Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Charge Against the Lukewarm
The Authority of the King
“The Church in Laodicea”
Wealthy city on road to Collosse
Destroyed ~35 year earlier by an earthquake
Able to rebuilt due to wealth (wool trade)
“The words of the Amen”
The God of the Amen
The God of Truth
Identifying Jesus with God of the OT as one who is completely trustworthy.
Emphatic agreement
“Amen that is true, let it be so!”
The words of THE AMEN
It’s hard sometimes to hear a rebuke of the work you do in the church.
But know that this rebuke comes from the God of truth and the source of what is good and desirable!
It may be hard to hear, but it is also true and necessary.
“The Beginning of God’s Creation”
This rebuke is not only “Trustworthy” but it comes from the AUTHORITY of Christ Jesus!
But does this mean He is created?
It might be true and desirable, but that doesn’t mean it will be accepted.
I might like things how they are.
Sometimes we need to be reminded who is in charge.
The Charge of the King
Not really a critique of the work itself
This is important because it would be a mistake to think of them as a church with no activity.
There might have been plenty of activity.
They might have been a really cool church!!!!
When you search for / visit a church, how often have you focused on the activity of the church.
Luke warm = lack of zeal or strong emotion.
For Christ and His Church.
You may be extremely passionate.
but not for Jesus or His mission.
The 3 week series is about identifying signs of a lukewarm church, but are a few charectoristic.
You find things regarding the church to be boring or less important.
“Church is one more thing I have to do.”
(more subtle) its difficult to maintain Christian disciplines - prayer, bible study, fellowship with the church
Modern term is Apathetic.
(Google synonyms = laodicean)
This should make this verse real to us!
(IMO) Apathy is one of the most destructive realities in today’s church.
How does a church that is alive and active become lukewarm and apathetic?
Perhaps it comes when we forget that Jesus is who verse 14 says He is.
The Amen!
The beginning of God’s creation
Or maybe we didn’t know verse 16 was an option...
The Judgment of the King
Spit you out of my mouth = VOMIT
only used her in the whole New Testament.
Could not have been a more descriptive word.
If the thought if that doesn’t seriously bother you, then maybe you are lukewarm.
Not saying this mean loss of salvation...
Later verses speak discipline.
Suddenly find ourselves out of the covering of Jesus’ blessing!
Everything is harder
Lack of Joy
Confusion / Division
What bother’s me about this prospect....
Would the church realize what has happened?
You will notice something is wrong for sure!
But could you be so focused on self and worldly things that you fail to realize your relationship with Jesus has suffered to greatly!
I’m not going to resolve this issue yet because the scripture has more to say about it.
instead I prayer that we...
Learn from this passage in the coming weeks
Rightly access the health of our church family
Identify habits that may be leading to lukewarm attitudes.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9