Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Light, Word, Flesh
The world can seem very dark at times.
The middle of the night.
On a heavily cloudy, rainy day.
In a room with no lights or open windows.
Or whenever we realize the extent to which sin and selfishness have a hold on people, on us and on people we see every day.
Darkness is real.
It is scary.
It is disappointing.
But it doesn’t have to dominate our lives...
Jesus is that light.
Where there is sin, he brings holiness.
Where there is selfishness, he brings sacrificial love.
Where there is war, he brings a true peace.
Where there is indifference, he brings deep compassion.
Light in the darkness.
He really came.
That’s why John wrote.
He really lived among people who knew him.
That’s why Jesus is different.
He really revealed the heart and the message of God like nothing ever before.
Grace and Truth
Grace to get behind our defenses and self-protection.
Grace to see our need even when we think we are fine.
Grace to lay down all privilege and heavenly worship to come into the darkness of our world.
Grace to suffer for us.
Grace to teach us all we need to know.
Truth to reveal to us what God has done.
Truth to reveal to us who God really is.
Truth to tell us who we really are.
Children of God
We are sons and daughters of our heavenly father.
Separated long ago from the ideal life that might have been.
But now brought near to the better way now available to us in Jesus.
He has given us the right.
We don’t have that right on our own.
No one is worthy of being in God’s family but Jesus himself.
But Jesus made it all possible for you and for me.
We have Seen His Glory
It started so humble: Mary, Joseph, shepherds…but things went up a notch when Angels appeared.
You can’t see the wind, but you can see it’s power.
You can’t see God in God’s fullness, but people actually saw Jesus.
You can see the stars and all creation that God made.
It reveals some general things about God’s glory.
But Jesus makes it personal.
Jesus answered questions.
Jesus revealed truth.
More of God’s glory came through.
At the moment of his baptism when a light from heaven shown, a dove descended and God spoke.
At the moment we call the transfiguration, his appearance became white light and again God told us to listen to Him.
When we celebrate Christmas we do it with bright clear lights that remind us how brightly the light of God shown.
All through this season.
In recent days in our church we have seen his glory.
All across our lives if we are honest.
I hope you are seeing his glory today.
As Christmas is drawing to a close, look to the fullness of what Jesus alone has done for you.
See the grand sweep from the moment he was born to the powerful teaching to the cross and the resurrection.
Accept his invitation to be in his family.
The right to become children of God.
Grace upon Grace...
When you put it all together it is without doubt grace upon grace.
What a beautiful and powerful image.
It is the grace of God to find any way to save us, to help us, to redeem us from ourselves and from this world we have broken with our sin.
That’s grace.
That God would love us at all and do anything to help us.
We don’t deserve it, yet he chose to do it.
That’s grace.
But the WAY that he did it.
Stepping into our world.
Like Neo plugging into the Matrix to set people free.
Only harder and better.
Jesus came into our world as a vulnerable baby, visited by shepherds and announced by angels.
He showed us love.
He taught us mercy.
He challenged those in authority.
Then he laid down his life.
People saw him die on the cross for our sins.
People saw him raised from the dead victorious over sin and death.
People saw him ascend to heaven.
God with us.
God in the flesh.
Now our risen Lord, dwelling in us by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now he gives us power from within.
Take heart, he said, for I have overcome the world.
So yeah it was grace for him to help us at all.
But it was grace upon grace to give this extravagant gift of himself, transforming us and making us fit for a better world.
This Christmas you have received the wonderful gift of grace upon grace in Jesus.
This morning as you begin a new year, begin with a deep awareness that God loves you more than you know.
Believe today, that you can trust him with your life.
Some of us are struggling physically.
Some of us have financial questions that aren’t fully resolved.
Some of us have relationships that need healing and restoration.
Some of us have doubts and fears that threaten our peace.
But this morning understand that more than these we can have Jesus.
If we belong to Him we have grace upon grace.
So don’t waste time continually weighing your options.
Don’t be afraid you’re missing out if you follow Jesus.
This is where the bust stuff is.
Grace upon grace.
So focus right now.
< .5
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> .9