Reasons For Unanswered Prayer
Sermon Tone Analysis
Copyright 1985,1993,2001,2007
Crossroads Full Gospel
International Ministries
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Except otherwise stated, Bible quotes come from the King James Version. 1611 Elizabethan
English is updated in some cases to reflect present terminology, without changing the true
meaning of the word.
Extracts from “The Expositor's Study Bible” are identified as E.S.B. Copyright © 2005
Published by, and the sole property of, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, Baton Rouge, LA, and
extracts from the Swaggart Bible Commentary series are identified as S.B.C. Copyright ©
World Evangelism Press®
Extracts from the Amplified Bible are identified as Amp. Old Testament Copyright © 1962,
1964 by Zondervan Corporation. New Testament Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1987 by The
Lockman Foundation.
Extracts from the New International Version are identified as N.I.V. Copyright 1973,1978,1984
by The International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House.
Also used: The New Testament: An Expanded Translation (Wuest) translated by Kenneth S.
Wuest. Copyright © 1961 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Bracketed comments following some scriptures assist the reader in understanding the intended
meaning of these verses
We acknowledge the additional works of the various Scholars and Bible Commentaries used in
conjunction with the College material. This is not to say that we agree with all their theology,
but we certainly value their contribution to the Body of Christ.
Published by:
Crossroads Publications
10681 Princes Highway
Victoria 3280
To help people who may be having difficulty receiving from
God, or experiencing the empowerment which comes as our human
nature is energized by the Divine Nature, a list has been compiled of
some of the possible reasons for unanswered prayer and attacks of
the enemy.
Asking the Lord without:
(a) Knowing God’s perfect will on the matter: Rom.12:2
(b) Asking in faith, expecting to receive: James 1:6-8
2. Harbouring unforgiveness or having resentment towards
someone, knowingly or unknowingly: Mark 11:25; Lev.20:9.
3. Rejecting part or all of God’s will for your life: Hosea 4:6;
4. Living, or coming to church, with a “get” attitude, rather than a
“giving” attitude: Luke 6:38.
5. Not walking in Godly love: 1 John 4:7-8; 1 Cor.13:1-3.
6. Having a lack of concern for people’s eternal fate: Ezek.3:18-21.
7. Not serving or submitting to your fellow man’s needs according
to the leading of the Spirit: James 2:15-17; Phil.2:4.
8. Putting other things or people before the Lord and His will:
9. Putting your children in front of your marriage partner:
Eph.5:28; Titus 2:4.
10. Putting your family in front of the Lord: Matt.10:37.
11. Having a bad attitude after having been corrected by the Lord
through one of His vessels: Heb.12:5-10; 13:17.
12. Non-Christian attitudes or behaviour: Rom.13:9-10; James 3:918; Col.3:1-10.
13. Losing your temper with something or someone: Eph.4:26-30;
James 1:20.
14. Having not studied diligently to find out the commandments of
the Lord: Josh.1:8; Hosea 4:6; Isa.5:13.
15. Having not rebuked or resisted the devil when needed: James
(a) Not binding him in Jesus’ Name: Matt.18:18.
(b) Not loosing him in Jesus’ Name: Matt.16:19.
(c) Not telling him to go in Jesus’ Name: Luke 10:17.
16. Fellowshipping on a deep or continual basis with lukewarm
Christians (Christians who do not try to live according to God’s
commandments): Phil.1:27; 1 Cor.5:11; Rev.3:16.
17. Having slowed or stagnated in your Christian walk: Matt.13:22;
Luke 9:23.
18. Having not acted fully on what the Lord has told you to do, or
maybe having just forgotten: Josh.1:8; James 1:22-25.
19. Slackness or a lack of commitment to the Lord: John 8:31-36;
20. Having been “church hopping” (2 Tim.3:7; James 1:8) in order to
fulfill your own desires.
21. Not desiring to settle down to fellowship in a church on a regular
weekly basis: Heb.10:25.
22. Not desiring to go to church meetings on a regular basis to
receive teaching (spiritual food): Heb.10:25.
23. A lack of revelation knowledge: Hosea 4:6; Isa.5:13.
24. Not fully knowing your position, your authority or your rights in
Christ: Mark 16:15-20; Luke 10:19.
25. Not asking God: James 4:2.
26. Asking amiss (not according to His Word): James 4:3.
27. Having not believed for the cleansing power of God after
repentance: 1 John 1:9; Heb.11:6.
28. Not truly repenting: 2 Cor.7:10; Gal.5:19-20.
29. Having not believed for the cleansing of unrighteousness before
believing for God’s healing power: 1 John 1:9; 1 Pet.2:24.
30. Being controlled by your five senses and your emotions rather
than by what the Word of God says: 2 Cor.5:7; Prov.3:1-10.
31. Taking the problem back from the Lord by worrying or doubting,
not trusting in His promises (knowingly or unknowingly):
Matt.6:25-34; 1 Pet.5:7.
32. Having a lack of faith with your actions: Heb.11:6; James 2:18.
33. Lacking actions with your so-called faith: James 2:17-26.
34. Having not been witnessing about Jesus (lacking boldness):
Rom.10:14-17; 2 Cor.5:18-20; Acts 4:29-31.
35. Living with fear or doubt in your life: Rom.8:15; 1 John 4:18;
36. Being too tense physically to receive spiritually: Phil.4:6;
37. Trying too hard to receive spiritually: Phil.4:5-6.
38. Operating in presumptuous faith: James 1:22-26; Num.14:44-45.
39. Having not acknowledged, correctly, your calling or your faith
level, and then having not
acted accordingly: Luke 6:49;
40. Not covering yourself spiritually, by faith, with the Blood of
Jesus: Rev.12:11; 2 Cor.10:3-4; 1 Pet.1:2.
41. Having not been water-baptized according to the Word:
42. Having been water-baptized, without knowing what you were
doing: Isa.5:13; Rom.6:3,4.
43. Having not acknowledged the possibility that a devil may have
caused you not to receive: Eph.6:12; Rom.6:16.
44. Having not acknowledged that evil spirits can oppress
Christians: Luke 13:11-16.
45. Not disciplining your children according to God’s instructions:
Prov.19:18, 22:15, 23:13-14; Eph.6:1-4.
46. Rejecting the Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:8, 2:4, 2:17.
47. Not being aware of what sin is: James 3:17; Rom.14:23; Hosea
48. Not walking in honesty: Rom.13:13-14; Prov.28:13; Heb.4:1213.
49. Being involved in strife and wrong arguments: 2 Tim.2:23;
James 3:14-17; Titus 3:9.
50. Fellowshipping with unrighteousness: 2 Cor.6:14; Eph.5:11-17.
51. Having not kept, in the power of the Spirit, ALL the
commandments of God: Josh.1:8; James 2:10; Matt.22:37-40;
52. Sinning - knowingly or unknowingly: Luke 12:47-48; John 8:34.
53. Having been listening to wrong teaching: 2 Pet.3:15-18; 1
Tim.4:1-4; Matt.7:15-16.
54. The church you attend does not proclaim the full Gospel of
Jesus, only part of it: 2 Tim.3:5; 1 Cor.4:20; Mark 7:6-13.
55. Being unable to sense God’s leading: Heb.5:14.
56. Having been listening to too many different doctrines, therefore
creating confusion: Eph.4:14.
57. An overboard approach to praise and worship (thinking it alone
will give you what is needed): John 8:31-32.
58. Having problems with praise and worship: Col.3:16.
59. Having a lack of faith with your praise and worship: John 4:2324.
60. Not giving the Lord His tithes and offerings according to the
Word: Mal.3:8-11; Matt.5:17-18.
61. Giving your tithes and offerings with a wrong attitude: 2 Cor.9:7.
62. Taking communion with unforgiveness in your heart:
Matt.18:23-35; Mark 11:26.
63. When you have taken communion, not correctly discerning the
emblems that represent the Body and Blood of Jesus: 1
64. Having been divorced legally, but not having cut the spiritual tie
according to the Word: Deut.24:1.
65. Overfeeding yourself on the Word (too much at once):
66. Trying to eat the meat of the Word when all you can handle is the
milk of the Word: 1Cor.3:1-2; 1 Pet.2:1-2.
67. Wives not submitting to their husbands in the Lord, and
husbands not submitting to the Lord: Eph.5:21-24; Col.3:18; 1
68. Husbands not submitting to their wives’ needs in the Lord: 1
Pet.3:7; Eph.5:24-25;
1 Cor.7:3-5.
69. Not submitting to the laws of the land: Titus 3:1; Rom.13:1-8;
70. Not submitting to the authorities that God has placed over you:
(a) In natural matters: Rom.13:1-8.
(b) In spiritual matters: Heb.13:17.
71. Not using commonsense: Prov.19:3.
72. Having abused your body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
(a) Food (wrong foods or too much): Phil.3:19.
(b) Drugs (cigarettes, etc.): 1 Cor.3:16-17.
(c) Lack of exercise: Ecc.10:18.
(d) Lack of commonsense: Prov.19:3.
73. Being selfish - putting self first: Matt.16:24-27.
74. Having not taken up your cross of self-denial in the power of the
Spirit (the Divine Nature): Luke 9:23-26; Luke 14:27.
75. Being religious and not operating in the true unity of the faith:
Mark 7:1-9; 2 Tim.3:5.
76. Being unequally yoked in deep relationships with non-believers:
2 Cor.6:14-18:
(a) In marriage (but you must stay married according to 1
(b) In partnership - business: 2 Cor.6:14-18
(c) In friendships: James 4:4
77. You don’t practise what you profess: Titus 1:15-16.
78. Having not shaken the dust of the unbelieving (both saved and
unsaved) from yourself: Luke 9:5; 10:11; Acts 13:51.
79. Having not respected another person’s right to accept or reject
truth, i.e. having tried to control: Deut.11:26-28; Deut.30:19.
80. Having a negative attitude and confession: Eph.4:29; Matt.12:37;
Phil.4:8; Prov.18:21.
81. Having little understanding of the Cross (the Atonement) and so
not having properly, at an experiential faith level, identified
yourself with Christ in both His death and Resurrection:
Rom.6:3-6; 2 Cor.5:17; 2 Tim.2:11.
82. Having used your willpower to try to defeat sin instead of
yielding to the Holy Spirit so that your human nature can be
energized by the Divine Nature according to Rom.6:3-4;
83. Having not established the Cross as the object of your faith, as
the solid ground for receiving from God: Gal.2:20; Col.2:14.
84. In regard to the sin nature, having not properly believed and
reckoned yourself to be dead to it, so as to yield to the Holy
Spirit according to Rom.6:7-13.
Once you have located any possible reasons for unanswered
prayer or attacks from the enemy, you will need to follow up with
diligent study of God’s Word concerning these areas. This will
enable you to position yourself under God’s mighty hand to obtain
the faith needed to allow God’s truth and grace to set you free.
Indeed Jesus told us that when we know, believe and act in the
newness of the Spirit on His Word of truth, God’s power will be
released to set us free from any form of bondage: John 8:31-32. We
can therefore see that faith is not the only thing needed to receive
from God. We also need to position ourselves so we can focus our
faith correctly.
Remember: It is not God Who is withholding His blessings
from us and preventing us from receiving from Him. Rather the
problem lies either with ourselves or with the enemy - for he will
take advantage of any wrongdoing or ignorance on our part. The
Lord has already given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly
places: Eph.1:3. However if we are sinning in some way, knowingly
or unknowingly, the enemy takes us captive in this area and God is
shut out.
We are, nevertheless, legally speaking, “the righteousness of
God in Him (Christ)” (2 Cor.5:21), this being our position as
Christians. Therefore when God looks upon us, He sees us as being
righteous - clothed with Christ’s righteousness. We are also joint
heirs with Jesus, and so what He has, we also have as our
Armed with this knowledge we should endeavour to live in
righteousness on an actual and experiential level, through the grace
and power given to us by the Holy Spirit. The Lord delights in
blessing His people, and these blessings will come upon us as we
“walk uprightly,” serving in “newness of life.” It is the grace given
to us at the Cross which will energize our very nature, and cause us
to live in this way, abiding in Him day by day.
PSA 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the
Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will He
withhold from those who walk uprightly.
We need to allow the Holy Spirit to teach and empower us in the
energy of His Divine Nature so that true deliverance will come, and a
holy character will be formed deep on the inside. In this we will
truly become one with the One Who loved us and died for us.
May you have the victory in Christ.
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