involves remorse and a strong desire to turn from the sin concerned. We are not to trust in our willpower in this, but God’s power. We are to trust that it will come to the rescue and work within us. Indeed the energies and graces of the Divine Nature become available to us as we yield to the Holy Spirit, acknowledging our dependence upon God to empower us to do His will (Philippians 2:13). Sometimes it may be necessary for the oppressed person to name the particular occult practices in which they have been involved. It is also advisable for them to ask forgiveness for any other occult sin which may have been forgotten. In doing all this, the person concerned can remove all legal ground which the enemy may retain, legal ground which gives the enemy the right to afflict them. “. . .In order to be set free, Christians will need to dispose of the naive and erroneous belief that Believers cannot be oppressed by Satan. . .” 3. Renunciation of Satan and his ways. Because of the serious consequences of being involved in occult practices, it is generally necessary to take a third step in order to gain freedom. 16 The person seeking deliverance must verbally renounce (and thus forsake) their involvement in the occult. They should then command Satan to depart in the Name of Jesus (Matthew 18:18). In some cases where bondage is strong and the oppressed person’s faith is weak, the help of a mature Christian of faith may be needed to bind and loose the powers of darkness according to Matthew 16:19. After this, the person concerned should accept their deliverance by faith and not be swayed by feelings or appearances. As the Word of God states: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 (For we [as Christians] walk by faith [in God’s Word], not by sight:) PROVERBS 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding (your own thoughts and ideas). PROVERBS 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. (Man’s greatest problem, as evidenced in the Garden, has always been self-rule.) PROVERBS 3:7 Be not wise in your own eyes: fear (reverence to obey) the Lord, and depart from evil (shun sin). PROVERBS 3:8 It shall be health (and healing) to your body, and marrow (nourishment) to your bones. So continue to stand on the Word of God, confessing (declaring) the fact of your liberation, and the evidence and assurance will follow. Satan knows he cannot continue to hold his victim captive when he has been commanded by a Believer, one who is yielded to the Holy Spirit, to depart in Jesus’ Name. This does not always mean, however, that the evidence is seen immediately. So boldly confess your deliverance by faith - in the power of the Divine Nature. It may help to do so in the presence of another Believer. “Resist the devil (in faith) and he will flee from you” (James 4:7), as you continue to observe to do all that God’s Word says and continue to have quality fellowship with the Lord. 17 “. . .Satan knows he cannot continue to hold his victim captive when he has been commanded by a Believer, one who is yielded to the Holy Spirit, to depart in Jesus’ Name. . .” Those claiming deliverance must be trusting in the finished work of the Cross and the power of deliverance which is available because of the shed Blood of Christ. They must be trusting and believing that when the energies and graces of the Divine Nature are absorbed by their human nature, they will have the power to rise above any fleshly desire or sin. They need to believe that when God’s power is at work on our hearts and minds, deliverance is at hand and nothing can stop His grace except us. When the grace of Calvary is extended to the humble who cry “Abba Father,” it is then they will know success, and the joy of the Lord will be their strength (Joshua 1:8; Nehemiah 8:10). May you have the victory in Christ. Amen! For further information or teaching material to help you grow in the Christian faith, please visit: CROSSROADS INTERNATIONAL FULL GOSPEL MINISTRIES crossroadsministries.org.au 18 NOTES 19
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