Outreach : Your Story

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Outreach right. This is been our sermons been our topic for the last month or so. And we've been learning about different forms of Outreach what it actually looks like to step out in faith and see God who last week we talked about stories who was here last week. What stories do we talk about?

Would you say? That's childish isn't knowing what to say. Thank you for

we talked about the Three Little Pigs.

You like what in the world is wrong with you got seven Sunday?

We also realized that Stories We recall stories that we heard and I had to eat at two different teams each side. Your story is important.

Most of the reasons why we don't share our stories. Can we don't think it's a big deal? We don't think it's important.

I think it was your daughter Kathy who said why was raised a Christian, how can I share a testimony?

Yeah, she said I was raised I said sure the moments God became real to you.

Is there any song say listen to I was a drug addict I did this I did that but she's like, I'm sure when God I was raised in a Christian Home and these are the times where I know God is real. That impacts lives. And until we think our stories are worth wild. We won't share them. Last we got taught you guys about a testament that you guys remember that. Not a test. Not a test the men that's after someone passes but a testimony. I'm not mistaken could be wrong.

I said you write down your testimony and shared under 3 minutes. Did you guys do your assignment? Is the people who did their assignment? Okay, this is where you guys might hate me on we're not moving until you guys do this.

I'm not going to go to the next section until we get this one down. The scripture says you have many teachers, but you have two fathers.

aw You guys are so cute.

It is easy for me to teach you guys.

And not expect you guys. To recall and actually do what I'm saying.

But it did make me a bad father if I did that to wouldn't it?

He said that where you going that I'm not moving past here until we get this down. And if we have to be here for four weeks and will be for 4 weeks. You guys might get annoyed with me.

I shared with you guys that when you know your story and you share it with someone lives to get change didn't I? I said this is the this is so powerful because the Bible says they overcame by the blood of the land and the word of their what so that means you overcome by what Jesus has done and when Jesus has done in your life when you shared that imparts face for people to overcome. If we say the world needs Jesus, but we're not stepping out. We really don't believe that.

I'm not holding my punches. So you guys know.

I'm not mad or upset with you guys. I want to impart their urgency of this.

It is so important.

If you won't share your story, how can I ever challenge you to lay hands on the sick?

How can I ever challenge you to give someone a prophetic word if you won't even share the reason why we have prophetic words. I'm not being mean.

You may say top. How do we know this is true how we know this is actually going to work. Well, I got something to share with you. There was someone who wasn't here because their wife had a baby for the time I've been teaching You guys know that? If we have a new member ride. His name is Asher.

His middle name is Israel. phenomenal man and so this dude was not here at all. To hear what I'm teaching you guys.

and yet

she did it. Yomel would you come up and share?

take your time to

I just want to correct one thing. I actually didn't do it. It was it was God. But so we we move to a new place and do we have a dryer that from her old place that was gas and the new place did not have gas. So we had to buy a new one electric one in my wife doesn't like to let you wanted to go to the gas but that's beside the point she decide to put on Facebook and to sell it so she puts it on Facebook and this lady she responds and you know with some money off she wants to come get it and you know, we said it worked as last time we had it plugged in and it worked fine. So she comes and I helped her loaded up and and even as I help you load it up I sense that she she started saying something like how her life is just you know, it's been rough. But but lady with her she's like, you know, they don't care they don't want to hear about it. And what about a week later? She's she's messaging my wife and saying that it doesn't work like the dryer does not work. so

I told my wife won't you just you know, I'm text her back and you tell her if I will give her her money back if she brings it back just bring it back in a little big deal, but she's like, well, you know, she thinks it's that she knows apart. She knows what to get if we just reimburse her for her time and the part. Yeah, she'll fix it and I'm like, I have no idea what part it is. I don't know how long it's going to take her. So I just didn't respond back. I just I figured she knows she can bring it back if she wants to mess with it. Well, then after a couple days, she said it was only $35 and she got $15 for time and she wants like yo, I'm 20 bucks for the part. So I still didn't really worry about it was Christmas and I was like, you know what I'm not I told her once what to do. But so I was getting a little bit upset over how she was so we said, all right. You know what? Will give you $35. Just come pick it up. That wasn't good enough. She want to let 10 more like PayPal or pain or something and send it like that. So we waited a couple days didn't worry too much about and then she's like she know she texted one more time so that you know, what just come pick up. I want my money back. You come get the dryer. I feel like you guys, you know, you said it works and now it's not working. I think I'm going to put you on some bad reviews on Facebook about you guys, and I'm going to turn you into a small claims. And so I was really getting worked up. So I think I even talk to you about it because while you came over but you know, I ain't going to pray about it. And so I prayed about it and I didn't get a good feeling about you know, how you know when God speaks to me. It's like in the word like it was like well, if you know, it says of my word that if you know somebody I should go a mile then go to you know, or and all these done like it but I gave her an easy out. Just bring it back. I'll reimburse you. That's fair, but I said I'm I'm going to call her so I called her and I said what you know, what's really going on and she goes on and on about how she feels like we we we didn't treat you fairly. I said, I honestly did treat you fairly. I I listened to her story and then I told her mine I said, you know number one we gave you off what we started that you know, you you got and then you came and picked it up you had every right not to or two when you plugged it and we didn't have gas there but she could plug into electric. But anyways. and now all I'm asking is if you bring it back I'll reimburse you and Then she said well, you know, she had to come pick it up if she would go to Lowe's and buy something and they would give her something and it wouldn't work there many message. That's beside the point. I'm not Lowe's and I didn't I didn't, you know take it to you. And anyways, we were getting back and forth. So I just asked her the question again I said what is really going on? And then she start breaking down. She said my husband had a stroke and I don't have nobody to load it and I I'm just overwhelmed and the stuff is all just getting too much for me. And so I started thinking about it and I'll let you know. I still have to think about Christ and what he would do and what I should do. So I said well

if Christ like I said, are you a Christian? I want to tell you something. The only reason I would help you is if is is because I know Christ I said it's not because you are asking me a favor and demanding it. And threatening me about it. It's it's none of those if if I really if I really help you then it's going to be because of Christ it because of what he does and I said, you know, sometimes he pressures us into situations where We don't really have any place to turn except to him. I said it sounds like your life is really rough for you. I said, you know, why don't you why don't you search out, you know him and ask him to help you and we started having a good talk but I told her okay, I'm going to do it. I'm going to come do your favor. I'm going to come pick it up. I'll return your money, but when I'm there, I want to pray with you. because at that point, I think I had I had more boldness because I knew I was right and I was doing all this I thought you know, but anyways, so I went and I went over there and I loaded it up and and I and I asked you I said, you know, it was basically to pray for her husband cuz you know, her husband had a stroke, but you know what, so I said, okay, so I told you I pray with you so

What you know lets you know, you know, I'm explain to me about your husband so we can pray while she started saying about her husband, but it kind of came back to her. So we ended up praying for her and for her husband, but in the meantime, that's kind of wind. That's kind of when God took over when the hotel I just started saying stuff to her about you know, how Jesus you know how he died and stuff and then I asked her are you born again? And she's like, I don't think so. No. So then I explained to her about being born again how it goes from Darkness into light how that is the death of the old and I said you have some you know sins if you you live in darkness in do since I need to be forgiven by someone and it has to be by the blood of the Lamb I said, it's not the religion night. I lived in religion. I used to be Amish and I explained to her how you cannot get to God by by trying to do good and I don't even remember everything I said, it was kind of like It felt like it wasn't me. You know, I was just and she got big chairs. And I mean the greatest thing is just when you explain about your Jesus, it is powerful. You know, it it's not even something that it's more than you. You know, it's it's If Jesus can come through you as a conduit, you know to speak and you know, you would think that you'd have to be in the right frame of mind or you could get some right maybe some points. But really I wasn't really in that right frame of mind, you know, I was a little angry at her and I was real fast that I did all of you but the thing of it is is that God had other plans and she starts crying and I asked her if that's what she would want. If you want Jesus, you know to come and help her and you know for the Holy Spirit to lead her and she said yes, so I said well, I'll pray for you I said, but I cannot be I cannot tell you if you're born again or not. You'll be the only person you and God will know and so I pray for her and I asked her if she wants to pray and she she said to you know, a little prayer tell me she said, you know Jesus. You know, I'm please accept me and then she said you're on Jesus it except my sandwich. I think she meant to say Jesus forgive my sin, but she said accept it and then she just she she you know, she asked me if being born again is a Feeling. Said no, you might feel something but that's not it. It's by faith. I said it's impossible to please God. except through faith and that it is through the blood of the lamb and I just explain to her a little bit and then she gave me a big hug, and we could be merry on our way, and I'm so That was kind of I heard this story about you know this pastor. He said we're sheet and we like sheep food, you know, we like the word and that's what and he said, but we are called to be Fishers of Men were fishing for fish in a sense. He said in when we try to give them sheet food. They don't want it. I was like, why are you like what I mean everybody I mean the word of God is powerful. You know what he's like, but I think the Sheep food to catch the cat ship. fish getting confused here, but I think he's like is to take where there's a need where there is a need in you fill it. That would be considered the fish food to catch a fish and that was going through my mind let you know. That is maybe like a stronghold that the enemy can hold over his like two people that live in darkness. But when you feel a need just by taking that simple action, you can break down those strongholds that can allow light to come in to share that gospel so that and if you look at Jesus life all the way through his life, he would come in and he would do acts of service like that. He would he would do things like that. He would take where there was a need he would heal somebody and so I'm really hoping that I do know that I don't know if she's born again or not, but I would like that if everyone could pray for her on her name was on Cindy. I know that if she did get born again, you know when she's all by herself, you know, it's like leaving a newborn out to the woods, you know, there's I mean she will need prayer cuz I mean the enemy still comes in just still tries and then d Opposite side of that is if the enemy uses you as a conduit, you know and you are living in darkness. I also have a prayer request for my two friends that you know, they're still on Mission. We used to get together a lot when we were Amish, but we haven't seen them for a while now, but so just this weekend on Friday night. They were going up the road to I guess to visit with with yo, I'm smart people. They had they were on their on scooters, you know, they have the scooters. So they're going and it's evening and this car comes up from behind them and it and it start slowing down as low as way down and they thought it was, you know, maybe it was, you know a person who knew them so they slow down and then he just he just guns that he turns it over and he runs right over them. He just runs yet some she flew like 50 ft and he flew in there and I'm he turned so hard. He actually got off the road and they turned back on and just kept going. And you see how the enemy if he can use you he will kill steal and destroy through you. But if God uses you as a conduit, he will bring a life. You'll hear it. He will push back those darknesses. We're just here to let him use it but there's there's like us as a family. We know that we represent the light. We want to let it shine but we need to also pray I guess for the guy that is in darkness that did that but we also want to pray for the you know that the victims because You know what day they're going to be. Okay, if they had they have their broken wrist. They have broken legs you have, you know, the ribs are broken and you're on their lung was punctured. So they're in pretty bad shape. They had to get life-flighted and all that.


Lord I just come before you I thank you Lord that as a body. I know Laura where where you say that two or three are gathered you are here and I miss and I know you answer prayer. Just as Frank was was I'm explaining earlier and I want to pray Lord for my friends. I pray Lord that you will come and meet them but I know Lord do they have a lot of trauma and a lot of hurt and I pray Lord that you will be there in there to help them heal back and also Lord to be there for you on their spiritual life as if they continue to search for you. And and as for the guy that hit them Lord, I pray that you will help him to to I pray you'll bring light to him Lord and helped him to whatever that the enemy has control over his life Lord, then that he will start losing those powers and that you will understand or the darkness that he lives in and that you'll that he'll also Turn to You Lord For The Wicked Deeds that he's done. And I pray Lord for Cindy as we don't know Lord. I just pray that that she will continue seeking after you Lord and in for looking to you and reading her Bible and praying the Lord asking you to give her the Revelation and the Comfort Inn in the spiritual help that she needs. I just buying this in your holy name in Jesus name. Amen.


Hey man, come on. Where is it at again?


I will lead the blind by ways. They have not known along unfamiliar paths. I will guide them. I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do. I will not forsake them. Come on.

What Mel said was so vital and I don't know if you guys caught it. So I wanted to point it out. He had an opportunity to be offended Lee right? And that is the biggest trap of the enemy is that you can be right and stay in your offense and it will cause you to have a Heart of Stone and the Bible says that he wants to give us a heart of Flesh and place of a Heart of Stone and Mel allow the Lord to take that Heart of Stone of I'm right and I'm Justified and I'm going to stay offended and he said no Lord. I Want Your Heart instead and he accepted that love of the father and allow the father to love through him when Kevin and I have opportunities to minister with 100% accuracy. We have an opportunity to be offended with each other. Literally within 24 hours of having an opportunity to minister because Satan will get you into a fence so that you will not be able to minister. So I wanted to mail that was just it was so beautiful how you allowed yourself to be humbled before the Lord and that you shared that you had that opportunity to be offended, but you didn't walk in that and it was so beautiful and I wanted to make sure you guys caught that.

Do you guys Now understand the importance of a test a minute? What I heard of all the medals did melting tell me. So I was really with my mother-in-law. And she telling me what happened, right and I'm sitting in the chair. I got HuHot almost cried just you know, it was really

so I leave their house and I need gas because it's 10. Dude, it just happens that way why?

Madagascar I stopped because I like going to gas stations, but I need to go. So I'm screwed up from this story and I'm at a gas station and I get out whole time while I'm driving home driving to Middlefield from Bloomfield. I'm like God, that's so amazing. I'm so excited and the more I started thinking about it. The more excited. I was with God's doing I get out of the car and pump gas. This dude is pumping gas next to me.

Cuz your story what God did through you stirred me. Trying to talk to this guy at the gas station. I said hey, buddy. What can I pray for you about? He's like he looked at me. Look at me. Thanks buddy on my gosh. I give him a circle of those invite things to the church to do you say he's on the train. Tell him to check you guys out. Cuz I got stirred from your story. This is what happens. In our community when we actually start stepping out in faith. Could you imagine coming on a Sunday with five different people have five different stories of that week.

It's going to be too hard for us to sit back and I think God's going to move.

This is why we're going to stay here. Until we learn how to share our stories with people. He was a dude. I share the story The Woman looked at me and told me to shut up after I was done. I'm so excited that you shared.

Hey, did you could have gave me the bird and called me a weird Christian. I would have still been excited.

Because whether he likes it or not a seed was sown whenever you sell with C it always produces. The only time it doesn't is when the birds came and ate it with your demonic Spirit it when someone is so demonized that they can't receive so when you're in a circumstance like that, you just buying those spirits. You don't argue with them. You just use your Authority that you have in Christ and say I bind you in Jesus name and I still release my seed regardless.

This is why we're going to stay here you guys with me. I'm going to challenge you guys like the tap you had last year is not the tap this year.

That means my leg is injured anymore. Only he can heal two broken wings right good song.

We have to get this. because of where we're headed assignation

under God

we have to get this in our hearts. We have to share this and we have to get our stories down. So how many people did your stories again? How many people got it under 3 minutes?

k next week. We are doing activations. I want you guys to have your stories. If you need a format. I have papers. I'm going to be doing mine. I'm going to give examples we're going to learn our stories let you know the back of your hand.

Not which hand you have cuz sometimes you might confuse your left and right anyone ever do that? No, I do. Yes. Who did not receive one of these Testament papers? Here, thank you so much. If you need more come see me, I'll print them out what everyone to have them.

You know what day they're going to be running around here saying the fire of God the fire.


Whitney Moore, okay. new password

it's on one of my children.

There's always kind of there's a challenge like should we try to raise our children in the Lord? And there's been some cons and our walk with that that have lied a lot of my adult children, too.

Not totally reject but kind of scoff at stuff. So one of my children is out in. in Sedona, Arizona, okay, they were going to go to the Grand Canyon but there's a snowstorm so they can't go so they went to Sedona which is like halfway between Phoenix and the canyon and Sedona of course is known for its spiritualism and like of course, so she's telling me about things and how the every Native Americans spoke about the colonization and the bad stuff and she's excited. But I just end up she's like I see how every religion is the same and I'm like John 17. I just started I am the way the truth the life. I mean, it's that she's got a strong personality. So I just I just stood on what I know was about Christ. so that is good at the Battle. Of course, they went to some place but I did find one thing but I don't know if it's cuz I have anxiety and stuff bugs anymore. Or I also want to see Christ and things it's almost like there's got to be something and up on these Red Rocks is out Church of the Holy Cross. So I found something.

Christian, you know, I'm sure there's other things in the area but beautiful place so that makes any sense.

if it's Warfare, yeah you cuz you

all the other religions are spiritual things are counterfeits. There's a counterfeit for what's real.

We have prophecy they have psychics. They have auras we have the presents. It's always going to be a counterfeit. Get to the thing for you. Is it saying it is the goal is the reason why she's seeking out spiritualism because she has not encountered the spiritual Jesus. Would I find in most most of the reason why people go to New Age who are former Christians or anything like the same things that Buddhism how is all of it? Is because we have preached and we have shared sheep food. We gave them Seafood. We said read the scriptures and they're actually I'm going to say a bold statement. We Are Spiritual Beings.

And it is highly disheartening that we don't think we can connect the god Spirit to Spirit.

It is highly disheartening.

Come on when Jesus in the week and you say a top I might not agree with that, but let's look at Christ cuz he's perfect the ology.

When those men on the road and Maize met the resurrected Lord, they said dude. I don't know about you. But every time we talk my heart burn within me, they were encountering truth and how many people know she was talking about spiritual but he was just talkin to them met them where they were at and their hearts burn with it and them according to the scripture and their life and he disappear after you give thanks and they knew it was the Lord. Did they have a spiritual experience? Yes or no? Yes.

You were made to encounter people through the spirit of God to bring them into the Kingdom of Light.

You can do it by sharing the gospel the word I can tell you.

Do you listen man? God says he knows the plan he has for you plans to prosper you and not harm you plans to give you a hoe future and expected in man, and it's a good thing. Cuz it's worth says and you start their you use the scripture as a starting place, but you got to know how to take the scripture and say and I declare it in Jesus name that the plans with Lord will come to fruition in your life. And this is what I'm sensing out from the spirit.

You said anytime you guys begin to encounter people you start releasing their having an experience with God. They're having experience with Jesus.

This is why I met so many Christians who are new age. Until they run into me that I have a little fun. I have so much fun with them. Do you know why cuz you're actually hungry for things of the spirit. They're just going after the wrong food.

Come on.

Yes. Yes. Yeah.

Jets and let me tell you something. This is another ticker to add to it the word of God, right? The word of God partner with the supernatural activity of God will make you Unstoppable.

You need both spirit and Truth. Jesus said the worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth the spirit of the Living God that lives in you. That's how we experience. This is his spirit will bear witness with what are spirit that these things are true. But the truth is the word of God who God is and who you are in Christ Jesus. In which I called Papa. Because I realize that's the truth and and not only be saying it but because dude he's my papa I experienced him is Ava I know him as king. I know him is ABBA. I didn't lose my heart to loving and opening up myself to him more so that my yes today is bigger than my yes yesterday. amen

You guys understand why we're going this route.

You guys okay, like if you're not okay with it, it's okay. We're still going this route.

Am I being mean?

If we believe God is going to change the world around us and yet we don't partner with God then we really don't believe that.

Come on. Jess yes. He wants to use me to wants to use you Mel is no one special. No one special dude. God wants to use all of us. Everyone's included.

Everyone's included. This is the best thing. Because imagine there's imagine you said dude. I don't know. Maybe you're like, how can God use me Halo buddy?

Uh-oh, how can God use me?

I'm going to you two ladies.

So cool.

Everything to yourself. How old are you guys? How do you 15 and 16 perfect? Do you ever think God can use you guys in a big way?

Like imagine what happens if if you guys would have an encounter with the spirit of God more and more that you just become conduits of encounter. An encounter is always the springboard into the transform life.

Yeah. But you guys would be crazy. You know that right? In a good way crazy. Because you would said stand no more of God.

Do you guys want to get wrecked by God? You do you not sure I seen your girl. But you might fall in the floor and snot bubbles me come out everywhere. Are you okay with that? And you might literally feel the fire of God, which witch is which begins to purify you. And things that are ugly may come to the surface in your life because the fires there purifying you. It's okay with you guys.

No, that's the personal stuff. But the fun thing is around. You people will start since in the fire. And they would want what you guys have. And when you share life drastically changed you guys can shake destiny.

See that's part of your story was I told you everyone in this room can shape destinies?

People are waiting for you to manifest. So that their Destinies can change.

See, that's where it's at when I get with new age people as I talk to her. I said did you guys need a new Destiny like yeah, I do.

What's a pothead?

This is why we're going to stay here. So next Sunday. We're going to work on our minute stories. And the reason why we're going to get this thing down packed. This is training camp like dude.

Yeah, I'm not going there.

But this is training camp for you guys. And we're going to get trained together in and out only this but dude how many you guys that you have to hold me accountable. You say tap would you share with this week?

Cuz the leader must lead by example agreed or you agree with that unless you guys want me to tell you your 20 push-ups to me. Never do push up in my life. right

This is where it gets fun at cuz if you're going to hold me accountable that I get to hold you accountable. I get to walk up to you Katie and say who's you reach out to this way?

And you look at me say No One Tap. Can I see all I said you feel guilty? You shouldn't feel guilty you're growing in him. So we're going to do what I'm pray for you and we're going to I'm going to have you have a person of contact that you're in touch with during the week. Someone who naturally does it so that you can begin to partake with them and you get encouraged and next minute. You know it Katie's like she's like I reached out to some of this week. How did it go? My heart was pounding my palms are sweaty.

Good morning with vomit on his sweater already mom's spaghetti. You knew it was coming.

Because you really do have to lose yourself in the moment with God and the next thing you know, you like I did it next week in this happen.

And your story would begin if you'll begin to be like God is moving in my life and I'm teaching them scripture. The one girl we're meeting for Bible study at the coffee shop. Coming to know that means Katie got to disciple, right? Oh my gosh, it looks like you're living out the Great Commission.

This is what we're called for. The most I'm not being mean but most churches won't make you do this stuff.

What have you have a pastor preach every Sunday? Did you guys come and get their systems down packed in here so we can fill the house, right? We're going to show the house with unbelievers who become Believers that you guys are discipling. Hey, man. Come on. We're going to share stories weekly like this. Hey, man. Cuz this is exciting in there. How many people do this morning citing than me telling you the new Revolution I received from scripture.

Hey, Matt, call Matt Let's see we don't want to say stuff like that because we don't get offended pastor. Dude, it is more exciting. What God is doing in your lives? Because you're applying scripture then hearing me breakdown scripture.

Come on.

That was dumb. BC's is why I'm breaking down stuff. But right now we're this season and it we're going to go right. Who wants who wants to who wants to share with someone this week? His hands. Wow. Who was the step out? Okay, put those hands up who wants to do it. So Daddy and your name Jesus, I thank you right out and I released from the authorities giving me fire on them to share my where we could not be silenced. They cannot stop because your spirits begins to permeating them to a place at least I got to tell you something man and Lord. I Thank you for highlighting people. Tell them I thank you that has a sleep they will have Time traveling counters in their sleep that they will meet people the next day. Because you do those things Jesus I've seen you do it. So I thank you God for that their faith increases.

in the name of Jesus

Hey, Matt. All right, so next week.

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