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6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given:

And the government shall be upon his shoulder:

And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God,

The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

To begin with brothers and sisters, Christian friends, well wishers and saints of God we have finally made it to the Sunday after Christmas. There are a plethora of important events that can’t be ignored when it comes to the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First of all the Incarnation Conception can’t be ignored. The Incarnation Conception has been defined as the period of time where the Holy Ghost overshadows the Virgin Mary who becomes pregnant with Jesus Christ, the Holy Child; therefore this Holy Incarnation Conception makes Jesus fully man and fully God at the same time, being 100% man while being 100% God making Jesus the Monghanes God and our All Sufficient Savior. Explain it pastor, Jesus knows our human side but yet without sin and Jesus Christ is fully God so He’s the Ultimate Divine Entity that can save us from our sins, “teach me Pastor”.
A Child is Born. As we look at the tint tone and timbre in the text it says For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is given: Here are the facts that can’t be ignored. 2. The miraculous birth can’t be ignored because the bible says that the Angel Gabriel came and told the virgin Mary that she was going to have a baby.
3. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that Joseph found out and tried to divorce Mary. Gabriel said in a dream no no no Joseph go on and marry Mary because that baby is from the Holy Ghost. Joseph went on and married Mary.
4. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that They went to Bethlehem to register and pay taxes but could not find a room. So, They found a stable and Mary had the baby.
5. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that The Angel Gabriel told the Shepherds to come see the Lord’s Christ that born in Bethlehem. The shepherds probably sung Hark the heralds sing Glory to the new born King.
On a cold December morning The Shepherds came and the little baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes and laying in a manger filled with hay.
6. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that The shepherds leave telling the story on the mountains and over the hills and everywhere that Jesus Christ is Born.
7. Another fact that can’t be ignored is that after eight days the baby is circumcised and named Jesus according to Jewish Law. And Mary according to Jewish Law stayed away from the general public until after her purification period was over. After that Joseph and Mary went to the temple to dedicate baby Jesus.
8. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that Isaiah 9 :6 in the b clause says unto us a son is given, That’s enough!!! A son is given Yeah 3x Simeon and Anna the Priest were in the temple when Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus in the church to be dedicated. we ought too bring our children to be dedicated to the Lord. If they brought Jesus to the church to be dedicated what about our own children, Merry Christmas Amen everybody. The bible says in Luke 2:25-35 that Simeon caught the Holy Ghost went stone crazy over baby Jesus. Oh yeah Simeon took the baby up in his arms and bless baby Jesus and said I’v seen the Lord’s Christ, and my business is fixed and Lord when it’s your to call and mine to answer I’m ready.Because I’ve seen God face to face.
9. Another important fact that can’t be ignored And Simeon said Mary this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel and Simeon said and Jesus is going to go against the established order and they are going to kill Him for it. When Joseph and Mary heard Simeon talk the bible says they marvelled.
10. Another important fact that can’t be ignored in this same section of scripture is how Anna the old prophetess began to to reiterate the same thing Simeon said her sermon in the temple was The Lord has sent Redemption in the flesh to come to Jerusalem. The Messiah is finally here. The bible says after they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord Mary and Joseph returned back home to Nazareth.
Then 11. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that Joseph and Mary must have gone back to Bethlehem about a year or so later but!!! this time Joseph the carpenter, had built his family a house. Teach me Pastor
12. Another important fact that can’t be ignored Approximately two years later the Magi Comes to town.oh it’s big deal, it’s like Mardi Gras on Canal Street in New Orleans, Louisiana. The entourage is huge. There are three Kings called Wise Men who come from the East. who have come to bless and worship the Messiah. There was Melkon King of Persia. There was Balthasa, a King of Arabia. And Finally there was Casper, a King of India And they have a huge entourage accompanying them.
And the bible gives us
13. Another important fact that can’t be ignored in Matthew 2:2 that when the Wise men came they made bold declarations saying Where is he that is born King of the Jews because we have seen His Star in the east and we are come to worship Him. We are here this morning to worship the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior our Messiah. Somebody say thank you Jesus. But Herod and All of Jerusalem are troubled at the wise men’s declaration. So Herod called all of his top advisors and soothsayers and magicians and diviners and they said in essence King Herod we didn’t want to bother you with this but Jewish Prophecy says in the book of Micah 5:2
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,
though you are too small to be among the army groups from Judah,
from you will come one who will rule Israel for me.
He comes from very old times,
from days long ago.”
The bible say that after this prophecy was spoken Herod called for a secret meeting with the Magi. Herod said all the right stuff but his intentions were wicked and volatile!!! Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus. And brothers and sisters it’s gt people who want to stop your dreams and aspirations before they ever get off the ground. Oh but God directed three Kings, king Melkon of Persia. king Balthasa of Arabia and king Casper of India to follow the shining star that stood directly over the house where Joseph and Mary were staying
.14. And here’s Another important fact that can’t be ignored, when the three king from the orient came into the house they saw the young child with his Mary his mother, and they fell down, and worshipped Jesus. Right now Lord Jesus we worship you in this house 3x Lord you are worth my praise my reverence my adoration Lord we worship you. The wise men worshipped Jesus.
15. And Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that the wise men knew the scriptures where it says in our main theme verse And the government shall be upon his shoulder . Listen a three king knew the great responsibility placed upon Jesus shoulders and and and so they brought some assistance.
And here’s
16. Another important fact that can’t be ignored The wise men Melkon, Balthasa, and Casper brought great treasures with them. They brought Gold which is a symbol of the King of Kings
They brought Frankincense which is a symbol of The High Priest
and the brought Myrrh which is a perfume but also an em bombing fluid that was worth a pretty penny in that day. In fact all of the gifts were worth of great value.
And and and the bible says where ever your heart is, that’s also where your treasure will be. it’s what people do for you not what they say to you…
17. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that Herod said he wanted to go and worship Jesus but in actuality he wanted to kill Jesus. but the Magi the three kings Melkon Balthasa and Casper came to reverence the new born king.
18. Another important fact that Can’t be ignored in Isaiah 6:9 that Jesus’ name will be called Pele for being Wonderful, Ya ats for being our Counseller, Jesus is called El Gibbhor for being The Mighty God, He’s called The perpetuity Abba for being The Everlasting Father, and Jesus is called the Sar Shalom for being The Prince of Peace. For being the Chieftain over all other Princes. And the wise men knew it and the wise men worshipped God in the personality of Jesus Christ our Messiah.
Then 19. Another important fact that can’t be ignored is that after the wise men worshipped Jesus and after the wise men left Gold frankincense and Myrrh the bible says in Matthew 2:12 Lord warned them in a dream to go home another way and not! let Herod know where Joseph Mary and baby Jesus was. The Lord will keep your enemies from doing you hurt harm or danger... Say Amen Church. because number
20. in research tells us Another important fact that can’t be ignored God wouldn’t let wicked Herod kill Jesus, the Messiah the Savior of the world before He could fulfill His purpose. Amen Matthew 2:13 teaches talks and tells us that the Angel Gabriel appears t Joseph in a dream and said in essence get out of Dodge Leave town now take your wife and the baby to Egypt until I call for you. You have enough Gold frankincense and myrrh to live comfortably Joseph you’ve got enough to make it so Get Up!!! Get Up Now because Herod want to Kill the young Holy child. Joseph got up in the middle of the night and shot out for Egypt and Joseph Mary and Baby Jesus was safe under God care God’s concern and God compassion for this old world because God so Loved the world because He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have an everlasting life.
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