Real Consolation through the Word: New Year's Day 2021
Sermon Tone Analysis
As we begin another year in covenant together, like Wesleyan church renewing our covenant vows - in our homes - baptismal vows; as church members, particularly you who have professed faith - made a promise to continue growing in Christ. And if haven’t made such vows to others here, checking out doing Christian life in community with us, - for all of us, two persistent “small people” of the Christmas story that teach us how to begin a new year. One is Simeon - calls us this morning to have laser eyed focus on God’s Revelation, His Word, and most especially the promise part of His word in Jesus. The Second is a woman who would have married young by our standards, but life turned upside down , after just 7 years of marriage - and in addition to a laser eyed focus on the Promises in Christ from God’s Word, she teaches us what we will look at on our first Lord's Day service of the year tonight, having a ministry of fasting and prayer, which undergirds her witness about Jesus to those around her. Feel both disciplines are especially worthy to examine in your life and to renew, particularly relevant in light of another year of pandemic. Remember as it started, many of us felt, much of the busy-ness, areal time of opportunity to be in the Word and in prayer in a more concentrated way.
So before we begin, I am asking you to do some 3 simple evaluation questions: Which is a stronger discipline for you , which is the weaker? Quality in Bible reading - scale 1 -10 communion with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit , Knowing better more deeply, Finding new guidance, shaped in your character, encouraged, corrected? Quality of Prayer life - scale 1-10 communion with God in Christ by the Spirit, do you ask boldly, do you converse deeply do you give thanks, is there any confession, all one way conversation - just shopping list. How about quantity: how often and long in the Word in the day, how often and how long in prayer in your day. Interesting to reflect if this has changed in the last year, and then ask yourself what am I shooting for in this coming year! The point of God’s Word on the first day is not to legalistically get you just shooting to read more pray more, read better pray better, but to unfold how those who truly find Christ, are those who
Key Truth: Consolation in Christ comes through a right use of the WORD
Here we find such encouragement to read our Bibles this year, to attend to its teaching and preaching in our lives, not because it is some religious duty, or because its what Christian do, but because it is the crucial way in which the gracious promises of God get worked personally into our lives. Begin this year and endeavor through out it:
A. Read the Word seeking PROMISED Consolation in Christ
Now while that is a big word and one that is a little unfortunate in our culture - its still the right word if we understand it. The only contemporary use we really have for this word is the losers round of a sports tournament, if you get knocked out and aren’t that good, losers round of the tournament - toilet bowl, that pool B gets the consolation trophy, best of the worst. That is small consolation.
But the place we get to the right meaning is from the verb which we do use like the real meaning of this word: Who do we console - got a friend that just got sick, lost opportunity to get into job or school program, one who is grieving - we seek to console such people in our lives right. Well, God is the God of all comfort - consoler of His people broken in sin and suffering par excellent. Whole story of the OT - oppressed people Exodus- God shows up because concerned, loves and walk among them to deliver them from suffering, sadness, leads them to Promised Land. Think of the Exile, God promises to come to His people and do it again. Well, that OT picture of God consoling in serious national and personal, just a smaller picture of how this world oppressed enslaved in sin and death and suffering, we are all exiled, - and the OT Prophets show - God’s word is to the world - that He is sending real CONSOLER - The COMFORTER - Messiah Christ - the first Paraclete come along side and comfort, encourage and lead and guide - sample of promises of how He would CONSOLE = forgive, heal, rebuild, comfort, strengthen, place in family, a kingdom, a job, bestow inheritance… Luke 24 Jesus says - all Scripture speaks of me - instruction, warning, promise, threat, wisdom, but ultimately = full orbed salvation … 2 Corinthians 1:20 says And whatever promises God has made they are all yes and Amen in Christ.
For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.
Now get this - all the promises of grace and salvation in the OT ultimately fulfilled in Christ - and its really like a lottery ticket - gift that big. But just like a lottery ticket is for someone who has a number - its only those who enlightened by Holy Spirit looking to Christ - recognize “Hey my name written into each promises to be fulfilled either now in this life or in the life to come” - say Yes let it be to me.
You got to love Simeon, the commoner, so into the word - and like Joseph righteous and devout - not perfect, but in covenant fellowship with God by faith. If that is you, and you commit to seeking, applying the promises of this word to your life - half way there. But there is a second way, we need to discover the consolation of Christ in the Word. Yes, seek Christ & his promises to us in every reading, but more!
B. Read the Word each day with the Holy SPIRIT.
Really remarkable that Luke records three times the influence of the Holy Spirit with this consolation seeker. First we read in Luke 2:25b and the Holy Spirit was upon him. Something so unlike the OT temporary and unusual gifting for a task - like artists Bezial, or like Sampson, or even King Saul. now here is one who habitually and continually has the Holy Spirit upon Him, like the Spirit was hovering upon the face of the deep. But look in the next verse what Luke discovered the Holy Spirit had actually done in Zechariah’s life: Luke 2:26 And the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord’s Christ. That’s exactly how John describes what Jesus said would happen when He sent the Holy Spirit - the Spirit would be the revealer of Gods judgment and wrath, and deliverance and promise; Jesus later said, the Spirit would take what is the Son’s and make it known, revealed, applied to His people! Now we don’t need this kind of direct revelation, this is the Christ with neon lights from heaven like Simeon did - we have the word of the prophets made more sure. Supernatural direct way - God brings it all together - all the revelation of the coming Christ, what his own perosnal need, his world’s need taught by the Spirit - and then orchestrate as in tune with I. Simeon’s daily worship; II. - parents coming purification/redemption- and III. mention of the Spirit - he was in the Spirit - . Now here is a phrase in the NT once all believers inwardly receive the Spirit not just with but in us. Its possible to a) grieve that Spirit, walk out of step, and its possible to have b) fellowship in the Spirit and walk in step with Him - and God wants to reveal the Christ first to Simeon, as He is In the Spirit . That’s how we see salvation - but only as that day He went up to temple to worship, to hear , to wait on the Lord. And then like a lightning bolt from on high it happens.
Q. What about you and me, how are we reading God’s Scriptures deposited with us, his church? When you do devotions - are you in step or out of step, grieving by saying I will walk in my sin, God make my life easy but I don’t really care about your will; I don’t want to be transformed! ; or like deep calling to deep God Spirit with our Spirit - and these promises and words make a complete circuit and like electricity flowing from God through us - Yes, this is the way walk in grace and truth. As you begin another year, here it again - the Word without the Spirit in your devotions - you will dry up. The Spirit without the Word and you will blow up, But the Spirit with the Word and you will Grow Up. Gospel of John - Jesus desire for you this year - to shine more like God - reflect image of God in Christ - how Sanctify them, Father Jesus prayed, Well how? By Your word!
So very practically - let me ask you whether decide on a method to take in God’s full word, devoion book a nugget at atime, or section, Bible in ayear for me again , or two years. Or master one book, Write out a book. Or journal on one. Memorize - some method decide on - But then like we do hear, ask the Holy Spirit to come in your reading work with this Word have a prayer of illumination. And then like Simeon - I challenge each one of us - to actually to do what our text says, Simeon with all devout believers were doing: wait on the Lord’s Promises.
Advantage of reading Bible through, or even start with reading plan of key chapters of each book. He knew the times like the men of Issachar. Jesus says, when I come again faith on earth, watch and wait, expectantly, why finish the book of Revelation - know the times and the place of the church and how we are prised to overcome. , not taken away into error, distracted to say world is going to hell in a hand basket, just stay pure, think better than the rest, but no real growth in Christ. Role of the church, your role in the Church ,with believers, with neighbours. Read marking the promises God is marking to you, to us His church until Christ comes again. What is God doing, what is he commanding me to do in response?
And that brings us to the last thing I believe we should learn from Simeon. It’s what he does after with God’s revelation & the Spirit causing that lightening strike - look at his response. It comes in two parts: first, in what he does and then. what he says.
C. Read the Word each day with Personal Response in WORSHIP & SERVICE
What Simeon physically does is directed towards God. Luke 2:28 It must have been some high drama. The commoner everyone thought was crazy. You here again, why, Looking for Messiah oh… He approaches this couple and he takes their baby and lifts him up in his arms. And you know what delight I have in giving blessing to God’s people each Lords’ Day service, Like Moses of old, whom God said pronounce the blessing like this. Aged Simeon didn’t bless the people, but GOD
he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,
Why would God need blessing from us? It like what glory can we add to God. Full bucket - can we add any water it just overflows. But something so amazing - glory shines back and forth. When God reveals and applies to you - say thank you -look up into His face in Christ. Let it all register. That’s what Simeon did with his revelation - do you? Should be what we do in worship here - you show us Jesus your Son his salvation - we bless you God. What you should do at the end of your Bible reading time -
But the second response is what he says, and this is directed not just to God but others around him. Can you imagine what an encouragement this was to Mary and Joseph - we have thought about their sacrificial love and bringing Christ into world, and adopting him - no one else seems to get it. But the very moment - the Son of God, the Messenger of the Covenant comes into the Temple - earthly headquarters of God’s kingdom, - What a confirmation - here is salvation - Do you share the salvation you are receiving from GOD’S WORD, FROM THE SON with anyone - discussed at our tables, living room , conversations after sermons , what is God teaching, what is he doing in my life
But it wasn’t just Joseph & Mary - who here, listen to the greater audience Simeon’s words would reach: my eyes have seen your salvation for all people light to Gentiles : Luke 2:31-32
that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.”
Sound crazy to the priests and Israelite worshippers showed up that day. Salvation, Messiah for whom? Not just for the insiders, those Righteous, but in the presence of all peoples - the whole city, all kinds of people, every nation. A light of revelation for whom - the Gentiles, - unbelievers - without this witness to salvation and Messiah won’t get into their lives. Yes the glory to your people Israel, but that glory designed to burst the bounds of Israel -
And that is a second response we should resolve this year in our Bible reading and response to the preached word - what we learn about where the Church is at in this stage of the world, what we learn about where his world is heading and how it needs this salvation in Christ. Read with an eye to share in words with all peoples around us, both believers and with unbelievers. We have a divine light, a perspective from God on all this world is facing - and for particular people God has called us to walk beside. Yes apply it to ourselves first - but what about the uncertainity , the grief, the sickness, the opportunities, the talents - neighbours - has - speak the Word. We are to share it with each other too, like Simenon's last words of truth to Mary Luke 2:34-35
And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.”
Hugely significant revelation he shares - Jesus Himself is God’s sign that causes our falling and our rising. Insight beyond what we can deal with now- but will like Simeon share with each other insight on journey with God, with one another. Not remain silent about what the life and light, comfort, and vocation, calling of Jesus means in each others lives!
And that brings us to the conclusion. If live with the Word like that in 2022, no matter how old or young, how learned or unlearned you may be as a Christian, every single one who resolves to use the Word like Simeon this year- if have that Christocentirc focus - if seek that Holy Spirit empowerment of the word, - like Paul says of the Thessalonians not only received word , but in the pwoer f the HOly Spirit. The lightening of applying those truths, at right time with right people, right here in our livesin 2022. If receiveing and sharing the word like that blessing God for it. So able to say like Simeon: Luke 2:29
“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word;
There is so much usefulness in rest of our earthly life here, but all of ought to be able to says: Lord we have seen Jesus we get his coming kingdom - so unlike rest of the world, ready to die and be with the Lord if that is his design. DO you understand for aged Simeon, lived for the moment of his life - reveal the Christ in the temple to the world. Like a servant saying, I finished the commission of my life. May it be this year -we too knowing we are called to know and bless God for the Christ, and then make him known - we are fulfilling our purpose too.
So I challenge you to plan the work of your devotion for 2022 and then work that plan. I bet you will have lightening strike moments - Christ’promises, salvation , the Word and Spirit - your needs, your neighbours come together! And that’s half of the way I believe this end of Luke 2 calls us to begin the year. Tomorrow the first Lord’s morning service look at the other way - without which can have no hope to bear fruit. To dedicate int Prayer and fasting like that of Anna.
Hymn: 320 Lord, Dismiss Us with Your Blessing.
*The Blessing: From 2 Thessalonians 2:16,17
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and our God and Father,
who has loved us
and has given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace,
Comfort your hearts,
and establish you in every good word and work. Amen.